Su Lang did not wait for the system to update.

Instead, he waited for Su Jianguo to talk to him.

After Su Lang found Su Jianguo, he saw the international email in front of him.

He couldn't help but smile.

If nothing unexpected happened, this should be an admission letter from a university in the United States.

After Su Lang traveled to 2008 and got the system, he directly planned a plan for himself to reach the NBA as quickly as possible.

That is to go to a university in the United States first, and then attract league scouts through the exposure of the NCAA.

Finally, participate in the NBA draft.

This is the safest and fastest way Su Lang can think of.

Su Lang's plan to study in the United States naturally received the support of his parents.

But Su Jianguo and his wife didn't know that their lovely son in front of them was planning to play in the NBA!

However, it is not easy to enter a university in the United States now that it is so long before the start of school.

This is of course related to Su Lang's choice.

The university Su Lang chose is not a random fake university in the United States.

If it is really a fake university, according to Su Lang's family background, he can get in if he has money.

Su Lang chose some famous basketball schools.

Because these famous basketball schools have received more attention from the NBA.

I just don't know which university approved my application.

Su Lang looked at the international email on the table.

"Ahem, Xiaolang! Guess why I asked you to come here."

Su Jianguo looked at Su Lang with a smile on his face.

"Dad, your acting is too bad. You don't think your son is stupid, do you? If you want to create suspense, at least hide the email on the table!"

Su Lang looked at Su Jianguo in front of him speechlessly.

【Negative emotions from Su Jianguo +30……】

Soon, Su Lang opened the email, and his attention was focused on the thin piece of paper inside. He completely ignored Su Jianguo who was standing next to him with a constipated look.

Davidson College!

Su Lang showed an expression of"as expected".

Although Su Lang also applied to famous schools such as North Carolina and Starkey.

But obviously the chances of these schools are not very big.

But Davidson College is not bad!

As a time traveler, Su Lang knew that there was a future league superstar in Davidson College - Stephen Curry!

It would be nice to be teammates with Curry.

Curry, who was far away on the other side of the ocean, didn't know that his miserable life was about to begin.


A week later, Su Lang got his visa.

After saying goodbye to his parents, he boarded a plane to North Carolina, the United States.

Davidson College.

Because Su Lang enrolled relatively late, the freshman dormitories were already full.

The school had no choice but to arrange a dormitory for Su Lang with a sophomore.

After Su Lang pushed the door open and saw the tidy dormitory, he nodded.

It seems that his future roommate is a clean person.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise Su Lang can only choose to live off-campus.

After Su Lang made his bed.

The sound of the dormitory door being pushed open came from behind him.

【Negative emotions from Stephen Curry +2]

Su Lang was surprised

"Hey! Man! Who are you? Why are you in my dormitory!"

After hearing the question behind him, Su Lang turned around and looked in the direction of the voice.

What came into his eyes was a face that Su Lang was familiar with in his previous life.

That's right! The person who came was Stephen Curry!

While Su Lang was surprised, Curry was also very surprised.

Curry obviously didn't expect that this tall man with a face like Dragon Country

"Hello, my name is Su Lang, I am from Longguo, and I am a freshman who just registered at school today! I will be your roommate from now on!"

Su Lang stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

Curry scratched his head embarrassedly, and stretched out his hand and shook hands with Su Lang gently.

"Excuse me! I thought someone broke into my dorm just now!"

"Oh, by the way, my name is Stephen Curry, nice to meet you."

Curry doesn't know yet that the roommate he is happy to meet now will make him angry every day in the future.

"Hahaha, it's okay."

Su Lang waved his hand

"By the way, Stephen, is our school’s basketball team still recruiting?"

"School basketball team?"

Curry looked at Su Lang in front of him in surprise again.

It was only then that Curry discovered that Su Lang had a static physical talent that was different from that of ordinary people.

He got rich!

This was Curry's first thought.

After seeing Su Lang's outstanding static physical talent, Curry smiled in his heart.

"Do you want to join the school basketball team? I happen to be on the school basketball team, so I can ask Coach Bob for you."

After seeing Su Lang's enviable static talent, Curry did not give Su Lang any room to respond. After saying this,

Curry opened the door and ran out.

Because Curry had had enough of the troubles of being the director of an orphanage.

Even if Su Lang's skills were not that good, he was much better than those losers in his team! What

's more, Su Lang's static talent was visible to the naked eye.

Curry did not believe that Su Lang's skills could be that bad.

Curry now wanted to tell the head coach Bob McKillop the good news.


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