
The halftime break is over.

The players from both sides returned to the court.

Su Lang looked at the Cavaliers' bench with a confused look on his face.

The reason was that during the halftime break, Su Lang's system exploded.

Xiao Mo kept providing negative emotion values to himself.

And it was provided every minute and every second.

What kind of hatred and resentment! What could make Xiao Mo hate him so much?

Su Lang could only think of one reason, that is, James sold out the guy who gave him advice.

Good guy! He was still a brother in the previous second.

He sold himself out in the next second.

Although Su Lang didn't mind it very much, Su Lang still decided to let James explain himself properly when he had a chance in the future. Sure enough, as soon as the second half started,

Xiao Mo was pressed to the bench.

Obviously, during the halftime, James either put pressure on the coach or directly confronted Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo looked at James on the court with disdain.

Dislike me for controlling the ball more?

Humph! I want to see how you play without the No. 1 position!

James turned around and saw Mo's expression of watching a show.

James' stubborn temper also came up.

The Cavaliers' offensive round.

James directly controlled the ball himself.

Isn't it just organizing the offense!

I am now organizing the small forward!

James has decided that from now on he will control the ball in his own hands.

He has had enough of Mo's various blame-shifting.

After James began to control the ball, the situation on the court was actually stabilized by the Cavaliers.

In addition, James wanted to prove that his control of the ball was more reasonable than Mo's.

James directly fought for his life.

Continuous chase-up blocks on the defensive end.

Even Su Lang couldn't avoid James' block.

When he made another layup, Su Lang was blocked by James.

The Quicken Loans Center was cheered like a tsunami.

Slowly, the situation on the court was brought back by the Cavaliers.

There is a saying that it is not terrible to win the game, but it is embarrassing to be missing someone.

During the time when Mo was not on the court, the Cavaliers could not catch up with the score.

Mo is now sitting on the sidelines.

Originally, he wanted to see James make a fool of himself. According to James' temper, he would definitely ask to go back. Then,

Mo would go back and take control of the ball.

Even if James didn't want to, he would have nothing to say.

But now it seems that not only does James not need him, but the team doesn't seem to need him that much.

Mo, who was off the court, began to get anxious.

At the same time, Mo stared fiercely at the No. 0 player on the court.

Because James said something to him at halftime.

"If you have half the ability of Su Lang, I will never get entangled in the issue of ball possession, but you don't! So next you have to give me that damn ball!"

Xiao Mo naturally did not agree.

In his opinion, Su Lang is not his opponent at all.

How can a rookie compare with him?

So Xiao Mo has a mysterious self-confidence.

The result of this is that James directly puts pressure on the coach.

Then Xiao Mo was pressed on the bench.

Now Xiao Mo is completely panicked.

According to the current plot development, his starting point guard position is basically getting farther and farther away from him.


James on the court is now completely excited.

He has never experienced the feeling of having the ball firmly in his hands.

Usually, James always wants to show his grace.

So he doesn't mind the team distributing the ball to everyone.

But after this time, James feels that this is the feeling of being the core.

As for grace, go to hell!

Su Lang also secretly sighed that James is really fierce.

After turning on the full-strength mode.

What people fear most is his defensive ability.

Unlike other superstars, James is not stingy about consuming physical strength on the defensive end.

Ordinary superstars will hand over the responsibility of defense to their teammates.

I will focus more on the offensive end.

It is now time for both offense and defense. It is the first time that Su Lang has seen such an energetic player in the league.

As for Hamilton in the previous game against the Pistons.

Su Lang just wants to say that he is old.

James' full-strength also makes Su Lang excited.

The score on the court began to rise alternately


There was one minute left in the game.

The score was 107.:107.

James made a tough layup to tie the score.

After seeing this, Don Nelson of the Warriors wanted to call a timeout to arrange tactics.

But he soon canceled the action.

Because Su Lang had already rushed to the Cavaliers' backcourt at full speed.

The Cavaliers' defense was instantly torn apart.

They didn't expect that the Warriors didn't call a timeout at this time, but instead launched a fast break.

Su Lang's strategy caught the Cavaliers off guard.

However, there was a person who had been staring at Su Lang with concentration.

That was James.

Although James' chest was constantly rising and falling, indicating that his physical strength was being consumed violently.

But James' eyes were unusually firm.

He had never been firmer.

James's belief in his heart was also unprecedentedly strong.

So when Su Lang launched a fast break, James rushed up in one step and chased him.

Su Lang didn't think he could easily complete the attack.

So when he saw James behind him in his peripheral vision, Su Lang was not surprised at all.

But now there are two ways in front of Su Lang.

One is to pass the ball.

The other is to attack by himself.

Both have high risk factors.

If the ball is passed, the team is likely to waste this fast break opportunity.

If he attacks, he will most likely be blocked by James.

Su Lang is very clear about James's ability to defend.

James stared at Su Lang.

As long as Su Lang has the thought of attacking, James will definitely slam the basketball on the backboard.


In James' sight, Su Lang, who was breaking through, made a move.

James perked up instantly.

Su Lang grabbed the basketball with one hand and threw it to the left from behind.

Pass the ball!

James instantly judged Su Lang's action.

With a glance, James saw Stephen Jackson who had just taken position in the left corner.

"Bottom corner!"

James himself was too late to go over at this time.

He could only yell in the hope that his teammates would notice him.

While James was yelling, Ben Wallace of the Cavaliers rushed over in one step.

The best defensive player is indeed not covered!

Ben Wallace's defensive ability is indeed top-notch.

Almost at the same time as James, he realized Su Lang's purpose.

You must know that Ben Wallace did not see Su Lang's passing action.

All of this was judged by his defensive instinct, talent and experience.

After seeing Ben Wallace rush out.

James was instantly relieved.

The passing route was blocked, and Su Lang had no choice but to attack by himself.

This block! I'm sure it!

James stared at Su Lang intently.


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