The next day, Donnelson came to Su Lang with a bad look on his face.

Su Lang knew from his expression that there was no good news.

"I really don’t know what these damn managers are thinking!"

"You are meddling in my business!"

Don Nelson said angrily.

Don Nelson was still thinking yesterday that he had the final say on the court.

No one could interfere.

He didn't expect to be slapped in the face today.

Some idiots in the management team actually found him and wanted to continue the experiment by letting Monta Ellis appear at the No. 1 position.

Go eat shit!

I really don't know what these people are thinking. Do they have to tear the Warriors team he built with great difficulty into pieces to be happy?

Don Nelson's temper also came up, and he said a few words to the other party without thinking.

When signing the contract, there was a condition that he could not interfere with Don Nelson's decision-making on the court.

Now they actually did this, which was the reason why Don Nelson was angry.

The other party did not expect that it would provoke Don Nelson.���Don Nelson had such a strong reaction.

Although his old friend Chris Mullin comforted him later,

Don Nelson was still very angry.

After hearing Don Nelson's explanation of the whole thing,

Su Lang finally understood why he was so angry.

"Otherwise, agree to them. I just sprained my wrist these days."

Su Lang smiled and looked at Don Nelson.

Don Nelson was about to care about Su Lang's injury, but suddenly saw Su Lang's eyes.

He instantly understood what Su Lang meant.

Good guy! Su Lang played this trick of cutting off the source of funds beautifully!

In fact, Su Lang was also testing to what extent Don Nelson could support him.

Otherwise, he must be sick in the brain to put pressure on the management.

A rookie putting pressure on the management is probably looking for death.

But if he had the support of Don Nelson and Chris Mullin.

The result would be different.

""Okay! I'll grant you three days of vacation, you can rest as much as you want,"

Don Nelson said to Su Lang.

The two smiled knowingly.

They knew Monta Ellis' current condition very well.

If Su Lang really wasn't in the team, it's not difficult to imagine how the game would be led by Monta Ellis.

At that time, those people would definitely be speechless.

Su Lang also got the answer he wanted.

Don Nelson really supported him very much.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have played with Su Lang like this.

Soon the news of Su Lang's injury spread to the team, and Su Lang would not play in the last few games.

The happiest person to hear the news was Monta Ellis.

He thought his chance had finally come.

But what he didn't know was that this was not his chance.

It was the beginning of his demise.

Su Lang also received a call from his gold medal hitter Stephen.

Jackson was very concerned about Su Lang's injury.

Su Lang Didn't tell him the truth, just let Jackson play the game seriously.

The first day Su Lang left.

The Warriors played against the Cleveland Cavaliers at home.

It was a terrible game for the fans of Oracle Arena.

The Warriors lost the game at home with 92:123. They were suppressed by the Cavaliers led by James throughout the game.

They lost a full 31 points.

This is the game with the most points lost by the Warriors this season.

Monta Ellis made 4 of 23 shots and 3 of 6 free throws in the game.

He scored 11 points and 4 assists.

It can be said that the biggest responsibility for the loss of this game lies with him.

After losing the game, Monta Ellis's expression was obviously not very good.

This was different from the script he imagined.

Don Nelson went to Chris Mullin to plan after the game.

The two of them were going to show some colors to those who did not give up in the management.

Otherwise, they would really treat them as soft persimmons.


Su Lang learned that the Warriors were slaughtered by 30 points.

On the one hand, he felt sorry for not playing against James again.

On the other hand, he sneered in his heart, did he really think Monta Ellis could do what he wanted?

Some people in the management were too stupid.

Su Lang was not in a hurry, anyway, Don Nelson gave him three days.

Don Nelson must have some plans. All

Su Lang needed to do was wait quietly.


That day, Su Lang's agent, Bills, found Su Lang.

He had previously negotiated a clothing brand, goman, for Su Lang.

This clothing brand is considered a high-end brand in the United States.

However, they have never found sports stars to endorse.

They prefer movie stars and the like.

I don't know how Bills did it, but he actually helped Su Lang get such an endorsement.

This time Bills came to tell Su Lang that he needed to help the goman brand shoot a set of promotional photos.

Su Lang just took it as a way to relax. He directly asked Bills to book a flight and left Golden State to fly to the goman brand's residence in Los Angeles.

After arriving, Su Lang realized that this promotional shoot was far from as simple as he thought.

Not only were there some promotional shoots for regular clothing.

There was even a set of goman brand's main spring starry sky series clothing shoots.

The important thing is that the starry sky series is a set of couples' clothing.

This means that the other party also has a female spokesperson who will shoot this set of promotional films with Su Lang.

Su Lang didn't know this at all before he came.

Su Lang looked at Bills.

Biers lowered his head in embarrassment. This was his work mistake.

He did not tell Su Lang about this news in time.

But Su Lang did not mind.

Anyway, he took the money from the other party and regarded it as a part-time job. Su Lang was ready to be a tool man this time.

Since the other party's other shooting had been completed long ago,

Su Lang was the only one shooting today. The starry sky series of suits need to wait until the other party arrives tomorrow before shooting.

Su Lang did not refuse, and put on a tool man who had the final say.

After the shooting started, the person in charge of goman realized how right it was to choose Su Lang as their spokesperson.

Su Lang's figure is not inferior to some supermodels.

He is simply a natural clothes rack.

Wearing their brand's clothes, the whole person exudes charming charm.

The person in charge of the goman brand can imagine how many girls will be fascinated by Su Lang after the future promotional photos are issued.

And it is said that Su Lang's fan base in Longguo is also very good.

This is also the reason why the goman brand chose Su Lang.

Because they have a development plan in Asia in the second half of this year.

So choosing Su Lang was a very good stepping stone.

The first day of shooting exhausted Su Lang.

Su Lang didn't expect that the promotion of clothing endorsements would be so difficult.

If he had known, he would not have accepted these brand endorsements.

When Su Lang arrived at the shooting location the next day, the other female spokesperson had not arrived yet.

Su Lang could only sit alone in the studio, taking out his mobile phone to check some league game news to kill time.

""Hey! Hello! Are you following the news of NBA?"

A gentle voice came.

Su Lang, who was killing time, looked up.

Good guy! He is making trouble!

Du Xiaoshuai must kill me if he knows!

That's right! The person who spoke was the famous black widow Scarlett in the previous life!


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