"Man, keep doing it, our outside line needs more lethality, we have to play tougher!"

Philip Saunders said to the Timberwolves' back line without hesitation during the intermission of the first quarter.

Now he has a clear view of the situation on the court.

With the current team's inside configuration, I am afraid there is no way to compete with the Knicks' inside line.

Although KG's score has increased a lot in the subsequent stages, it is undeniable that his score also mainly comes from mid-range jump shots.

In other words, the inside restricted area is now completely dominated by the Knicks.

At this time, if you want to win this game, the performance of the outside line will be crucial.

"Sam, especially you, you have an absolute advantage against Paul. I will design more tactics for you. In this game, get ready to fight your battle to prove yourself!"

Coach Saunders has been looking for a solution since the game fell into a disadvantage.

After thinking for a long time, he felt that Paul, who had just entered the league, would be the best breakthrough for the team.

Moreover, as long as such tactical thinking can succeed, the Knicks will inevitably expand their defensive front, and Yao Ming and Mutombo can only passively defend.

The chain reaction brought about by this will be that Kevin Garnett can be completely liberated.

By then, he believes that the Knicks will be helpless against the Timberwolves who are blooming inside and outside.

KG clenched his fists when he heard this. There is a great chance of winning this game today!

Even if he, the nominal number one, has to make sacrifices now, he is willing to do so!

He also knows very well in his heart that no matter how much he says, it is still the real strength of the players that he ultimately relies on!

Only by winning the game can you have the real right to speak!

After re-establishing the tactical thinking, the second quarter of the game between the two sides kicked off.

However, during this period of time, both sides tacitly chose to let the main players rest.

And on the scene, there was also the so-called"chickens pecking at each other!""

The reason why it is called so-called is mainly because compared with the main players, if they were placed in other leagues, their abilities would be equally outstanding.

Although the competition on the sidelines is still very fierce, no matter who it is, they all feel that the excitement of the game is lacking.

Everyone is looking forward to it, hoping that the main players can return as soon as possible.

During this period of time, Yao Ming also had a brief exchange with Paul.

"Hey, brother, what do you think the Timberwolves' next tactical arrangement will be?"

"Focus on the outside line!"

Paul gave the answer without hesitation.

Yao Ming nodded with satisfaction. Apart from other things, Paul's basketball IQ is definitely worthy of recognition.

It seems that talent exists in every team.

"However, I may not be able to limit Sam's performance. His movements are very fast. To be honest, I feel a little uncomfortable!"

Although he expected the development of the game, Paul was still a little frustrated.

There was no way. The scene of being beaten in the first quarter was still vivid in his mind.

Even if he really struggled now, it would be useless.

He had to admit that the gap between the two really existed.

"Maybe you can change your mindset. Sam's passing is not good. If you give him the ball, he will most likely shoot it himself. You should choose to trust your teammates. You just need to prevent him from shooting from the outside. The rest is up to me and Mutombo!"

Yao Ming gave an analysis at the right time.

Judging from the first quarter, Sam Cassell's ability is indeed outstanding, but he also has obvious weaknesses. He plays very independently!

Basically, the offense handled by him ends up being played alone, and he rarely has the opportunity to pass the ball.

Moreover, the reason why Paul was so passive in the first quarter was mainly because he wanted to limit Sam's performance too much.

He hopes to be able to limit both shooting and breakthroughs.

But obviously, this is not realistic at all!

Even Yao Ming himself, when facing offensive players, will make judgments based on the opponent's technical characteristics. If the shooting is better, he will get closer and not give the opponent a chance to shoot easily.

If the breakthrough is better, he will to create some distance and be able to prepare in advance.

Another point is that Paul is very well integrated with the team on the offensive end, and his organization and connection are very good.

But on the defensive end, he still has his own inherent personal ideas, and he has never thought that defense can also have tactics and can rely on the power of the team.

After listening to Yao Ming's analysis, Paul felt as if he had suddenly realized something. Thinking about it now, his thinking is really too narrow, and he has never considered the matter of teammates.

You must know that before this, Yao Ming had already had such an exchange with him, and the two did very well.

Unexpectedly, in this game, because of the sudden attack of the opponent, he actually forgot such an important link.

This is really……

"Yao, I think I know what to do!"

Paul made a firm expression to Yao Ming, and then pointed his eyes directly at the home team's bench.

Regardless of whether his idea would work, he had to try his best.

Moreover, he had no other choice but to succeed and not fail.

Otherwise, every time he encountered a strong player on the opponent's back line, he could only passively accept the sanctions.

Therefore, the subsequent defense will not only affect this game, but also the subsequent regular season, and possible playoffs, and even the finals!

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