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"We can't go on like this. Although this is an exhibition match for entertainment purposes, you should know that victory is very important to all of us!"

Ginobili stood up from his chair and said seriously.

This game, in terms of nature, is indeed an exhibition match. It is more of a way to give back to the audience and bring them an audio-visual feast.

But for the sophomore rookies, this is also a battle of honor. When they were rookies of the first year, they were the abused party.

Now, they have finally made it and become sophomores, but what they didn't expect is that they are still on the abused side.

This is obviously not a good thing.

So, no matter what, they must work hard to do everything and strive to take victory into their hands.

"Manu is right, we have no way out, we must do everything we can!"

Boozer also expressed his attitude, losing to a first-year rookie is definitely not the result they want to see!

"Yao's performance is indeed outstanding, but he is just a freshman. Can't we really limit him?"

Steedmaier was also venting his emotions.

The difficulty of this game has far exceeded his imagination.

Moreover, in this matchup with Yao Ming, he has always been on the passive side, which made him very helpless.

Now, he is also eager to stand up again and try to defeat Yao Ming once!

The other rookie members, infected by their emotions, also suddenly increased their desire to fight.

The sophomore rookies who walked out of the locker room had a brand new mental outlook.

Now, they are a real king's team, or in other words, a brand new team. The Avengers Alliance!

In the process, they have all suffered from Yao Ming's destruction to a greater or lesser extent and felt Yao Ming's terror.

Now, they finally have a chance to be proud of themselves. They will never give up easily. All they need to do is to go all out and leave no regrets in this game!

The third quarter of the game also kicked off at this time.

Like the first quarter, both sides still started.

However, the first offensive ball fell to the second-year rookie team.

Ginobili took the lead and completed the first offensive with a shooting gesture.


An ultra-long-range shot one step outside the three-point line accurately found the basket.

The sound of the basketball passing through the net was like their attitude, extremely determined. They were determined to win this game!

Back to defense, Yao Dao also went all out. Before

Yao Ming even got into position, Ginobili's defense had already taken effect.

A predictive steal directly intercepted Paul's pass, and then began a quick sprint.

A one-handed slam dunk, once again ravaged the basket!


Some fans who had just gone to the bathroom were shocked to see the sudden change in the situation on the court!

What did they miss?

For some reason, the air at this time was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, which was completely opposite to the rhythm and atmosphere of the last game.

Is this going to be real?

Everyone subconsciously had an idea in their minds.

Not only the audience, but even the commentators had the same idea

"The second-year rookies suddenly increased their competitiveness on the court, and it seems that they don’t want to end in failure today!"

"That’s right, Manu’s sudden burst of strength was more like a beginning. They no longer regarded this game as a rookie game!"

"Haha, this is interesting. I didn't expect that the rookie competition could be so exciting."

"This game may change the dull and boring situation of the previous rookie games. I wonder what kind of response Yao Ming and other first-year rookies will give!"

The commentators gave the most professional analysis at the right time.

The situation on the court was also spreading with their analysis.

Ginobili took the lead as soon as he came on and set a good example for the second-year rookies.

Then, Boozer and Dunleavy also made efforts one after another, all of which were real offensive skills without any fancy moves.

Even Stoudemire, who was particularly uncomfortable in the first half, stood up at the right time.

With the help of his teammates' cover, he completed a violent slam dunk.

It can be said that the situation on the entire court changed suddenly.

Looking at the score that was suddenly caught up, the entire first-year rookie was a little unprepared.

No one knew where to go, and everyone's eyes were all focused on Yao Ming.

"Paul, pass the ball to me when you cross half court!"

Yao Ming stood up at the right time, which made everyone feel much more relaxed. They believed that as long as Yao Ming stood up, the difficulties in front of them would not be a problem at all.

Yao Ming's sudden request for the ball also made the entire second-year rookie feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

Stoudemire was on high alert, trying to limit Yao Ming's performance.

Boozer and Ginobili were also waiting for an opportunity, both seeking opportunities to give Yao Ming a fatal blow.

This duel has already escalated.

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