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December 11, US time, Houston, Compaq Center

"The Knicks, who ended their 21-game winning streak, will face their first opponent after the defeat, the Houston Rockets, in this game!"

"This year's Rockets team has also seen some reinforcement in its lineup. When their target Yao Ming did not participate in the draft last year, they chose Nikoloz Tskitishvili as a replacement, but it turns out that he does not seem to be worthy of the No. 1 pick!"

"Today is not only Yao Ming’s comeback battle, but also a battle of grudges between him and the Rockets!"

"That's right. Yao Ming chose to give up the draft when he was expected to be the No. 1 pick, which made the Rockets' plan fall through. This has a huge impact on their overall development. Especially when seeing Yao Ming's current excellent performance, I believe no one wants to mention last year's draft!"

In the commentary booth before the game, two professional commentators from ESPN sorted out the grievances between Yao Ming and the Rockets.

However, although the Rockets' management is very unfriendly to Yao Ming.

But it seems that local fans have a natural intimacy with Yao Ming.

Even many Rockets fans hold spliced photos of Yao Ming wearing a Rockets uniform in their hands.

"Looking forward to Yao Ming joining us, the door here is always open for you!"

"You are the No. 1 draft pick in the hearts of Houston people, and we are waiting for your return!"

"What New Yorkers can give, we can definitely give, and what New Yorkers can't give, we in Houston can also give!"

In the audience seats on the sidelines, various banners welcoming Yao Ming appeared one after another.

Obviously, in the hearts of Houston fans, Yao Ming has been regarded as their most ideal No. 1 draft pick. It's just fate that they have completely lost the opportunity to have Yao Ming!

Yao Ming sat on the sidelines, looking at the enthusiastic banners and words of Houston fans, and his heart was filled with emotion.

If it weren't for the improper remarks of a certain idiot in the Rockets management in the future, maybe it wouldn't be a big problem for him to play for Houston.

But since that happened, he would never have a good impression of the Rockets again.

Unless the Rockets are willing to let that idiot resign voluntarily and apologize to the Chinese all over the world!

But Yao Ming knew in his heart that this matter was impossible. Done.

So, what he can do when facing the Rockets is to beat them to death!

Beat them to the point where the Rockets management cries for mercy, and beat them to the point where they dare not slander the reputation of the Celestial Empire in the future!

The game is still the same clichéd plots, with players from both sides trash-talking each other before the game.

Build momentum for the game in advance.

Then it will be a real showdown between the two sides to see which side can take the lead!

However, in this game, the Toyota Center welcomed a very big-name audience-Hakeem Olajuwon. The man who beat El Jordan in the draft that year is also paying special attention to this game!

Moreover, everyone knows why he will appear in this game.

Because in today's era, there has emerged a top rookie who is as good as him, or even better than him - Dayao!

People are vain, and comparison is inevitable.

Now, Dayao, who has been praised by the media, has successfully attracted his attention, and he also wants to see how capable this player who is said to be unmatched among rookies this year is!

The starting lineups of both sides soon appeared.

It can be seen that even though they have just experienced a failure, the Knicks' team atmosphere remains relaxed and pleasant after getting two big generals, Kirilenko and Battier.

Obviously, after getting the news of Yao Ming's return, they still believe that they can create a second 21-game winning streak, or even a longer record! After the Knicks made personnel adjustments, the new starting lineup is:

Chris Paul + A. Houston + Andrei Kirilenko + Cambe Mutombo + Yao!

Coach Don Cheney decided In this game, Kirilenko was used as the starting forward.

Of course, this is not the team's final lineup, they will decide depending on the development of the game.

Maybe in the next game, the starting lineup will become Sean Battier.

He hopes to find a relatively balanced point.

However, in the first game after the two joined, he still believes that Kirilenko, who has a good sense, will be more adapted to the team's style. The

Rockets still have their traditional lineup choices:

Steve Francis + Mu Jackson + Tino Mobley + Nikolozskitishvili + Vin Cato!

Coach Jeff Van Gundy likes this three-guard lineup very much.

Especially when facing the opponent with a strong center, he believes that such a lineup is the best tactical choice!

Use speed to defeat the opponent!

Dayao and Kevin Cato stood in the jump ball area, and the referee threw the ball straight into the air.

Dayao easily got the first offensive right, and the Knicks started the first wave of offense.

Chris Paul advanced with the ball, and after half-court, he quickly handed the ball to Dayao.

After Yao Ming's return, the team's first tactical choice will not change.

After receiving the ball, Yao Ming signaled everyone to move away and chose to play one-on-one without hesitation!


Facing Cato, who was stronger than himself, Yao Ming chose the most direct head-on collision.

The two bodies collided quickly.

But what surprised the fans at the scene was that Cato, who seemed to have the advantage, was hit by Yao Ming and could only move passively.


Olajuwon was shocked by Yao Ming's resistance and said unconsciously.


As soon as he finished speaking, Yao Ming had already completed a one-handed slam dunk over Cato!


Yao Ming announced his return to full health in a familiar way!

After scoring the goal, Yao Ming shook his head helplessly at the Rockets' bench.

There was no way, scoring a goal was so simple!

Moreover, at this moment, the game had just begun!

The offense and defense switched, and the Rockets attacked.

Francis thoroughly implemented Van Gundy's offensive tactics, with sparks and lightning all the way, and came up with a one-stop fast break.


After scoring the goal, Francis imitated Yao Ming in a very realistic way and looked at the Knicks' bench.

The meaning was also very clear: he wanted the victory of this game!

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