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"I believe this is just the beginning. Yao will lead us to create a better future and we will be the strongest team in the league!"

"On the streets of New York, no one doesn’t know Yao’s story, and no one will ignore his existence. He is our new king of New York!"

"The Knicks have already risen, and we are moving towards the strongest team in history. Don’t describe us as a bottom-feeder anymore. The only thing that can match us in the future is the word"champions"!"

"Yao reminds me of Patrick Ewing, but I know that his achievements must be far higher than Ewing, because he will lead us to win the championship!"

On the streets of New York, reporters from the New York Sports Times randomly interviewed several passers-by.

In their mouths, Yao Ming has become the real savior of the New York Knicks.

Because of his stable performance, the Knicks have achieved their current results, the only undefeated team in the league. Today, the Knicks have finally tasted victory again!

Such interviews reflect not only the fans' support for the team, but more importantly, the growth of the entire team.

Reporters in the past did not dare to go to the streets to interview like this.

Because there was no other answer, everyone was scolding.

But now all this has finally changed, everything will be different, the Knicks have really risen.

And the man who can make the Knicks rise again is called Yao Ming!

While the whole of New York was cheering, the league was also cheering for Yao Ming. Yao has raised a wave of popularity.

The league's Most Valuable Player for the third week has been announced.

And Yao Ming once again appeared in the Eastern Conference's Player of the Week position.

This is the third time in a row that Yao Ming has won this honor, which is unique in the entire league's history.

At this moment, the only one who can be compared with Yao Ming is probably the former Michael Jordan.

Jordan once won the Most Valuable Player award for two consecutive weeks.

Although in terms of quantity, Yao Ming is even better.

But when Jordan won this honor, there was no distinction between the East and the West.

There is only one best player in the entire league.

It is not easy to surpass the crowd and stand at the commanding heights of the best player.

However, at this moment, Yao Ming's gold content of winning this honor for three consecutive weeks is not inferior to Michael Jordan.

What is certain is that the two are now on the same level.

Such glory has once again led to a new wave of Yao Ming craze!

Compared with the stability of the East, the Western Conference Player of the Week has changed again.

Tim Duncan won the first Player of the Week of the new season with his performance this week.

And his winning of this honor once again proves that.

Being able to win such three times in a row is definitely beyond the reach of everyone.

Beat the Knicks!

This is no longer the fans' slogan for the new season. Everyone is waiting and looking forward to who can end the Knicks' winning streak.

However, before the game, Yao Ming unexpectedly won an endorsement contract.

After Bill Duffy became Yao Ming's agent, he has been constantly expanding his business influence.

After Yao Ming joined After the league, no less than 20 endorsement companies have found Yao Ming, but they were all rejected by Bill Duffy.

For him, since he has become Yao Ming's agent, he must be responsible for everything for him.

Although the contracts offered by the brands that had contacted him before were very attractive, for Duffy, this could not really match Yao Ming's worth.

Now, with a Reebok endorsement contract, Yao Ming has solved his life problems and the remuneration is absolutely more than enough.

Next, Bill Duffy hopes to find a sustainable development company.

Let Yao Ming get a sublimation on the original basis.

Any endorsement contract now is an adventure that consumes popularity for Yao Ming.

How to convert limited popularity into priceless wealth is the most critical thing now.

Therefore, Bill Duffy has been conscientiously providing help to Yao Ming in this regard.

God will not let down those who work hard. After this period of investigation, he finally found a sustainable development project.

A technology company in Silicon Valley, USA.

This is a high-end company focusing on future technology, and their purpose of signing Yao Ming is to use his popularity to open up the Chinese market.

In fact, entertainment stars are more suitable for this kind of endorsement cooperation than sports stars, after all, entertainment stars have a higher national popularity.

But for this company, they are very paranoid, only recognizing Yao Ming and only wanting Yao Ming to be their brand spokesperson.

There are two main purposes for doing this.

The first is that their company is now in the development stage, and the capital chain is not very sufficient, and they hope to have a cooperative relationship with Yao Ming. To put it bluntly, it is to pull Yao Ming into the partnership.

Another is that Yao Ming is the first Chinese player to be valued in the NBA. Although he is not an entertainment star, his influence in China is definitely no less than any entertainment star.

Of course, the most important thing is their recognition of Yao Ming's character.

This technology company has a very large influence in the entire United States, and there are many people who want to attack and invest.

But they are very stubborn and are determined not to use the investment from those whose character is not guaranteed.

Because in their view, their goal is to develop towards the future and hope to become a global large enterprise, so any of their shareholders must be truly trustworthy.

But now, Dayao unexpectedly got this opportunity.

This is definitely great news.

Bill Duffy shared this matter with Dayao as soon as possible, which made Dayao very excited.

As a person who traveled through time and space from the future, Dayao is very clear about the development of future technology.

This is definitely a sure-win business.

Afterwards, Dayao agreed to this cooperation without thinking about it, and agreed to invest 10 million!

As for the specific matters, Dayao gave it to Bill Duffy to deal with.

Trust people when you employ them, and don't employ people if you don't trust them.

Since you choose to trust Bill Duffy, there is no need to be suspicious. Leaving all things to him is the wisest decision for Dayao now.

After solving this matter, Dayao and the Knicks also ushered in their next opponent, the Nets, who are ranked second in the East.

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