The time came to November 24, 2008.

The Warriors played away in Cleveland.

They faced the Cavaliers led by the little emperor James.

It was also a revenge battle for Ben Wallace.

When the Warriors played against the Pistons, they beat Rasheed Wallace to tears.

Ben Wallace did not forget the harsh words he had said.

So this game was destined to be not peaceful.

Jackson, who received Su Lang's gift, had already shown his attitude very clearly in the locker room.

Many players saw that Jackson had completely stood in Su Lang's team.

Now they also knew that Su Lang and Monta Ellis must choose one.

This is the behavior of standing in line in the locker room.

Originally, they thought that Jackson would choose to be neutral, and they could stand behind Jackson at that time.

But now Jackson has chosen to stand.

There are no other players with cards in the team who can stand out.

This means that the road of neutrality is not feasible.

They must make a choice.

In fact, Su Lang himself did not expect that Jackson would show his support for him in the locker room.

In this case, he and Monta Ellis will be incompatible.

The status conflict between the two people was completely exposed.

But Su Lang didn't care at all.

He didn't want Monta Ellis to stay in the Warriors.

Otherwise, what if the cute god comes next year?

So now he can only help Curry to remove the obstacles in front of him.

Many players began to weigh in their hearts who to stand on.

After all, this is related to whether they can stay in the team in the future.

If they stand on the wrong team, they will definitely be traded and wandering.

Compared with Monta Ellis, most of the Warriors players actually tend to Su Lang.

After all, it is more pleasant to get along with Su Lang.

But now the team's position is vague, and they dare not make a decision casually.

Monta Ellis is about to collapse.

Now the thing he regrets most is that he is injured.

Originally thought that returning to the team to keep an eye on Su Lang would slow down the development of this matter.

If he can hold on until he recovers from his injury and returns, he can also compete with Su Lang at that time.

But now it seems that the opportunity to compete with Su Lang is almost gone.

【Negative emotion value from Monta Ellis +1000]

Su Lang turned his head and looked at Monta Ellis who looked resentful, and a smile appeared on his face.

Su Lang's smile seemed so evil to Monta Ellis.


At 3 pm, the game officially started and the players from both sides entered the court.

Today, the Quick Loans Arena had an attendance rate of more than 80%.

This is a very good thing for the management of Cleveland.

Usually, the Quick Loans Arena maintains an attendance rate of about 70%.

Obviously, some of the extra fans today came to watch the duel between Su Lang and James.

After all, one of them is the little emperor, the son of heaven.

The other is Su Duidu, who destroyed the world as soon as he entered the league.

The collision between the two must be very exciting.

Su Lang looked at James from a distance and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If this guy had stayed in Cleveland, maybe there wouldn't be so many rumors in the future.

But one wrong step leads to another. Some people have to pay the price for what they do.

Su Lang also knows that after Stern stepped down, Xiao Hua took over.

The league team's view of one person and one city has become more and more vague.

Loyalty has become cheaper in the league.

This can't be blamed entirely on James.

But it is also a kind of luck to be able to play against James at this time.

If we talk about peak Kobe and peak Iverson, the one Su Lang wants to play against the most is James during his Cavaliers period.

James during this period was also very sharp.

Although his skills were not as mature as in the later period, he still had a fighting spirit.

It would definitely be very interesting to play against such a James.


The players of both teams in this game.

The Warriors still used the lineup they were most familiar with.

On the Cavaliers side, No. 1 Mo Williams, No. 2 Deronti West, No. 3 James, No. 4 Ben Wallace, No. 5 Varejao.


The whistle for the start of the game sounded.

Andris simply gave up during the jump ball.

In fact, the Warriors did not have much expectation for him.

After all, this guy seemed to have only won one jump ball so far.

Varejao passed the ball to Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo controlled the basketball here and passed the half court.

Mo Bu Chuan's reputation is really not covered.

The Cavaliers with James, Xiao Mo did not pass the ball to him in the first round.

Instead, he launched an attack.

Su Lang stuck to Xiao Mo's side.

Xiao Mo's breakthrough speed is not very fast, but his confrontation is top-notch.

This is also Xiao Mo's scoring method.

But this time he met Su Lang. Usually, he can crush some No. 1 players with his body.

But against Su Lang, Xiao Mo's body is not good enough.

Xiao Mo wanted to fight back and pushed Su Lang away to finish the shot.

But Su Lang's resistance exceeded Xiao Mo's imagination.

Without pushing Su Lang away, Xiao Mo had to throw the basketball outside the three-point line.

The line of the pass was even a little offset.

Fortunately, James outside the three-point line was already used to Xiao Mo's dunking.

He took a big step and reached out to intercept the basketball.

This prevented the basketball from flying out of bounds.

Xiao Mo didn't seem to blame himself at all.

After seeing this scene, Su Lang shook his head reluctantly.

Such a No. 1 position can survive until now, James' temper is really good.

After James received the ball, he paused outside the three-point line.

The Cavaliers understood James's idea instantly.

Everyone opened up space for James.

The next second, James directly attacked outside the three-point line.

After a change of direction, he directly collided violently.

Maggette, who was defending James, was forcibly pushed from outside the three-point line to the inside by James.

After reaching the attack distance, James raised his hand and hit the backboard.

The basketball bounced into the basket���

Su Lang couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he saw this scene.

It's really barbaric!

Maggette, who was defending James, also looked depressed.

He didn't lose his defensive position at all, but he was pushed into the inside by the opponent like a bulldozer.

Is there any justice in this world!

After James scored, the Cavaliers quickly returned to the backcourt to defend.

Su Lang also calmed down.

The next second, Su Lang's eyes revealed a crazy fighting spirit.

Let me see how strong James is at this time.

Extreme technology versus extreme strength.

Who will have the last laugh!


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