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"Yao Ming did it. He used a perfect performance to successfully lead the Knicks to win the game. With 47 points and 13 rebounds, Yao Ming is writing his own NBA miracle with his personal performance!"

At the Pepsi Center, Sun Zhengping looked at Yao Ming excitedly, watching the Knicks win the game.

16 wins and 0 losses, this is the first month record after Yao Ming joined the NBA.

All 16 opponents he faced won the game without exception.

Moreover, the gold content is also very high.

Whether it is the San Antonio Spurs led by Tim Duncan, the Minnesota Timberwolves led by Kevin Garnett, or the 76ers represented by Allen Iverson, they all fell in front of the New York Knicks without exception.

Yao Ming also used a performance that peaked at the debut to let the world know that there is an almighty giant from the East!

The sick man of East Asia is a thing of the past, and next, the almighty giant will lead the league!

"Yao Ming once again broke his personal record in the NBA. For the first time in the league, a team composed mainly of Chinese players remained undefeated in a single month!"

"This is definitely a historic breakthrough. You know, since the development of the NBA, there have been too many legendary superstars who are memorable, but among them, there is no trace of the Chinese."

"Moreover, let alone the Chinese, even among Asians, it is very rare."

"But now, because of Yao Ming's appearance, the history of the league is bound to change. The pride of our Chinese people will begin at this moment!"

Su Qun also couldn't hide the excitement on her face. Now even if we don't look at Yao Ming's subsequent development in the league.

Just leading the Knicks to an undefeated month is enough to be remembered by history.

The two commentators standing in the commentary booth became more and more excited. Their faces were full of pride and pride.

They strongly requested to come to the scene to comment on this game, and even said that they would pay for it out of their own pockets.

Because they knew that after this game, a record belonging to the Chinese people would permeate the entire league.

Chinese basketball, which was once ridiculed and despised, has ushered in a rise!

After Sun Zhengping and Su Qun expressed their views, the Chinese fans sitting in front of the TV watching the game were also excited!

"Yao Ming is awesome. I always thought Marcus Camby was pretty strong, but after all the fuss, this is all he can do!"

"Is it difficult to play in the NBA? Isn't it enough to have good hands?"

"Great, Yao Ming, this is the style that our Chinese basketball should have. If not, quickly find some brothers and go to the stadium to play basketball!"

"By the way, when will Yao Ming's exclusive combat shoes be released? I am getting a little impatient waiting for them.……"

At this moment, they were all frantically sending their thoughts to the number that appeared on the TV in the form of text messages.

They couldn't wait to share their feelings and joy at the moment.

Of course, more fans took out their basketballs, put on a pair of cloth shoes, and quickly ran to the basketball court...

In fact, the Chinese fans' love for basketball is not bad, but it's a pity that they can't turn this love into a profession!

The camera switched back to the Pepsi Center Arena, and the American commentator on the scene was also excited.

"What a magical scene! I am really honored to witness it. Under Yao's leadership, the Knicks completed 16 consecutive wins at the start of the season and created the feat of being undefeated in a single month. This is really shocking!"

"Yes, I am honored to witness such a legend. The Knicks have created new history by winning 16 games in a row at the beginning of the new season. This year's NA is destined to be extraordinary!"

The faces of the two commentators were full of shock. It was obvious that they had not recovered from the shock brought by this game.

It was hard to imagine that the team that created such a record was a team that had just been put together.

"Perhaps, we should be prepared to welcome the new king to the throne. The great Michael Jordan has become the biggest nightmare of Karl Malone's career. Now, Jordan is old, and after joining the Lakers, Malone finally has the opportunity to make a bid for his first O'Brien Cup!"

"But what he didn't expect was that after Jordan, someone else would become his nightmare. Although this is just my guess, I think this year's finals will most likely be between the Knicks and the Lakers!"

The two commentators, who were getting more and more emotional, even said their truest thoughts without hesitation.

Maybe in the eyes of others, the Knicks at this moment are still a long way from the championship.

But in their eyes, the Knicks have become the most favorable competitor for the championship.

Even though their team is made up of some old, weak, sick and disabled people, and the team still has obvious loopholes in many aspects.

But they know that as long as Yao Ming is there, the Knicks have unlimited possibilities!

At least from the current point of view, the Knicks with 16 wins and 0 losses definitely have a chance to compete for the championship.

I am really looking forward to the competition with the Lakers more and more!

"What a memorable game, but unfortunately we didn't make it exciting."

In the post-match interview, Nuggets head coach Jeff Bzdeli looked at the media helplessly.

This game, in terms of achievement, will definitely be a game that will be mentioned countless times in the future.

Unfortunately, they didn't make this game more exciting. They only lasted less than three quarters before they chose to surrender.

"My players didn't do a bad job. They all completed their tasks well. It's just that the Knicks were in better shape today."

"We will put in more effort and sweat for this game, and look forward to our next match. One day, victory will belong to us."

JefBzdelik looked at the reporter with hope, expressing his beautiful vision for the team's future.

But only he knew in his heart that this was just deceiving himself.

With the current lineup of the team, if they want to beat the Knicks with Yao Ming, unless Yao Ming chooses to rest.

Otherwise, there is no chance at all!

But he must say this, even if it is not to take care of the fans' emotions, he must consider the players' feelings.

Especially Marcus Camby, who was responsible for defending Yao Ming in this game.

JefBzdelik wants to tell him in this way that hard work must have results!

I hope he can make persistent efforts, turn failure into motivation, and meet more challenges!

Until he gets the desired goal!

"Yao, your performance this month has been amazing, averaging 40+ points per game. You are 12 points ahead of second-place McGrady in the scoring list. How did you do it?"

"To be honest, I didn't deliberately want to score, but I knew the team needed me, so I could only try more personal offense. As for scoring, is it difficult to score the ball?"

Yao was indeed stating a fact, but in the eyes of the media at the scene, this sentence seemed full of pretense! If

Yao Ming hadn't been born, the world would have been dark forever!

"Yao, you have created new history and achieved a record of being undefeated in a single month. Can you explain how you feel now?"

"That's just the mood!"

"This kind of honor is just an empty title after all. You know, since we have joined the NBA and become professional players, we must aim for the championship."

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