The first-year student's mindless charge tactics soon showed results.

At the end of the third quarter, Varejao received his sixth foul of the game.

The last foul was caused by Su Lang who was not far from him.

In fact, Varejao had been very careful.

But he was still tricked by Su Lang.

So sooner or later, you will get what you deserve.

Ten minutes ago, Gan Gang played dirty and bullied Oden.

Ten minutes later, retribution came.

Varejao walked to the court helplessly.

【[Negative emotion value from Varejao +1000]

Su Lang was very happy to get a wave of gains.

In fact, it was not just Varejao, Horford was not much better.

In addition to Su Lang, the impact of Westbrook and Rose also made Horford suffer a lot.

When Varejao left the court, Horford also had four fouls.

You know, at the beginning of the third quarter,

Horford only had one foul.

In the end, the sophomore chose to replace Horford and replaced Jeff Green.

Little did he know that Jeff Green started to curse in his heart.

Now he is the tallest on the court for the sophomore.

Jeff Green can imagine what he will face next.

Sure enough, the first-year did not waste this opportunity.

The emptiness of the inside line on the second-year made the impact of the first-year even more fierce.

In the second half of the fourth quarter,

Howard replaced Horford, who had four fouls, on the court.

This increased the height on the court.

But it was too late.

The first-year was already killing like crazy.

Less than two minutes after coming on the court, Horford received his sixth foul of the game.

By now, the second-year team had no hope at all.



The whistle sounded, signaling the end of the game.

The score was 131.:117.

Under the leadership of Su Lang, the freshmen defeated the sophomores by 14 points, breaking the six-year monopoly of the sophomores in the rookie game.

After the game, the fans cheered.

Not surprisingly, Su Lang scored 40 points, 6 rebounds and 5 assists, winning the MVP of this rookie game.

When Su Lang raised the MVP trophy, the whole audience shouted"real MVP"


Looking at the trophy in his hand, Su Lang suddenly thought of the cute god Curry who hadn't called him for a long time.

Calculating the time, Curry is about to start his March Madness journey.

I can go visit him after the All-Star Weekend.

By the way, I can take the MVP trophy in my hand and the trophy of the three-point contest that is about to be obtained to stimulate the cute god Curry.

It's interesting to think about it.

After the game, Su Lang returned to the locker room after the interview.

As soon as he entered the door, he was sprayed with champagne all over his face.

Damn! Sneak attack on your uncle Su!

Forced to open his eyes, Su Lang finally saw who was attacking him.

Westbrook was holding a bottle of champagne at this time, sniping Su Lang crazily.

Su Lang suspected that Westbrook's heart was more about revenge.

Let you say turtle face again! Spray you to death!

Westbrook's face showed an excited expression.

There are not many opportunities to attack Su Lang openly like this.

Westbrook finally found an opportunity to fight back against Su Lang.

How could he let it go easily.

Just like Su Lang guessed, Westbrook completely forgot what celebration meant at this time.

He just wanted to get back at Su Lang.

The next second Westbrook cursed

"Fuck! Which bastard attacked me?"

Westbrook suddenly felt his face sprayed with champagne.

Then he saw that Su Lang had a bottle of champagne in his hand for some reason.

He was spraying it at him with a smug look on his face.

A real man never backs down! Come on!

Westbrook raised the champagne in his hand again, roaring in his heart and starting a champagne battle with Su Lang.


After all the hassles, the locker room finally became much quieter.

After taking a shower, Su Lang turned on his phone and found a missed call.

The name left was Scarlett.

Su Lang thought about it and called back.

""Hello, congratulations! Today's game was exciting!"

Scarlett's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Su Lang's mouth slightly raised

"Thank you!"

Then the two fell into silence.

Finally, Su Lang broke the silence.

"I remember I promised you a dinner last time. Do you want to go together later?"

Su Lang said to Scarlett on the other end of the phone.


Scarlett's voice came with a hint of joy.

"See you tonight!"

"See you tonight!"


After hanging up the phone, Su Lang's smile became more and more wanton.

At this time, if Su Lang doesn't understand what Scarlett wants to do,

Su Lang will have lived two lives in vain.

Su Lang can be sure that Scarlett definitely has ideas about him.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this.

Su Lang looked at himself in the mirror.

He couldn't help but sigh that a good appearance is indeed useful sometimes.

Su Lang suddenly remembered that Durant still wanted to bathe with Scarlett in the future.

Thinking of this, Su Lang suddenly felt that he was too soft in this game.

He dared to covet your sister-in-law.

Du Xiaoshuai! Your good days are over!


At seven o'clock in the evening, Su Lang and Scarlett arrived at the restaurant where they had agreed to meet.

It was obvious that Scarlett had dressed up carefully before coming out.

Su Lang felt even more proud.

"Wow! Are you going to the red carpet? You are so beautiful and stunning."

Su Lang looked at Scarlett jokingly.

"This is just my normal look. I look much more radiant on the red carpet than this,"

Scarlett said with a smile.

At this time, Scarlett was already secretly happy.

She finally got back at Su Lang.

Otherwise, Scarlett really doubted that her charm was useless in front of Su Lang.

But now it seems that this is obviously not the case.

But the next second, Scarlett's face looked bad.

Because he heard Su Lang whispering to himself

"She had dressed up carefully but she still didn't admit it!"

Stinky man! Unromantic!"

Scarlett scolded Su Lang fiercely in her heart.

【[Scarlett's negative emotion value +2000]

Good guy!

Su Lang's eyes widened instantly and he looked at Scarlett opposite him.

Scarlett still had a smiling face.

It's true that a woman's heart is as unfathomable as the sea!

With a smile on her face, she didn't know how to curse herself in her heart.

If Su Lang didn't have a cheating system.

Maybe he would have been cheated by Scarlett.

The dinner was over quickly.

This dinner also brought Scarlett and Su Lang closer.

When they parted, Scarlett looked at Su Lang.

"Will you still have a match tomorrow?"

Su Lang didn't understand what Scarlett meant.

"Of course!"

Su Lang nodded.

"Then I will continue to cheer for you at the scene!"

Scarlett said with a smile

"Hahaha! With the blessing of the beauty, I will kill them all then,"

Su Lang said with a smile.

Scarlett rolled her eyes at Su Lang and turned away.

"See you tomorrow!"

Scarlett's voice came, Su Lang smiled and looked at Scarlett's back as she left.


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