Chapter 201 New Hate Plus Old Hate, Hammer Burst Piston!!

Only the first day of the all-star voting, Lin Qing had already won the vote king with her strong influence in Xia and the United States.

James, who was the leader in the number of votes at the beginning, saw that his ranking was overtaken, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

In last year’s All-Star vote, James’s status as the king of votes was almost taken away by Howard.

Fortunately, James made a big splash in the last few days, played a good record in a row, and also defeated the Warcraft team face to face, which opened the gap in the second half, and finally won the ticket king without any danger.

However, being surpassed by Lin Qing at the beginning of this year is a huge shame for James.

“Ahem! Can’t I stop a rookie with seven years of playing in the league? ”

“No, I must get my hands on this year’s ticket king!”

James made up his mind and immediately said in front of all his teammates: “Everyone is serious about me, the team has not performed well recently, even in the All-Star voting has fallen behind.” ”

“If this continues, why should we Cavaliers compete for the championship?”

“If anyone in the back game dares to drag his legs and release water, Hugh blames me for not being polite!”

James’s status in the Cavaliers is extremely high, and even the coach Mike Buliang does not dare to violate it.

Then James’s words followed: “Le Brun makes sense! The all-Star Game voting rankings are not as significant as the championships. ”

“But it can also be seen as a bellwether for the team’s performance in the next month!”

“If Le Brun can win the ticket king, it can definitely hit the arrogance of the Wizards recently, and I hope everyone will not be discouraged!”

In the same scene as the Cavaliers, in the Celtics, the Lakers also staged the original Lin Qing’s performance at the same time, and everyone just regarded him as a good rookie.

But now it has won the all-star ticket king in one fell swoop.

Only then did the stars finally realize Lin Qing’s horror.

His strength has been recognized by fans all over the United States, reaching the status of the league’s superstar.

Now in the hearts of all the stars, Lin Qing is already in the same position as them, and he is no longer a rookie who has just entered the league.

At the same time, in the sports channel program of the evening, the matter was also focused on.

ESPN invited a group of celebrities, and everyone divided into two camps to discuss with each other.

The famous sports host Smith made an opening statement first.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the topic we want to discuss at the forefront of sports today is Lin Qing!”

“As we all know, today is the first day of the All-Star vote, and Lin surpassed all the stars in one fell swoop and firmly ranked first.”

“I think from today’s list, it can be seen that Lin has reached the position of the league’s superstar.”

“But there are others who have a different view of this.”

“Now we have asked Bulls star Scott Pippen to give his opinion.”

Pippen is the six-crown hero who assisted Jordan, usually with his eyes above the top, and no one can look at him and say bluntly: “Lin, as a rookie, has really performed unexpectedly recently. ”

“But I don’t think Lin is enough to be in the league’s supergiants!”

“No matter how good the performance, there is no championship, it is also empty talk!”

As soon as Pippen’s words came out, Buckley stopped doing it first!

Barkley was equally strong at that time, but because of Jordan’s suppression, he did not taste a crown.

Now Pippen’s words not only negated Lin Qing, but also negated himself.

Barkley said unceremoniously, “Scott, there’s no truth to what you’re saying!” ”

“The championship is only one of the bases for judging, the most important thing is to look at his performance.”

“If, according to what you said, James wasn’t supergiant, Fisher was supergiant?”

“In my opinion, in addition to winning the championship as the boss of the team, the championship in the hands of other players is also garbage!”

Buckley’s words instantly infuriated Pippen.

According to him, the Bulls boss is Jordan, and isn’t Pippen also garbage?

Pippen retorted unceremoniously.

The debate between the two turned into a quarrel in the blink of an eye.

Smith saw the situation and hurried to stop it, and then asked the magician John Xun to express his opinion John Xun’s gentle personality and watertight speech.

As soon as he opened his mouth, it resonated with the audience.

“Lin’s performance now is comparable to that of super giant strength!”

“It’s just that the only weakness is that his time in the league is still short.”

“There are too few honors on the body to be enough to convince the public.”

“I believe that in less than two years, Lin Qing’s honor has accumulated to a certain amount.”

“The debate about whether he is supergiant will naturally disappear to the point!”

The magician’s words have been recognized by many people.

In fact, he was right, Lin Qing’s strength was not inferior to anyone at all, and the only difference was honor.

At this moment, Lin Qing was also paying attention to the program.

When he heard the magician’s words, a smile could not help but appear at the corner of his mouth.

“Huh! Accolades accumulated? ”

“It seems that I still have to work harder next!”

Lin Qing then looked at the schedule on his mobile phone, and tomorrow he will play against the Eastern Team Pistons.

Although today’s Pistons have long ceased to be the scenery of the Five Tigers General, their strength is also not small.

However, Lin Qing didn’t care…

Instead, he smiled and said, “Piston, you are unlucky this time!” My journey of honor accumulation begins with you officially! ”

Unconsciously, the piston suddenly became Lin Qing’s punching bag.

If they knew that all this was actually from tonight’s sports debate, I am afraid that they would have the heart to beat up those famous people!

On Dec. 10, the Washington Wizards played at home against the Pistons from Detroit.

Today, lin Qing just entered the locker room, and saw that coach Sanders’s expression was a little strange, and he seemed absent-minded.

Lin Qing was just about to inquire, but was pulled by Curry, who had arrived a step earlier.

Only to see the primary school student Curry mysteriously said: “Lin, you can also see that the coach’s mood is different from the past!” ”

Lin Qing nodded and asked curiously, “Do you know why?” ”

The elementary school student shook his head in confusion.

Lin Qing, who was watching, was speechless for an instant.

You don’t know what else you’re pulling me for?

Just then, Heywood quietly came up.

He’s a veteran of the Wizards, having been with the Wizards since 2001 and knowing everything inside the team.

Heywood whispered, “Lin, you just came to the team, you may not know.” ”

“The coach’s mood today was not good, in fact, because of the upcoming game!”

Curry instantly sneered, “Isn’t it the Pistons?” What’s the fuss! The Lakers, The Cavaliers are not our opponents, or afraid of the Pistons? ”

Heywood hurriedly explained, “Stephen, don’t worry. ”

“You don’t know, the coach taught on the Pistons before he coached the Wizards.”

“The coach has poured countless efforts into the Pistons’ three years. However, because the Pistons Five tigers are getting older, the team has never been able to win the championship. ”

“The coach suggested that the team strengthen, but it was rejected by short-sighted management.”

“In the end, he attributed the team’s repeated failures in the playoffs to the coach and let him carry the black pot.”

“In the end, the coach resigned indignantly because of the sadness that he did not teach for a whole year.”

“This game is his first game against the Pistons since he regained his whip, and naturally there are some mood swings in his heart!”

Hearing this, the two finally understood.

Curry was even angrier and said, “Hen! The Management of the Pistons is really too much! ”

“Such a good coach, they are so sad, today must be a good lesson to do!”

Lin Qing even sneered, “Hen Hum, I was going to take the piston to open the knife, and I still have some entanglements.” ”

“Now the new hatred and the old hatred, do not explode the hammer they really can’t say it!”

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