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"This is the change Yao has brought to our team. He always appears in the right position and helps the team in every way possible!"

"We will pour out all our resources to match Yao Ming's strength. This year, our goal has become the championship!"

Coach Don Cheney was interviewed by ESPN at the beginning of the second quarter.

It can be seen that his face was full of pride and pride at this moment.

Because of Yao Ming's appearance, the Knicks are really going to rise again.

During the time when Don Cheney was interviewed, the Knicks' substitute lineup did not seem to complete the tasks he assigned very well.

The second quarter had been played for 3 minutes, but there was still no point. It was completely different from the main lineup.

Isaiah Thomas, who was watching from the sidelines today, couldn't help but frown, his brain was running fast.

As the Knicks' performance got better and better, the entire team from top to bottom has set this year's goal as the championship.

Although it seems a bit too taken for granted, this is NB. It is a stage for creating miracles.

Forever Never underestimate a champion's heart. Maybe it's the New Yorkers who will stand on the stage of the finals!

But there is definitely a certain gap between dreams and reality.

Now the entire main lineup of the Knicks is already good enough, but the bench lineup still cannot meet the requirements of a strong team.

Now is the regular season, and the problem of insufficient strength of the bench lineup can be adjusted by continuous personnel changes.

But if it comes to the playoffs, this problem will be infinitely magnified, and at that time, it will definitely become the biggest hidden danger on the team's road to winning the championship!

Therefore, Thomas knows very well in his heart that it is time to recruit players.

At least, he must ensure that the bench lineup has one or two stable scoring points!

The camera returns to the court, and the lead that the Knicks got in the first quarter is now gone. If Don Cheney had n't made a timely substitution, the Knicks would have lost a lot of points.

Moreover, this is not the first time that the Knicks have encountered such a scene.

Now the Knicks' main lineup has completely become a pit-filling team for the substitute lineup! The

Nets' main players who stood on the court again were not happy because the score difference had been eliminated.

Instead, they still had a sad look.

Especially Jason Kidd, the expression on his face did not show the slightest joy.

He definitely attaches great importance to this game.

It's a pity that the performance of his teammates is really hard to describe.

For the first time, he doubted his control of the game and became confused about the outcome of this game.

Kidd gritted his teeth and decided to change his thinking again and rely on independent offense.

Although Kidd has the title of Kidd who doesn't attack, But his individual combat ability is not weak.

With an average of 15.5 points per game, he is also the highest player in the entire Nets team.

It's just that he likes the ball more than the offense.

But if the team really can't open up the situation, Kidd is still a very reliable scoring point!

However, before launching a personal offense, what greets him is defense.

After the adjustment in the first quarter, Paul gradually regained his form, but he still couldn't do too well when facing Kidd's strong defense.

His passes are basically based on his ability to open up the situation.

This is completely different from Kidd.

In other words, Paul is a player who relies heavily on personal performance.

Only when he plays comfortably can he help his teammates better.

But now, when he faces Kidd's defense, he has no way at all.

The only thing he can do is to pass the ball passively.

But this kind of passing method that is inconsistent with his style will eventually achieve very limited results.

Paul, who manipulated the basketball through half the court, decided to challenge Kidd's defense once and find his own rhythm.

With continuous large-scale changes, Paul tried to break through Kidd's defense.

But unfortunately, Kidd, who was very experienced in defense, was not moved at all and stayed in front of Paul all the time, leaving him no way to make other choices.

In desperation, Paul could only force an overtake.

But Kidd, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, quickly cut off Paul's dribbling and successfully completed the steal.

And at the first time, he launched a defensive counterattack.

Paul also hurriedly turned the car around and carried out a single-player defense.

However, although his speed was not inferior to Kidd, his experience was not a little bit worse.

Kidd's sudden rhythm change and slow three steps directly taught Paul a lesson.

Not only did Paul fail to stop it, but he also paid a foul for no reason.

Kidd, who was also awarded a free throw, smiled evilly at Paul. Everything has just begun!

Dayao took it all in. In this game, Paul really had to pay tuition...

The Knicks attacked again, and Dayao once again took up the banner of offense.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's unique skills were used by Dayao for the first time at this time.


When Yao Ming scored the ball with a hook shot, the whole Madison Square Garden was boiling again.

The camera was also timely facing Tian Hook sitting in the coach's seat.

And a proud smile appeared on his face.

To be honest, Yao Ming's improvement was something he had never expected.

Moreover, judging from the state he just showed, it was even better than his own hook shot!

"Hook shot, hook shot, Yao Ming actually used the hook shot that belonged to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar!"

"Oh my god, it's only been a few games, and Yao Ming has already learned the hook shot. I think we need to rethink what the final result of this game will be?"

The two commentators couldn't control their expressions, and were completely shocked by Yao Ming's move.

You know, the hook shot is a unique skill of the sky hook, which can be said to be the dream of every center.

But to this day, let alone someone who can fully master it, even if they can use the hook shot, there are only a few in the entire league.

Now, Yao Ming not only performed the hook shot perfectly, but also performed it extremely skillfully.

The visual impact brought about by this is really too great.……

"It's over, guys, we can celebrate our victory in advance!"

"This is Yao, the new leader of us New Yorkers. Who dares to say anything against it?"

"No other offensive means are needed, just this hook shot, who can stop him?"

The audience in the stands expressed their bold words excitedly.

Yao Ming is already unstoppable, and coupled with an equally unstoppable offensive means, I really want to ask everyone on behalf of Yao Ming, who else?

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