Chapter 8 It’s normal to fight with a ball! You are surrounded by me!

Big Ben really used all his strength this time.

Although he shot Ye Qianchen’s hand, he also shot the basketball.

But in fact, he just went to Ye Qianchen.


The crisp voice sounded, and Big Ben’s attack this time was completely a foul.

However, the referee did not blow the whistle.

After the basketball in Ye Qianchen’s hand was cut, Big Ben got the basketball and passed it directly to Billups.

The latter directly instigates a quick attack.

Ye Qianchen clearly heard what Big Ben said to him.

Ye Qianchen looked at the red slap print on his forearm, and the corners of his mouth rose.

Very good, it seems that Big Ben still does not have a long memory.

Since the referee did not blow a foul, it means that the scale of the intra-team confrontation this time is very relaxed.

Isn’t this exactly what Ye Qianchen meant?

It’s normal to have a fight!

In the middle of thinking, the starting lineup has completed the fast attack.


At this time, Larry Brown’s expression became more satisfied.

Especially Da Ben’s attack on Ye Qianchen, he felt that he had done a good job.

Because in his opinion, it is to give Ye light dust strength.

Let him know how fierce the NBA rivalry really is.

It also allows a big player after him to pull out and shoot three-pointers is a soft egg performance.

Again it was the turn of the bench to attack.

It seems that he was instructed by the main lineup, and Mike James once again passed the ball to Ye Qianchen, who was in the position of the inside.

Then the other players all pulled away.

It seems to give Ye Qianchen a chance, but in fact, it is to let the players of the main lineup rest assured to pack Ye Qianchen.

Even their own upper body confrontation.

Ye Qianchen, who held the ball at a forty-five-degree angle, did not choose to play Daben with his back this time.

Instead, he directly chose to turn around and attack the face frame.

Big Ben appeared in front of him again, and next to Oku.

And there is even Prince behind him.

They all had only one goal, that is, to let Ye Qianchen know how strong their defense was.

Big Ben wants to repeat the old trick and directly cut the book.

And Oku and Prince also came directly over.

Ye Qianchen did not sit still this time, but directly attacked first.

He saw the timing of the big book to cut the book, aimed at the big book’s chin, and directly raised his elbow.

A scream!

Big Ben directly covered his chin, and he felt his tongue being bitten by his own teeth.

This is not over, after Ye Qianchen elbowed Big Ben, he directly dribbled and rushed towards Okun.

Oku was caught off guard by Ye Qianchen’s heavy shoulders, and flew out directly upside down.

Prince, who was left behind him, looked horrified.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Qianchen turned the two inner lines of the main lineup to the ground.

Prince prodded, and he took two steps back.

At this time, there was no one under the basket anymore.

Ye Qianchen completed the gorilla dunk with both hands.

It’s just that the referee’s whistle has sounded in advance.

Ye Qianchen attacked for a foul!

Invalid goals!

The referee also blew the game to a halt at the first time.

Because Big Ben and Oku don’t look good.

The other Pistons players who witnessed this scene were really dumbfounded.

This rookie of the Dragon Country is also too daring, right?

That’s a big book!

He has always turned over others, where have he ever seen someone else’s flipped?

There is also Wuoku, who is still moaning in pain on the ground.

This is playing ball, this is proper martial arts.

Larry Brown people are stupid.

I haven’t seen such a stunned young rookie, isn’t it normal for rookies to be taught by old players?

Why did he resist so fiercely?

At this moment, Ye Qianchen’s words shocked everyone present again:

“Welcome to the NBA! Old birds! ”

“That’s what you said?”

Ye Qianchen’s eyes looked at Big Ben, and the meaning of mockery was self-evident.

Ye Qianchen’s move really completely ignited the big book.

“Guys! He is too arrogant! Let’s go together! ”

Big Ben covered his chin and said incoherently.

After speaking, he was the first to rush towards Ye Qianchen.

And Prince and Billups and the others were also fed up with Ye Qianchen’s arrogant attitude at this time.

I have long wanted to beat him up.

Now that Big Ben has said that it will be the best opportunity.

If you can’t win a single fight, can’t you win a group fight?

At this time, the main lineup of the Pistons became unusually united.

That is, at the moment when several of them rushed towards Ye Qianchen together, a system prompt sounded in his mind:

[System release task: Knock all these people who beat the host to the ground! ] 】

[After completing the mission, you can get a permanent skill pack for any Hall of Famer.] 】

Ye Qianchen’s eyes were pleasantly surprised.

It turns out that the system rewards the newbie package that has such a use.

If it exists, it is reasonable.

Ye Qianchen, who has Tyson’s boxing skills and Dwayne Johnson wrestling skills, did not panic at all.

Looking at the people rushing towards him, Ye Qianchen’s face showed a cruel smile.

He even shouted loudly at Big Ben and the others

“Listen! I’ve surrounded you! ”

When Big Ben and the others heard Ye Qianchen’s words, they all felt that Ye Qianchen had a problem with his brain.

But in the next second, they found that it was not Ye Qianchen who had the problem with his brain.

And themselves!

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