After the friction was resolved, the game continued. It was the Warriors' offensive round.

After Su Lang received the sideline ball from Maggette, he faced Mo.

Su Lang waved his hand and stood at the top of the arc to direct the tactics.

Su Lang changed his tactics and abandoned the elevator door tactics.

After seeing Su Lang's gesture, Brandon White went directly to the free throw line to do a pick-and-roll for Su Lang.

Ben Wallace, who was facing him, had to come out from the inside.

Su Lang used the pick-and-roll to accelerate and get rid of Mo.

In addition, Brandon White's dribble attracted Mo's attention. This instantly caused Ben Wallace to switch defense.

Letting a No. 4 defend the No. 1 is a death wish.

Su Lang stabilized the rhythm of ball control while retreating to the three-point line.

"Hey! I will shoot in the bottom corner! Didn't you see that it's that position!"

Su Lang pointed in the direction of the right bottom corner.

Ben Wallace's face darkened, and he was furious.

Who are you looking down on! I am the best defensive player!

What's more, you are not Larry Bird!

How dare you be so arrogant!

Before Ben Wallace got angry, Su Lang started to perform.

He dribbled the ball between his legs twice in a row, and then dribbled behind his back and changed direction.

After shaking Ben Wallace's center of gravity, Su Lang accelerated and rushed in.

Ben Wallace naturally didn't want to give up, and then relying on his core strength, he turned around and chased in the direction of Su Lang.

But Ben Wallace happened to fall into Su Lang's trap.

Su Lang pulled back.

Ben Wallace didn't brake in time and rushed out directly.

Su Lang took a step sideways to pass the ball, and then shot easily.

The shooting position was exactly the right bottom corner.


The basketball made a crisp sound when it entered the net.,

"Hey! See it! It's right here!"

Su Lang pointed at his feet.

【[Negative emotion value from Ben Wallace +2000]

Su Lang smiled when he saw the notification from the system.

Sure enough, just as he thought, with the foreshadowing of the Rasheed Wallace incident, Ben Wallace's output must be considerable.

Now it just happened to verify Su Lang's thoughts.

Ben Wallace glared at Su Lang fiercely.

Not as good as others! Ben Wallace didn't have any chance to attack. He couldn't just go up and beat others when he was shaken off.

That would be too tasteless.

The Cavaliers' offensive round.

This time James should have had enough of Mo's scapegoating. He went directly to the top of the arc and asked Mo for the ball just past half court.

Mo finally handed the basketball to James.

After all, James is still the boss of the team in name.

Although James usually doesn't care about some details with him, if he does too much.

Even without James's shot, the team management will not let him go.

After James took control of the ball, the team still opened up space and waited for James's brutal attack.

But this time James didn't rush to attack, but made a gesture to Mo.

After seeing this, Xiao Mo ran towards James in silence.

A small forward, what kind of organizing tactics is this? I, the No. 1 player, have to play the tactics.

Why are you joining in the fun!

Xiao Mo secretly slandered in his heart.

But Xiao Mo didn't show it very clearly.

After Xiao Mo came to James, he actually made a pick-and-roll for James.

Then the next scene was exactly the same as Su Lang's offense in the previous round.

Xiao Mo went down to attract the defense.

Su Lang had no choice but to complete the switch.

Su Lang and James completed a direct matchup.

Looking at James in front of him, Su Lang showed a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Su Lang didn't expect James to avenge Ben Wallace in this round.

Now it seems that James, the core boss, still has some responsibility.

But James picked the wrong person. Ben Wallace's heart has always been in the Motor City.

Cleveland is just a stop in his life.

The Motor City is his final home.

If it were someone else, James would stand up for him like this, the other party would definitely be grateful.

But this set of tricks didn't work on Ben Wallace.

So James was destined to do useless work.

As a time traveler, Su Lang naturally knew this.

But James didn't know that James was just trying his best to be a leader.

After James faced Su Lang, he still used his standard offensive moves.

After a fake move and change of direction, he rushed to the inside line against Su Lang.

The moment he came into contact with James, Su Lang felt like a thousand horses galloping through his heart.

What a beast!

James's strength was beyond Su Lang's expectations.

But what Su Lang didn't know was that James was even more shocked.

The confrontation Su Lang gave James was also beyond James's expectations.

If it were someone else, he would have lost his balance at this time.

But Su Lang still maintained a standard defensive posture.

In fact, James didn't know that Su Lang was least afraid of this kind of straight attack.

Su Lang's physical fitness was not given for nothing.

What Su Lang hated was the slippery offensive method.

That was the most headache for Su Lang.

James took his characteristic crab steps and came to the inside line in the blink of an eye.

But Su Lang was still by his side.

James had a strong confidence in his own strength.

Even if he didn't get rid of Su Lang, James still chose a tough attack.

Su Lang and James fought in the air.

Su Lang stretched his arms as far as he could.

James shot the ball.


Su Lang's fingertips touched the ball at the moment the ball was shot.


Su Lang yelled to the back.

Andris had been waiting for a long time, and with the advantage of weight, he blocked Valanciunas behind him under the basket and grabbed the rebound.

James looked at Su Lang in surprise.

He didn't expect to be blocked by Su Lang.

You know, there are no more than three people in the league who can block him head-on.

The one that James fears the most is Howard of the Magic.

James has suffered a lot from Howard over the years.

Now there is one more person on James' list.

That is Su Lang!

Su Lang was able to block his layup head-on, which means Su Lang's strength.

James put Su Lang on an equal footing in his heart.

Facing equal opponents, James has always been very respectful.

But the next second James almost broke through the defense.

"Hey! Is this the chosen one? That's all. You don't deserve your number."

Su Lang's words rang in James' ears.

But Su Lang was indeed a little disappointed with James just now.

James shouldn't be so strong at this time.

Su Lang simply added some ingredients to James.

Forced the appearance of James at full strength.

【[Negative emotion value from James +2000]

James was very upset.

I treat you as a respected opponent, but you insult me like this.

I'm afraid you haven't been beaten by society before!

James thought of this and directly activated another of his special skills, the death stare.

He stared at Su Lang fiercely.

After seeing James's sight, the corners of Su Lang's mouth rose slightly.

That's right! It should be like this!

Let me see how powerful James is!


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