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"We lost the game because we were not as skilled as our opponents. It's that simple. There's nothing much to say!"

At the Target Center in the United States,

Latrell seemed extremely impatient during the interview.

There was no way. After losing the game in such a way, no one would be able to accept the answer with a smile.

At this moment, it was already very rare for him to be able to stand here and accept the media interview.

However, what he said was indeed the truth.

What other reasons could there be for losing?

Isn't it because of the lack of skills?

If they could perform better, they would be the ones who won at this moment!

"To be honest, this loss is very humiliating for us. We lost to a rookie, and we lost completely!"

The two absolute main players of the team, one remained silent, and the other perfunctorily responded. In the end, the reporters could only focus their attention on the head coach Sanders.

And he did not disappoint the media again, and gave a pertinent answer.

"I don't think there was any problem with our preparation, nor do I think there was any problem with my players. They all played to their level and performed very well, but it was obvious that we met Yao who was better than us!"

"If we must find a reason for the loss of this game, I think it is still the responsibility of our coaching staff. We still underestimated Yao's ability. Although we did not regard him as a rookie, his performance has reached the level of a superstar, and we are still not fully prepared!"

In short, Sanders still felt that Yao's performance in this game was too good, and they could not find a way to limit him from beginning to end. They thought that it was enough for them to formulate tactics to limit Yao Ming according to the league's starting standards, but they did not expect that his performance would be at the superstar level!

"The loss of one game doesn't mean anything. I think we will be more prepared for the next game, and we will definitely be the ones to win in the end!"

In the end, Coach Sanders still spoke out his truest thoughts.

That is revenge!

In this game, they not only became the background board for Yao Ming to break the record, but also lost the game without any suspense.

This will undoubtedly be the most humiliating battle for the Timberwolves in recent times!

In fact, he still has a lot to defend. After all, except for the collapse in the final stage, the Timberwolves have always played well!

But this is the cruelty of competitive sports. The weak have no words!

After the home team was interviewed, the media quickly focused on the Knicks who won today.

"There is nothing much to say. Our tactics are also very simple. Give the ball to Yao. The rest is to wait for victory!"

Coach Don Cheney, who was interviewed at this moment, seemed very confident!

There is no way. Those who have won, whatever they say is right!

"Did you see Yao’s performance?"

"I said he would be the MVP, and he will definitely be!"

Mutombo became more and more excited. He had once partnered with Allen Iverson, and his definition of genius has always been very high.

But it is obvious that Yao Ming's performance completely conquered him.

You know, he used to be a terrifying existence with 12 blocks in a single game, and he also led the incredible black eight miracle!

At that time, when people talked about him, they would be shocked by his iconic finger shaking action!

Even as strong as Jordan, he was restricted by Uncle Mu's block more than once!

Even though Jordan responded by dunking in the game later, it was only once!

But when Yao Ming was against him, he was overwhelming in the interior and wanted everything he wanted!

He had no power to resist at all.

Therefore, it seems not surprising that Uncle Mu is so convinced of Yao Ming!

Accustomed to Uncle Mu's interviews with Yao Ming, many media decisively shifted their targets to today's protagonist-Yao Ming!

"Yao, you once again led the team to victory, and the team that defeated was the Timberwolves who had the wolf king Garnett. I wonder how you feel?"

"Well, it's okay, the result is as expected, but I didn't expect that the game would not be decided until the last quarter!"


This is too confident!

The result is as expected. It seems that before the game started, Yao Ming already knew that they would win the game!

Although this sounds a bit arrogant, it turns out that he does have the capital to be arrogant!

"Yao, since entering the league, you have played against two of the league's top centers, Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett. I wonder what you think of them. Can you tell me what the differences are between them?

Yao was slightly stunned. Sure enough, the reporters started their digging journey again.

This was obviously an offensive question.

"To be honest, I am not in the same position as them. In most cases, it is Mutombo who is limiting them, so he should know their technical characteristics better than me."

"But if I have to say it, I think there is no difference, they can't defend me!"

Since I am destined to offend people, I might as well offend them all at once!

Anyway, if there are too many lice, I won't be afraid of itching!

The media at the scene were shocked again. It must be said that Dayao's interviews have never disappointed them!

"Yao, after this game, you have broken two of Chamberlain's rookie records. How did you do it?"

"How did you do it? Just play normally. To be honest, I don’t really care about records. Compared with personal honors, I am more eager for the team’s victory. As for breaking records, I haven’t really thought about it deliberately!"

This answer is excellent!

Although Yao Ming said it very tactfully, the media at the scene were all smart people, and they could naturally hear the implied meaning.

He only cares about winning when playing games, and as for records, it’s just a matter of convenience!

Listen, is this human talk?

If breaking records is just a matter of convenience, then why has Chamberlain’s record existed for so many years?

But if you think about it carefully, judging from Yao Ming’s strength, breaking records seems to be a matter of convenience...

Yao Ming always sounds very humble in interviews, and he doesn’t have the arrogance of other stars at all.

But if you taste it carefully, you will find that the two are actually different.

It’s just that Yao Ming’s The expression was relatively euphemistic, but the words were still full of force!

After this unforgettable game, the first week of the NBA game came to an end.

At this time, people are most concerned about the Eastern and Western Conference Player of the Week to be announced!

The media did not let the fans wait too long, and soon announced the Eastern and Western Conference Player of the Week for the first week of the new season!

Yao Ming led the Knicks to 4 wins with an average of 40+ points per game, and won the Eastern Conference Player of the Year without any suspense!

The Western Conference Player of the Year was won by Shaquille O'Neal!

Averaging 30+10+5 His outstanding performance allowed him to still dominate the entire Western Conference penalty area!

This was also a rare occasion that centers from both the East and West were elected Player of the Week.

It seems that the era of centers is coming again!

No one was surprised that O'Neal was elected Player of the Week. After all, he has won three consecutive championships and he does have the capital to stand out from the crowd! But Yao Ming's election was unexpected for all fans except for the few teams that had played against the Knicks!

All of a sudden, the number one search engine in the United States was"Who is Yao Ming?

" Yao Ming used a completely incredible way to trigger an Internet revolution in the entire United States!

And among the many With the introduction of information and reports, Yao Ming finally unveiled his mysterious veil and entered the eyes of American fans.

It turns out that in addition to American local players, there are still players who can change the league's landscape internationally!

This development of the situation made David Stern, who has always advocated Yao Ming to become the new spokesperson of the league, very excited.

Now, he feels more and more that his idea is feasible.

Perhaps, he will raise NA to a higher level again, to a level that is known to people all over the world!

At the same time, Yao Ming's name appeared directly on the cover of the domestic"Sports Weekly"!

"Yao Ming, an epoch-making basketball superstar, a benchmark for Chinese basketball in the future!"

As the editor-in-chief of the Sports Weekly, Su Qun has reported on Yao Ming's movements more than once when he first entered the league.

But this time, he was most excited.

There is no way. The physique and basketball literacy of Chinese people are still insurmountable compared with American players.

The previous Dazhi and Daba are the best examples.

Although they are doing well in the domestic league, when they really come to the NBA, they are marginal figures who can't even sit on the board!

But the appearance of Yao Ming has changed this pattern and made people truly realize the ability of Chinese players.

Not to mention his future achievements, just talking about his current performance, the attention paid to Chinese athletes will rise by more than one level.

This is very important for promoting the overall The development of basketball in China is definitely a historic step!

After Yao Ming saw the reaction of the media, the grand blueprint in his mind has taken shape. He began to prepare for the Yao team.

He knew very well that he entered the NBA, on the one hand, to fulfill his professional dream and get the O'Brien Cup that symbolizes glory!

On the other hand, it is also to pursue his business dream. The career of a basketball player is very short and may only occupy 1/5 of his entire life.

How to make a limited basketball career play an unlimited role, then the appropriate strategic shift will be particularly important!

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