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"There is a high probability that he will be beaten by Yao!"

Olajuwon's words instantly caused an uproar in the entire league.

The NBA is not short of people. On the contrary, everyone is keen to enjoy this feeling, enjoy this feeling of who else but me!

But I didn't expect that the always proud Dream would give such a high evaluation to a rookie after retiring!

And there seems to be only one possibility to get all this.

Yao Ming's ability is so terrifying that it is daunting!

The Knicks, who have tasted failure, did not fall into despair. Instead, they became more and more courageous and moved towards a better self!

"That kid is the new ruler of New York. No, he is the god of New York. He is the unrivaled hero in our hearts!"

Late at night in New York, a senior basketball fan excitedly said to the reporter in front of the camera

"I knew long ago that Isaiah was no ordinary player. His signings helped us regain our former glory. He is also my���God of team management!"

Another fan friend also looked at the reporter with excitement and expressed his true thoughts.

After these two people, the fans around them also began to echo them one by one.

"That's right, Yao is a god on the court, and Isiah is a god behind the scenes. When they are together, it's the union of gods. This feeling is really great!"

The union of gods?"

The reporter who was interviewing was slightly stunned, and then hurriedly wrote down this sentence.

This description is really too appropriate.

Yao Ming's superb performance on the court has elevated New York to a height that it did not originally belong to.

And Isiah Thomas, his control over the players' abilities is absolutely like a god. Various magical operations have brought together this group of rookies who do not seem to be very strong in the outside world, and have the current situation.

It has to be said that his vision and courage are absolutely god-like.

And the combination of the two now seems to have no better explanation than gods and gods!

And on the streets of New York outside the camera, such discussions have never stopped.

Everyone found their friends, and in a familiar bar, they expressed their prospects for this new team wantonly!

The reporter from TNT compiled and reported the video of his interview on the streets of New York, and released it through various channels

"It is obvious that the arrival of Yao and Isiah Thomas has brought more possibilities to this new team. We have reason to believe that such a team can lead us to create greater glory!"

"Blessings and misfortunes go hand in hand. Although we have experienced failure, after the failure, what we saw was the Knicks reborn from the ashes, and a more indestructible team!"

"I don't know if the victory over the Rockets will be the beginning of a new winning streak for the Knicks. I look forward to their subsequent games!"

Now, the hottest star and team in the entire league are undoubtedly Yao Ming and his Knicks.

However, under such circumstances, the league's Player of the Week this week unexpectedly passed by Yao Ming.

In the case of missing a game, the league was very strict and did not allow Yao Ming to participate in the selection.

Instead, the honor of the Eastern Conference Player of the Week was given to Jason Kidd of the Nets.

This is the first time that the Player of the Week has changed, and it is also the first time that a guard player has been selected.

The Western Conference Player of the Week was also given to Kobe Bryant on the guard line.

It can be seen that the league is still working hard to keep the strength of all players in a relatively balanced situation.

Although it is now the world of the inside line, the league has never given up on Support from the outside.

This way of comprehensive progress is the most ideal development model for the entire basketball. On

December 12, US time, the New York Knicks, who played back-to-back, challenged the San Antonio Spurs again.

The two sides fought back and forth, and it was a bloody battle.

But this time, the New Yorkers failed to win from the defending champions.

The well-prepared Spurs finally ushered in the most ideal state after Tony Parker's comeback.

Under the leadership of the GDP troika, the Spurs' efficiency in this game was terribly high.

Coupled with Popovich's focus on this, the Knicks, except for Dayao, did not perform as they should have.

In the end, the Knicks could only passively accept the fate of failure and swallowed the team's second defeat so far this season!


When the game was over, head coach Don Cheney breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this defeat seemed a bit regrettable, it was more like a relief for him and the entire Knicks.

Before this, the team's nerves had been in a tense state.

Especially after the 21-game winning streak came to an end, all the players wanted to make a comeback and create greater glory!

And this made the atmosphere of the entire team particularly depressing.

On all faces, the usual relaxed and happy atmosphere was no longer seen.

Instead, there was an indescribable feeling.

This feeling made everyone very uncomfortable, but for the sake of the team's victory, they didn't say much.

After all, they had already reached the top of the mountain and really didn't want to disappoint the fans.

However, when failure really happened again, Don Cheney Ni saw the long-lost true feelings on the faces of his teammates, and saw his truest side.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief. Perhaps before this, the tone of their team was wrong.

Victory and defeat are common in the military. Taking it too seriously will only backfire.

Instead, treat the game with a normal mind, and you can achieve the results you want!

On December 14, US time, the Knicks, who returned to their home court, did not let the failure continue.

They defeated the Bucks at home with a score of 106:9313, and once again stopped the decline.

This time, the attitude and ability shown by the New Yorkers made everyone excited.

Compared to before, they look more mature at this moment.

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