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"It's hard to believe that this would be the outcome, but there's no way, this is the fact, we lost the game because of my mistake!

" Kenyon Martin said to the media in frustration at the Continental Airlines Arena in New Jersey, USA.

As one of the most dominant power forwards in the Eastern Conference today, Martin's performance this season is absolutely worthy of the word"excellent"!

The Nets can achieve their current achievements, in addition to Kidd's stable performance, his consistent performance is also the key to the team's victory!

But unexpectedly, in this duel, he made an extremely fatal mistake at the last moment.

The team has a high probability of entering the next overtime, or even winning the game, but all of this was ruined after his foul!

"Such a result is definitely hard to accept, but fortunately, we fought until the last minute and our players gave their all for this game. They are the heroes on the field today and I am proud of their performance!"

"The reason why we lost this game is that I made a wrong decision in the final stage. Yao's ability is obvious to all. We should strengthen the restrictions on him!"

Coach Rick Carlisle is also very excited now.

This is definitely the closest time for the Nets to victory, but unfortunately, they lost the game in the end. Can you really not fall twice in the same position?

Coach Carlisle couldn't help asking himself.

Perhaps the answer is no.

Yao Ming gave the answer. The team fell into his hands twice in a row.

"Yao's dominance is unprecedented. We played against O'Neal's Lakers and even played in the finals. O'Neal's dominance is very strong, but compared with Yao, his comprehensiveness is too poor."

"Yao is truly unstoppable in offense and defense, and there is absolutely no point that can be targeted. This is too despairing. However, Yao and I will soon become teammates in the next All-Star Game. I believe that we will collide with different sparks. I look forward to our cooperation!"

Unlike other Nets players, at this moment, Kidd showed more of his open-mindedness.

Just like his performance on the basketball court, no matter when, he is calm and composed, which is always the best description of him!

Moreover, after seeing Yao Ming's performance, Kidd's heart is extremely eager for the cooperation between the two.

Money is easy to get, but bosom friends are hard to find.

Yao Ming's understanding of basketball and his feeling on the court made him very optimistic.

If there is a choice, he really hopes that the two can cooperate well and see what kind of sparks will collide!

"This is how competitions are, there will always be various uncertain factors, but fortunately, we are the final winners today, although there is only one point difference, but this is an era where the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. We are the winners, we can enjoy everything, that's all!"

Coach Wilkens was relatively relaxed when facing the media interview.

The final outcome of the game was also somewhat unexpected for him.

But it must be said that in the end, thanks to Yao Ming's stable performance, they still had the last laugh.

Now he can understand Phil Jackson's coaching mood all the time.

There is no need to worry about anything. All you need to do is to unconditionally trust the players on the court and trust Yao Ming's performance.

Judging from the current situation, Yao Ming has never disappointed people at the critical moment.

Although this may not continue, after all, Yao Ming is not a human being. Even as strong as Michael Jordan, he dare not guarantee that he can hit every key ball stably.

But the ability shown by Yao Ming still makes him see that he is much higher than other players.

This is something that other players cannot compare to.

It has to be said that he still sympathizes with Coach Don Cheney's performance.

After coaching diligently for so long, he did not expect to finally usher in... What came was the news of dismissal.

Moreover, the team had only suffered three consecutive losses, which should not be a problem at all.

But the fact is that Isaiah Thomas put him in the position of head coach without hesitation, and Don Cheney had been dismissed.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but worry about his current situation.

Born in adversity, die in comfort. The current Knicks seem calm, but there are always undercurrents.

Before the trade deadline, everything still has certain variables.

And what he can do is to go all out to minimize this variable.

After all, being able to coach a player like Dayao is undoubtedly an extremely lucky thing. In most cases, people don't get this opportunity.

Now, not only has he got this opportunity, but it is very likely to continue.

Then what he needs to do is to go all out to show his talents and the strength of the team until the ultimate goal is achieved.

"This game was very tough, and the Nets' resilience showed us what a mature team should look like. I now understand why they were the Eastern Conference champion team for the past two years. Although they failed to win the final championship, their strength should not be underestimated."

Mutombo changed his arrogant attitude in the interview and seemed to be much more humble.

This is not to say that his mentality has changed, but that the strength of the Nets has really won his recognition.

A team that has reached the finals for two consecutive years has shown strength and heritage that is really not comparable to that of ordinary teams.

Although they won the game by luck in the end, it was just luck.

The gap in the strength of the players on both sides and the gap in the overall strength of the teams are not as big as imagined.

It can even be said that there is no gap between the two sides. The goal of the Knicks this year is definitely to be in the playoffs.

But with their current capabilities, they still have a long way to go. Both the Pacers and the current Nets have brought them great trouble.

Moreover, once entering the playoffs, the capabilities of all teams will be different, which is obviously not good news.

Therefore, Mutombo is very clear that the team must face every opponent from now on, and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each opponent, so that the game can go further.

After the others were interviewed, the team's ultimate goal was to kill Yao Ming.

"Yao, your performance today is still unsolvable. It seems that no team can really restrict you. You have already achieved unsolvable in name. Do you think your current ability is really unsolvable?"

"I don't think so. No player or team can be truly unsolvable in offense or defense. Including me in this game, I still have shortcomings in many aspects. I know that I still have a lot of room for improvement, so I will definitely continue to strengthen my abilities instead of being satisfied with this."

Yao Yao answered the first question raised by the reporter very seriously.

To be honest, the reporter's question is also a question he has been thinking about recently.

Since joining the league, he seems to have never been bothered by any player. No matter who he faces, he is confident that he can defeat him.

Although this seems a bit arrogant, it is indeed the truth.

But to be honest, Yao Ming still feels that he needs to improve in many aspects.

Unsolvable can have many meanings, but basketball is a 5V5 sport. The strength of one person cannot be called really strong.

Only by finding ways to make the entire team better and make the team's offense and defense unsolvable, that is the real unsolvable.

Judging from the current state of the Knicks, it is obvious that Yao Ming still has a long way to go.

This is not unsolvable at all.

"Yao, the All-Star Game is coming soon. What are your prospects for this year's All-Star Game?"

"To be honest, I am very excited now. It is definitely my greatest honor to be able to compete with so many outstanding players. Whether it is my teammates or opponents, they are all the most outstanding in this league, so I believe this will be an absolutely perfect game!"

When it comes to the All-Star Game, Yao Ming's expectations are still very high.

The All-Stars of this era are much more competitive than those of later generations.

Although everyone is mainly performing on such a stage, the competitive spirit of each player will not make the game boring.

Moreover, with so many outstanding players gathered together, the sparks that collide will be unimaginable.

This year is Michael Jordan's last All-Star Game and the first All-Star Game he has participated in.

This is more like a heritage and the beginning of another era.

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