After the Knicks rested for a few days, they will have another game against the Nuggets.

The Nuggets introduced a series of players such as Anthony this season and have very strong strength.

They are considered a first-class team in the league, so the Knicks' match against this rising star has also attracted much media attention.

"This time, the Knicks will face the Denver Nuggets. I wonder if they can continue their undefeated myth?"In the media reports, many media have published such a question.

They all know that the Nuggets have been maintaining a winning streak.

And the Knicks just started their winning streak after the bridge.

So after these two winning streaks, they don't know who will be the final winner.

"This time we are facing the Nuggets, who are currently ranked third in the overall rankings. I wonder if they can beat them."In the Nuggets' general manager's office, their general manager Isiah Thomas also thought so at this time.

Although they knew very well that their team had maintained a winning streak, they did not know whether they could continue to win.

"Don't worry, we will definitely win, we have to believe in Dayao and Paul."His assistant said to him immediately after hearing what he said.

At the same time, Dayao and his team have also arrived at the competition venue.

This time they also want to see the strength of the Nuggets, who are also in a winning streak with them.

"I guess the team we are facing this time is different from the previous ones. The Nuggets we are facing now may be the first strong team we have encountered this season."Paul was also chatting with Yao Ming during their warm-up.

"It's okay. This is not a big threat to us, so we are not in a hurry."After hearing what Paul said, Yao Ming said this easily. He is very clear about his own strength, and the center Anderson on the opposite side is not his opponent at all.

He can be said to be overwhelming in the interior, so he is not too worried at this time.

"Do they want to challenge us this time? It seems that they are not qualified at all."Anthony said this to Yao Ming and Paul and others on the opposite side.

Anderson beside him nodded. They were also very curious about this.

Because they didn't know the strength of their opponents very well.

Because they didn't play in the last match between the two teams, so this time they were also looking forward to playing against each other.

"Well, now that both teams have come to the field and the warm-up is about to end, let's prepare for the jump ball."In this stadium, the commentators also saw the situation on the field and said to their live broadcast platforms.

They all knew very well that the number of media attracted by this game was very huge, and they could also sigh at the appeal of these star players at this time.

Now that the two teams have officially met, Dayao, as the center of the Knicks, is also the one who jumps the ball.

"This time you are ready to end your winning streak. You are unlucky to meet us." Anderson said to Yao Ming during the jump ball.

They didn't care much about the Knicks, so they trash-talked each other at the beginning of the game.

Yao Ming didn't care too much about his provocation, he knew that the ball was the only thing that mattered on the court.

"The game hasn't started yet, and it's unknown how it will turn out, so let's wait and see." Yao Ming also said this to Anderson at this time.

When Yao Ming and Anderson were trash-talking each other during the jump ball, the commentator on the scene also noticed this situation

"Now it seems that Dayao and the others are starting to argue with each other, and it has already started before it even starts."The commentator at the scene said it immediately after seeing the two of them arguing.

"Yes, that's right. From now on, this game is definitely full of gunpowder. Both teams are strong teams."The commentators on the scene were very surprised.

After the commentary sounded, the fans on the scene began to scream.

"This game is going to be interesting. Both teams are already full of gunpowder at this time. It is really surprising."The fans present all thought so.

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