"Yao has proven his ability. He is the best scorer of our team. I will share my shooting rights with him. As long as he is willing, I am willing to pass the ball to him all the time!"

Alan Houston said seriously in an interview.

His words instantly made the media at the scene boil!

Is Alan ready to give up his power?

Unexpectedly, Yao Ming has won the recognition of the team leader in just one game!

"Alan is right. This is the unanimous opinion of all our players and coaching staff. We will create as many opportunities for Yao Ming as possible. As long as he thinks it is reasonable, he can choose to shoot at any time!"

Don Cheney, the head coach of the Knicks, answered seriously after hearing the media's feedback on Alan's interview.

At this time, the media is 100% sure that Yao Ming will become the new boss of the Knicks!

Moreover, he will have the unique rights of the boss - unlimited firing rights!

Just like this game, the players will spare no effort to create opportunities for him, and the coaching staff will do their best to arrange tactics for him!

Now he is the new king of New York!

"Yao, congratulations on leading the Knicks to victory in this game. Do you think there are any differences between the NBA and the Summer League?"

"Yao, you scored 45 points in this game, successfully surpassing the debut scoring record set by basketball emperor Chamberlain and making this record your own. How do you feel now?"

"Yao, as the first Chinese to dominate the NBA, is this a sign of the rise of Chinese basketball? Can we look forward to more performances from Chinese players?"

"Yao, Alan Houston and coach Don Cheney have made it clear that you will have unlimited shooting rights. What do you want to say about this?"

From ESPN、T/NT、At least 20 reporters from Hupu, New York Times and other media surrounded Yao Ming, eager to know everything about him!

Facing the questions from many reporters, Yao Ming touched his head in a funny way and made a gesture of"I have a headache".

This instantly relaxed the atmosphere at the scene.

"NBA and Summer League?"

"To be honest, I feel that the competition in the Summer League might be a little stronger. This game didn’t seem to give me the urge to go all out!"


Many reporters were confused.

This answer is absolutely amazing!

This is clearly looking down on the NBA!

Afterwards, Dayao shook his head helplessly and hurriedly explained.

It turned out that what he wanted to express was that most of the players in the Summer League were undrafted players, or rookies who have not signed contracts yet and are eager to get contracts.

Such players, if they want to get the contract they want and become a member of the team, must pin all their hopes on the Summer League. There is no room for relief at all!

NBA players all have contracts. Although they are also eager to win, they don’t seem to be so extreme. Even if they don’t perform well in a game, there is still room for relief.

After Dayao’s explanation, the media finally understood Dayao’s thoughts, but it must be said that Dayao’s answer is obviously a hidden meaning!

The biggest difference between the Summer League and the NBA is the attitude of the players. This sentence seems to be no problem, but if you think about it carefully, there is another layer of meaning-the level of NBA players is just like this, no different from the Summer League!

Invisible pretense is the most deadly!

Many media looked at the young man in front of them and all raised their thumbs!

To be honest, this answer is a bit showy!

"Breaking records, I think this is normal, I am just doing what I should do, trying my best to help the team win the game, as for the so-called records, I really don't pay attention to them."

"Maybe if he makes more moves, the record will be easily broken."

Listen, is this human language?

Many reporters looked at each other in bewilderment. Sure enough, powerful people are willful!

I suspect he is pretending, but I don't have any evidence!

"Is China rising? There is no doubt about it. There are many players like me or even better than me in our country, but they just don’t have a platform to display their talents. I hope NBA scouts can pay more attention to Chinese players. I believe they will have unexpected gains!"

Yao Ming answered this question very seriously.

The main reason why Chinese basketball has developed slowly is that it lacks competitiveness.

Players have no more confrontations and can only fight hard at home. Such confrontations are obviously very limited in improving their strength!

If you can get training on this stage, even if you can't play well, it will be of great help to your own improvement!

As for the last question of unlimited firing rights, Yao Ming smiled.

"I agree with Alan and Tang's decision. This is a wise choice. Of course, if you want to ask them why they made such a choice, I can only tell you that it is their character. There is nothing they can do about it!"


The reporters who were anxiously waiting for the interview all smiled.

I didn't expect that this big man with amazing ability on the court also performed so well off the court.

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