Kings training ground.

Like the Nuggets, the Kings, who lost their first game, also conducted closed training.

The players were training in the gym, but there was only one assistant coach on the sidelines to help direct the training content.

Adelman and his coaching team had been working overtime to analyze the Nuggets' game videos.

This included a comparison of the Nuggets' games before and after Wang Chen's coaching.

At Adelman's age, working overtime to analyze the Nuggets' games still made him very tired.

"They have some similarities with our style."

"Whether it is Miller or Boykins, they both have the ability to drive the rhythm of the court, but they lack the ability to fight hard."

"At critical moments, Wang Chen always lets Anthony take the tough shots, and most of the time he lets Anthony take the reasonable shots."

An assistant coach said as he summarized and analyzed.

Adelman nodded. He did find this out after watching the video all night.

The Kings are normally active throughout the game, and everyone is a playmaker, but the problem with too many playmakers is that no one is ready for the tough shots.

The problem of the Nuggets relying on Anthony for tough shots is similar to the problem of the Kings relying on Bibby for tough shots.

"Wang Chen seemed to know he was going to advance, and practiced switching defenses against us in advance. They switched defenses too quickly.

"He was too arrogant. With this level of proficiency, he probably started to let the team practice right after the first comeback," said another assistant coach."

"The key is that they kept hiding when facing the Timberwolves, and only attacked us unexpectedly when they came to us."

The assistant coaches all felt that Wang Chen was too scheming, or too conceited.


Suddenly Adelman coughed and stood up.

The other coaches stopped talking and looked at Adelman. They knew that Adelman was going to talk about countermeasures.

"Arrange the team to practice double-teaming more in the next few days. This double-teaming is a combination of real double-teaming and fake double-teaming. Select people with fast movement speed for special training."

"Let's do a data analysis of Anthony's turnover rate when facing double-teaming."

Adelman directly stated his countermeasures.

The others are just rough and sloppy. Compared with the season performance, they just have a good touch. When the touch is down, they are actually an ordinary team, the kind that has difficulty entering the playoffs.

The key is Anthony, who makes this team capable of tough battles. It will be particularly difficult to play against the Kings if they can't deal with Anthony.

Hearing Adelman's arrangement, the other coaching staff members suddenly had an expression of sudden enlightenment.

Comparing Anthony's performance this season, Anthony has a good singles performance even when he is not in great shape.

His singles are too difficult, and it is really difficult to defend him alone. In addition, because Anthony is relatively stout, Christie cannot defend Anthony well alone.

But Anthony's passing doesn't seem to be very good.

"The turnover rate is 8.6%. The sample size is too small. If it increases, given Anthony's response, this number should increase."

The person in charge of the data in the coaching staff gave the answer after a while.


The coaching staff exclaimed immediately.

They thought that Anthony's turnover rate would be high when he was double-teamed, but they didn't expect it to be so exaggerated.

Although 8.6% is not a large number, as professionals know, if you want to specifically target such a player, the turnover rate may double.

"Very good, we just need to do some basic tactics to deal with their normal tactical plan."

Adelman finally smiled on his serious face.

If Anthony is confused on the court, no one in the Nuggets can stand up at the critical moment.

In Adelman's view, even if Wang Chen used unexpected tactics, he could not defeat the Kings in the normal game rhythm.

The reason why they lost the game in the last game was that when both sides were in a scoring drought, Anthony stood up and broke the scoring drought.

While the Kings were in a scoring drought, because Bibby overdrew his physical strength in advance, Bibby did not stand up when he was in a scoring drought.

"Maybe you will achieve something in the future, but you are not good enough to play against me now."

Adelman walked out of the analysis room with the data sheet, and his eyes regained their arrogance.

Only the next game's Zen Master or Popovich are his real opponents!

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