Chapter 151 Burst into flames all over the United States again, Lin Qingli flag!!

After the awards, there was also a dinner party to entertain all the guests who arrived.

However, Lin Qing’s situation was not very good.

Because at the moment of the end of the ceremony, Lin Qing had not yet had time to leave, and he was surrounded by all the media.

Countless shots, microphones will be surrounded by ~ water leaks.

The reporters had long been impatient, and all kinds of questions were thrown out one after another–and the scene was very noisy.

“Don’t worry, come one by one!”

“Don’t crowd, if you have problems, you have to queue up!”

Looking at the eyes of these reporters, they were eager to swallow Lin Qingsheng alive and peel him off.

Coach Sanders, who was sitting next to Lin Qing, quickly got up and blocked Lin Qing’s body and made a cameo appearance as a temporary order maintainer.

Helplessly, the reporters were numerous, and the crowded Sanders coach stood unsteadily and almost fell.

However, Sang Shuai still did not take half a step back, Lin Qing was his beloved disciple, and he still wanted to be affected by these reporters.

Finally, under his strong repression, the reporters finally regained their senses and stopped crowding.

But one by one, they raised their hands high and waited for Lin Qing to name them.

Lin Qing then pointed to esplanade journalists.

The man looked at his peers triumphantly and quickly asked, “Lin, first of all, congratulations on winning such an honor.” ”

“You have presented us with such a shocking performance this month, is this building data deliberately done by you?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Lin Qing.

This reporter can really pick questions, and he is so tricky as soon as he opens his mouth!

However, Lin Qing was not displeased, but instead revealed a smile that was enough to fascinate people and replied, “Of course not!” ”

“I hope to be able to use my strength to help the team to keep winning. As for the data, I didn’t pay much attention to it. ”

“Of course, if there is a chance, maybe I will really show you what is the building data!”

Lin Qing perfectly avoided the trap in the reporter’s question, and at the same time gave everyone a topic that they were looking forward to more.

“Lin Qing didn’t care that the data had already achieved such results, if he really made up his mind to brush a game, how scared would it be?”

“Is it necessary to surpass Chamberlain’s one hundred point miracles?”

Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but flash a little shock in their hearts.

If this day really happens, I am afraid that the entire NBA will explode, and its car and the server number of the whole network may be small, but the reporters can ignore this, they wish that this day comes as soon as possible.

For the media, Lin Qing is the focus, that is, traffic, is a lot of dollars!

Even if the server is paralyzed, it is not spared.

Xia Guohu pounced on the rumor: The day of the general decision of the Zhanke Division, the time when the tiger poker stock was listed.

This is a joke, but also shows the unparalleled influence of the two.

But now it can be changed to: the day Lin Qing wins the championship, it is time for Tiger Poker to go public!

Then it was the turn of the Yahoo Sports reporter to ask questions.

The other person’s question is simple and straightforward.

“Lin, with the Wizards’ record now, returning to the playoffs is not a problem, I wonder if you have the confidence to win the championship?”

The championship is the biggest pursuit of all professional players.

But 30 teams have been working hard for a year, and only one can win the O’Brien Cup.

Especially at the moment, the Lakers and Celtics are at their peak.

Spurs old and strong, Thunder, Bulls rising star, Cavaliers, Suns, Magic, Mavericks.

Any team has the quality to win the championship.

It’s not easy for the Wizards to get out of these giants!

However, Lin Qing was not afraid at all.

“Our goal this season is to win the title! If I can’t win the championship, all the honors I have received today will be meaningless. ”

“Bringing the O’Brien Cup back to Washington is my biggest pursuit!”

This sentence was transmitted to the United States in real time through live media broadcasts.

Fans in Washington went crazy when they heard Lin Qing’s domineering victory declaration.

“Lin Qing, we believe in you, you can definitely lead the Wizards back to the top!”

“Wow, I can’t wait anymore! The day the wizards won the championship, when Lin Qing was crowned. You are the king of wizards, and we look forward to your early coronation…”

“The team has been sinking for a long time, but our enthusiasm has not diminished! We would like to inject the power of the whole of Washington into your body and lead the Wizards to the top again! ”

After Lin Qing said the team’s declaration of winning the championship, the reporters were even more crazy.

Various questions were asked in turn, and Lin Qing was a little dry.

“Well, fellow journalists, there is only one last question left!”

“In this way, I will become the first player who cannot participate in the game because of thirst!”

Lin Qing’s refusal did not arouse disgust, but the humorous ridicule made everyone like him more…

All the reporters looked at Lin Qing’s fingers, expecting themselves to be the last lucky one.

Finally, Lin Qing slowly held out his finger…

Everyone’s eyes followed the direction of their fingers, and finally landed on a dark-haired beauty.

Zhang Xiaoxue, the NBA correspondent of basketball pioneer newspapers, has never been so excited as he is today.

In the major media, she is just a very inconspicuous little shrimp rice.

But at this moment, the foot became the most admired object of all peers.

“Me, me?”

Zhang Xiaoxue’s heart was pounding, and he stuttered a little when he spoke.

Still a little incredulous, pointing to his nose to reconfirm.

When he saw Lin Qing nodding with a smile, his face instantly turned red.

After taking a deep breath and calming down, I finally asked a question.

“Please, please, Lin Qing, you, you reached your ankle in the last game, and the domestic fans are very worried about you, will it affect your subsequent performance?”

When Lin Qing heard this, his heart couldn’t help but warm up.

In the end, it is our own people in the Xia Kingdom, the first thing they care about is their own body.

Unlike these old beauties, only know to dig the pit hype!

Lin Qing said with a smile: “Please rest assured that all the fans in China who pay attention to me have undergone the most comprehensive examination after I was injured. ”

“There is no impact on the ankle, and there will be no missing out of the game. In the later stage, I will continue to present more wonderful performances to domestic fans! ”

Hearing this happy news, Zhang Xiaoxue almost jumped up excitedly.

Although she even stopped her gaffe performance, she could see that even she herself was full of concern for Lin Qing’s health.

Injuries, a few draws is the biggest pain of all the Summer Kingdom conquest to play in the NBA, Dayao in the NBA at the same time, but also to participate in the World Championships, the physical burden is extremely large, often encounter injuries, the most recent 07 season left ankle fracture, so that he can not even participate in the playoffs.

The UAE League also suffered a sudden injury after several wonderful performances, stopped playing, and never cashed in on the talent.

These precedents have made domestic fans more and more worried about Lin Qing’s body.

Xia Guo has another basketball genius, and if it is ruined by injuries again, it will be the most unacceptable loss for all Summer Country fans!

Thankfully, Lin Qing was unscathed, and Xia Guoqiumi could finally let the woman’s heart go!

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