Chapter 167 The show did not succeed, but was exploded!!

When Lin Qing’s bullfight with Kobe was over, it was almost noon.

They played for hours, whether it was Lin Qing or Kobe Bryant, all of them were very enjoyable.

After several rounds of bullfighting, Kobe Bryant lost more and won less, but he was still hot.

Happy said: “Lin, this time will end here, next time old Los Angeles, we continue!” ”

Lin Qing’s face was bitter: “Kobe, you are not addicted!” ”

“Hahaha! Do we players have to constantly take on new challenges? ”

The two of them said as they returned, and soon sent Lin Qing back to the hotel.

At this point, the Clippers players have already packed up their things and are ready to return to Washington.

But because he didn’t see Lin Qing, he had to wait here.

As soon as Lin Qing got out of the car, the primary school student Curry quickly ran over.

“Lin, where have you been?” Don’t say a word, my door is in a hurry! ”

Then he saw Kobe Bryant, and Curry quickly threw up his tongue: “It turns out that I went out with Kobe, then it was good, then it was good.” ”

It turned out that because at a press conference yesterday, Lin Qing broke the news about Clippers owner Sterling.

It has already caused an uproar in the alliance.

Who knew that Lin Qing had disappeared early this morning.

The imaginative primary school student Curry immediately thought that it was not the other party to retaliate against Lin Qing, arrested him, if it was not Lin Qing’s early return, he was ready to go to the police, Lin Qing’s heart was warm, and from the anxious eyes of the primary school students, he saw that he really cared about himself.

The two then bid farewell to Bryant and hurried back to the room to pack up their things.

After a while, the Wizards players all packed up and laughed and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, several luxury cars drove away in a big way, and as soon as the doors opened, out of it came an old white man dressed in elaborate clothes.

It was Clippers owner Sterling.

Sterling walked straight to the Wizards players and said enthusiastically, “Hey, Wizards players, hello guys! ”

However, his enthusiasm did not respond.

The Wizards’ coaches and players all looked at him coldly and had a very cold attitude.

Head coach Sanders was even more angry: “Please get out of the way, we still have to catch the plane!” ”

But Sterling was also unimpressed, and continued: “Lin, hello, I am here to apologize to you today, please make sure you take the time to accept my apology.” ”

When Lin Qing heard this, he was confused.

In previous histories, he remembered sterling being a dead duck with a hard mouth.

How did you take the soft gargling so quickly today?

In fact, it is because the pressure from the outside world is too great.

First the Clippers players went on strike en masse, and then the next few teams that were going to play against the Clippers announced their retirements, and then went to the major broadcasters and refused to broadcast for the Clippers’ race car.

Even the operators of staples were reluctant to continue renting them out.

It was only at this moment that Sterling finally discovered how much trouble he had run into, so at the suggestion of an assistant, Sterling hurried to rinse Lin Qing before he left Los Angeles.

At first, Sterling was reluctant to do so, but after one bad news after another, he had to give in!

Lin Qing glanced at Sterling, but found the sincerity of what he said in his mouth.

There was still a hint of disdain in the depths of his eyes.

This confession seems to be just to cope with official affairs, not his sincere remorse.

Lin Qing thought in his heart: Heng! I know that, and see how I can debunk you!”

So he said, “Since Mr. Stirling has something to say, I will not resign.” But because we have to catch a plane, we can only give you five minutes, please make a quick decision! ”

When Stirling heard this, his face darkened slightly, but then he immediately covered it up.

As a team owner, he was used to it, and he used to dictate to the players, but he didn’t expect to listen to Lin Qing’s command this time, and he was very unhappy in his heart.

However, since I came today, I still have to put on the play.

Sterling waved his hand, and the assistant immediately understood.

Immediately after that, a group of people quickly emerged from the two cars behind them, carrying their hands on their shoulders, all cameras, and surrounded the two people as soon as they came.

Sterling actually brought the media directly.

It seems that you are really prepared!

This also confirms Sterling’s true idea of putting on a show.

Lin Qingmian did not change color, as if these long guns and short guns did not exist.

Subsequently, witnessed by the media, Sterling apologized to Lin Qing with a sincere look.

“Lin, I apologize to you for the inappropriate remarks I said earlier. It’s all my fault and I hope you can accept it. ”

Sterling is experienced, although he is very unhappy in his heart, but on the surface he still performs without being picky and has a very sincere attitude.

Especially under the witness of the media, if Lin Qing does not accept it, it has become Lin Qing’s careful eyes.

As long as Lin Qing accepted the apology, Sterling could launch a fishing wheel, wash himself white, and completely suppress the matter.

His wishful thinking hit very loudly.

But he didn’t know that he had already been seen through by Lin Qing.

Lin Qing said slowly: “Mr. Stirling, what you said to me after the game, I will never forget it. ”

“At that time, I had no power and no power, so naturally I couldn’t shake you as the boss of a team.”

“With my own strength, I have only now played the respect I deserve.”

“At this point, do you still think we yellow people can’t eat the NBA?”

Sterling was stunned…

Lin Qing did not immediately accept the apology, but instead blamed himself, and the development of the matter was a little wrong!

However, under the attention of the media, he still had to continue acting.

Lian Lian smiled and said, “Yes, yes! I was wrong, the yellow race can eat the NBA, but can also play a very good performance. ”

Looking at Sterling’s reddish-like face like a pig’s liver, Lin Qing was so refreshed in his heart that he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Hahahahaha, now that Mr. Stirling has recognized his mistake and changed his mind, please come back!”

Sterling said, “You don’t accept my Dao Shu?” ”

“If you do something wrong, you must have the awareness to bear the cost.” Besides, there are so many people who have broken the news now, and it is no longer something that I alone can control. ”

“If you want to reduce your losses, I suggest you should rinse the doorway one by one, starting with Grandpa Belle!”

Elgin Baylor and the Clippers have long since fallen out, and even resorted to court for this.

The two sides are in the same situation, how can Stirling be humbled and demoted and then go to the other side to apologize?

With those words just spoken to Lin Qing, he had already tried his best to control his emotions.

Who knows that the other party does not recognize the good villains and deliberately gives themselves a problem.

This time, Sterling finally couldn’t help but explode.

“What? You yellow-skinned guy actually asked me to apologize to that? ”

As soon as the words were spoken, Sterling realized that the problem was serious.

He usually said that he was used to it, and the root body did not control itself under the fury.

Originally, the rumors about him in the outside world were still the revelations of some people, and there was no substantive evidence.

But today, finally, Sterling blew himself up!

When he uttered the words yellow-skinned guy and, Sterling’s guilt could no longer be washed away.

Lin Qing finally smiled this time, and laughed from the heart.

His judgment was indeed not wrong, and the right defense was to put on a show.

As long as he said three or two sentences, he not only easily debunked his lies, but even forced Sterling to explode himself.

Sterling made himself clever to bring the media live broadcast, but instead protected and lifted the stone to drop it on his own feet.

The latter things, do not have to worry about Lin Qing, there is a league punishment.

“Elementary schoolboy, let’s go!”

Saying that Lin Qing was the first to walk out of the hotel, the Wizards team members successively looked at each other.

Even Nick Young, Jordan Jr., and others deliberately bumped into Sterling as they left.

Obviously very unhappy with the that Sterling had just shouted.

Three days later, Sterling was diagnosed with a mental illness.

Five days later, under the signature of Sterling’s wife, the Clippers were sold to Ballmer, the Sterling family, and had nothing to do with the NBA!

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