The best way to win the respect of others is strength!

Now, the performance of the rookie team has achieved this.

Mutombo was a little depressed. He also paid attention to Yao Ming, the rookie.

After watching his performance in the summer league, he was looking forward to the confrontation with him!

What he didn't expect was that when the two really fought, he couldn't do anything to Yao Ming.

Not only were he beaten by him twice in a row, but they were both dunks. This was a bit too embarrassing.……

"Guys, I don't want to lose face in front of the rookies. That feeling is more annoying than being rejected by a girl!"

"Let's cheer up, we need to play more aggressively, our opponents are not as weak as we thought!"

Alan Houston's face became much more serious. Except for Mutombo, all the players in this lineup were the Knicks' starting players last season.

Moreover, the addition of Mutombo not only did not reduce the strength of this lineup, but also strengthened it to a certain extent!

But now, in this situation, they were beaten by a group of rookies without any resistance, which is obviously unacceptable!

Charlie pushed forward with the ball, and Paul pressed closely, and both sides refused to give in!

Alan Houston asked for the ball at 45 degrees on the left, and Charlie got the ball!

After a pick-and-roll, Alan decided to play against Yao Ming!

Answerball is the best way for the team to restore morale!

After being continuously conquered by Yao Ming on defense, the Knicks players were already a little angry.

Now, a strong response must be given!

Alan's shooting is the skill he relies on for survival, and his breakthrough has always relied on the threat of shooting.

After continuous Buddha worship, Alan still shook off Yao Ming and rushed straight to the basket!

With all his strength poured into his legs, Alan pretended to dunk!


When everyone thought the ball was already in play, a crisp sound broke the existing balance.

"It was Yao. Yao reacted so quickly. He caught up with the defense and blocked the ball for Alan!"

Don Cheney subconsciously said the situation on the court. Obviously, Yao Ming's performance in this game completely shocked him.

"Yao's reaction speed is so fast. To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have doubted how tall he really is!"

"I think we really got a great bargain. Given his performance and physical condition, if he had not chosen to retire last year and continued to play, the No. 1 pick might have been Yao!"

"However, if that happens, we won't be so lucky."

It seems that everything is destined, Yao Ming is destined to be the man who leads New York to rise!

Thomas was very emotional. Although he hasn't played a game yet, he is 100% sure that Yao Ming's performance is worthy of his affirmation at the beginning, even more than that!

After completing the block, Yao Ming bit his finger at Alan.

Under the humble appearance, there is a wild and uninhibited heart!

It feels like that!

"What I have always been worried about is Yao's aggressiveness on the court. After all, in private, he is definitely a typical modest gentleman."

"But now it seems that my worries are obviously unnecessary. Yao knows how to perform on the court. He was born for basketball!"

Don Cheney kept shaking his head. The surprise Yao brought him far exceeded his expectations.

It seems that New York will really make a splash this year!

While the two were talking, Yao blocked another shot, but this time the target was Mutombo instead of Alan Houston!

After the confrontation, Yao also let Mutombo enjoy the feeling of being blocked.

This is unscientific!

This is too unscientific!

Mutombo kept shaking his head and muttering to himself.

His figure looks much stronger than Yao, but just now in the confrontation, he found that he could not push Yao at all, but he was in a weak position. This is too unscientific...

Yao smiled at this and did not give any answer!


That's right, more unscientific things are still to come!




The sound of palms slapping basketballs was heard throughout this unique game!

Yao Ming's incredible blocks again and again stirred everyone's nerves!


Really strong!

This was the evaluation given by the main team at the end of the first half.

Both Mutombo and Alan Houston were greeted by Yao Ming many times.

In just the first half, Yao Ming had already made 8 blocks, excluding the 5-minute rest time!

Such defensive efficiency is even more terrifying than Mutombo.

But even so, Yao Ming's scoring performance was also amazing!

Yao Ming scored 25 points with 11 of 12 shots. He did not waste any of the three 2+1 opportunities!

While showing his terrifying scoring ability, he also showed his soft touch!

The reason why he can have such high efficiency is that in addition to Yao Ming's own strength, Paul's threading is also indispensable. With precise guidance again and again, Paul perfectly interprets the true role of a point guard!

Moreover, at this moment, apart from defense, he only has Yao Ming in his eyes.

Super high basketball IQ, coupled with perfect control rhythm, allows him to always pass the ball to Yao Ming at the right time. With

9 assists in the first half, Paul's performance is worthy of Isaiah Thomas' trust!

"Man, you have a really good eye. I think if Chris participates in the draft next year or the year after, he will definitely be a member of the lottery zone, or even a strong contender for the No. 1 pick. He reminds me of Skate, he is a natural master of control!"

Don Cheney looked at Isaiah Thomas excitedly. He didn't expect that his arrival would bring such a big change to the Knicks.

A rock-solid inside giant and a perfect outside cannon, this year's Knicks have great potential!

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