At night, there is a bright moon hanging in the sky.

The Knicks rookie season all set off to Tang Ziwen’s villa.

“Wow, Scarlett Johansson~!”

“It’s Scarlett, what a big surprise, I want to sign!”

“I want to sign too!”

Now “Widow Sister” after the release of Iron Man 2, her popularity once soared wildly, and she became a hotter superstar in Hollywood, but today’s Scarlett is not wearing a cold black outfit, but sassy white six-point shorts and a jersey of 34 Tang Ziwen.

“OK, if everyone wants to sign, I will sign it.”

Tang Ziwen’s teammate, of course, she has to give enough face.

Generally, parties are only held for birthday dinners, but today’s theme is “For Friendship”!

To put it simply, Tang Ziwen, as the core boss of the Knicks, invites a group to the house in the form of a party to increase each other’s feelings, and if the relationship is well connected, the court will be more tacit, more motivated, and more comfortable to cooperate with each other.

Scoring with strangers is definitely not a boost.

The group of more than thirty people, very lively, single alone.

The dining table is full of cut fruits, potato chips, appetizers, chocolate, champagne, wine, beer, high-end influences from the living room and beautiful light music, and the villa scene is very lively.727

“Hard work my baby~!” Tang Ziwen walked to the kitchen and kissed Mei Mei’s forehead.

Taylor Swift smiled happily, “Don, this arty has been dragging on for almost a month to celebrate winning the championship. ”

“I’m going to take you on vacation to the beach and play for a week!”

“Really?” Taylor was pleasantly surprised: “Don, take Scarlett.” ”

“Huh? Scarlett…,” Tang Ziwen smiled helplessly, “The vacation is not in the villa, there will definitely be scandals, but I just need to call Stephen and Ayesha, and that’s it!” ”

In the living room, O’Neill was actually performing a hot dance, mobilizing the atmosphere of the dinner.

“It’s worthy of being an old fat man, he really knows how to play.” The smile at the corner of Tang Ziwen’s mouth rose.

In fact, O’Neal is really happy, after he joined the Knicks, with the Knicks’ stronger main lineup and rotation lineup than last year, he is definitely expected to win this year’s championship and definitely make his career more complete.


“Wait!” O’Neill waved his hand and said with a smile: “Shouldn’t the owner of the villa speak?” ”

“Huh?” Tang Ziwen smiled helplessly and looked at everyone, “Everyone have fun, if you don’t have fun, you are not allowed to go home ha~ccdf), Nick’s goal this year is the championship, let’s make this glass of wine and champagne together for this goal!” ”


The sound of wine glasses clashing sounded, and the party at the villa began~!

Elementary school student Curry is more paralyzed, and only by playing with people who are particularly familiar can he completely release himself.

Tang Ziwen, as the core boss, is really helpless to drink a glass of wine~, everyone hopes that he can drink, and there is no shy refusal, and he simply drinks it, but he is not used to drinking red wine, only drinking beer.

Beer is a need for exercise drops, his is very good, but not much drinking, over time, it is a lot worse.

Usually, after the Knicks win the game, it is all champagne.

Taylor Swift himself sang in the villa, making the atmosphere even stronger.

At the beginning, Curry, a primary school student who gradually couldn’t let go, also completely let go of playing.

In a word.

Just play~!

The playoffs have been tense, and it hasn’t been so relaxed in a long time.

“Follow the boss to win the championship, come, cheers!” Iguodala yelled.

One brother, after winning a championship with Tang Ziwen, has now completely integrated into this team, and his heart is full of gratitude to the Knicks and Tang Ziwen.


The group played until 11 o’clock at night, and then they all left the scene.

In the end, only Tang Ziwen, Taylor Swift, and Scarlett Johansson were left in the villa.

About an hour later.

Taylor spread his hands helplessly, “Oh, Scarlett, I really won’t pour him wine again, it’s really too laborious!” ”

Scarlett was also tired and sweaty, and said with a bitter smile: “I won’t pour Tang anymore, it’s really too tired to take care of him.” ”

That’s right, Scarlett and Taylor helped the drunken Tang Ziwen to the bathroom, and the two helped clean up their shirts that were wet with wine and champagne, and then helped take a shower, which was originally a very exciting and happy thing, but it was a very headache….

Oh, my God.

With Tang Ziwen’s height and weight, taking care of it is really exhausting Taylor and Scarlett.

“Boom!” The two helped Tang Ziwen and threw him on the bed, and then they both gasped heavily.

So tired!

So exhausting!

Who let Tang Ziwen drink only five or six bottles is fine, and the two of them continue to pour…….

“I’ll go take a shower, Taylor!”



After taking a bath, Scarlett and Taylor said hello, walked directly to the small bedroom on the first floor, their faces were flushed, and they gently lay next to Tang Ziwen, and then reached out and pulled the futon and covered the two directly.

Tang Ziwen really drank too much this time.

The next day, as soon as he woke up, he saw Scarlett lying beside him, and he violently flipped open the futon.

“Taylor, Taylor!” He got up and walked out of the room, saw Taylor sitting on the sofa watching the TV series, and couldn’t help but ask softly: “Taylor ~, am I in the evening…”

“I don’t know anything, Scarlett took care of you for a while.” Taylor shook his head, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, “Didn’t she take care of you?” ”

“Huh?” Tang Ziwen’s eyes widened, and he was confused, and he saw that Scarlett was already wearing pajamas, sitting next to him with a triumphant smile, and leaned directly into his arms.

“Scarlett, we….”

“Taylor has allowed me to like you, and I’m your woman now!”

Tang Ziwen’s brain hurts, and he can only accept it calmly…..

As everyone knows, he was designed a drunken trap by two little nizi.

“Today is the time that belongs to the two of you, and we have to go back to my hometown of Pennsylvania.”

Within a few minutes, Taylor left the villa, leaving only Tang Ziwen and Scarlett staring at the little eyes wide-eyed.

“Taylor’s philosophy has been completely transformed, my pure Meimei~!” Tang Ziwen looked up to the sky and shouted helplessly.

“Poof…,” Scarlett couldn’t help but cover her mouth and chuckled, “I’m going to work too.” She liked to bully Tang Ziwen like this, looking at his blue and white face, she couldn’t help but snicker in her heart… This tactic, perfect success!

“Return my pure Taylor!” Tang Ziwen looked at her “viciously”, and then hugged a princess fiercely in his arms.

“Don!” She snorted.

“I’m going to bully you to death!”

“Come, who is afraid of whom? Hum! Scarlett rolled her charming eyes, her eyes were slightly provocative and contemptuous, Tang Ziwen had slept next to her for seven hours yesterday night, and she didn’t wake up in the middle of the night, which made her very angry!

She hugged Tang Ziwen’s neck with both hands.

Tang Ziwen couldn’t help but smile, “You’re even wilder than Taylor~”

“Wild?” Her eyes were slightly puzzled.

It seems that it will take a certain amount of time to tame this wild horse (30,000 words omitted here)!

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