The fans and spectators at the scene exclaimed and booed.
Some of Swift’s die-hard fans even stood up in shock and put their heads in their hands.
Even if they were killed, they couldn’t believe that the new star of the Knicks, who carried the hope of the team’s rise, was so crazy? Curry and Lowry were stunned in shock.
And the players of the Knicks also hugged their heads and shouted in disbelief.
Even the Heat players who came to challenge today exclaimed one by one.
Wade is also a music enthusiast and has recently been obsessed with Taylor Swift’s new songs.
Even the talented and beautiful singer Taylor Swift who created this popular new song has become more and more appreciative and sought after.
Even the lone wolf Beasley, who always had a frenzied expression, looked surprised and angry at the moment.
That’s right.
The tall and beautiful talented singer Taylor Swift is now his favorite goddess singer.
Seeing someone go out so boldly, they even wanted to ask for their number in public to strike up a conversation.
This lone wolf wanted to rush out, and it was a fat beating for Shen Lang.
…ask for flowers….
Even though he was against Shen Lang, he couldn’t beat him at all.
And in the NBA draft, he was knocked over and humiliated by Shen Lang.
Gong wants Shen Lang to dare to strike up a conversation with his goddess unscrupulously, and Beasley believes that he will rush out to protect her.
These people think too much.
Taylor Swift sang a cheerful new song of romantic love, and looked at Shen Lang with a smile on her face.
That expression didn’t seem to be surprised at all, but it was full of anticipation and longing.
Everyone is confused, what the hell is going on?
Taylor Swift looked affectionately at Shen Lang who was walking over, and sang songs with happiness on her face.
very quickly.
Shen Lang walked up to her.
In front of everyone, she even held Taylor Swift’s little hand.
boom! !
boom! !
boom! !
The scene exploded again.
Everyone felt that their brains were completely insufficient.
at the same time.
Taylor Swift’s romantic love song also reached the chorus part.
“Romeo, take, me, somewhere, we, can, be, alone”
“III, be, waiting, all, theres, left, to, do, is, run”
Shen Lang and Taylor looked at each other affectionately, holding hands and singing together. The atmosphere at the scene was pushed to the highest level.
Cheers, shouts, and even booing were mixed together.
It shook the sky and resounded over the entire arena.
The opening match, which was broadcast live across the United States and even in many countries and regions around the world, was also popular on the Internet at home and abroad. Especially the sensational talent No. 1 pick, and the perfect duet with talented and beautiful singers.
Envious of countless people, sour to death with one hand!
When Shen Lang returned to the bench.
All the teammates gathered around, chattering and asking non-stop.
Curry and Lowry also recovered from the shock, and walked to Shen Lang in a daze.
“Shen, you bastard, you’re so deceitful!” Curry, a primary school student, complained speechlessly with a bitter face.
And Lowry complained depressedly: “Shen, so you and Taylor have been together for a long time, but you cheated on us quietly?”
Shen Lang smiled noncommittally, and raised his hand to press down: “Keep a low profile, keep a low profile!”
In about a quarter of an hour.
The noisy Madison Square Garden Arena finally calmed down gradually.
“Brand new Knicks, new startling opener!”
“The combination of a talented top pick and a talented singer, God, I can’t believe it!”
“Look at the audience who are as excited and shocked as we are, how shocking this opening ceremony is.”
“Let us see next, what kind of new season performance will the Knicks team that has been completely overthrown and rebuilt bring us?”
“The two teams’ starting lineups came out, and what we saw in the Knicks’ starting lineup were all new faces, and none of them were Knicks players last season.
The three commentators on the scene, Mike Breen, Mark Jackson and Jeff Van Gundy, commented with eloquent exclamations. on the pitch.
“Wow! J”
The referee’s whistle sounded.
The starting lineup of the two teams debuted.
Heat: Chalmers, Wade, Beasley, Marion, Haslem
They deployed a small lineup, focusing on fast-paced offensive and defensive transition tactics similar to the Dream Eight team.
Knicks: Lowry, Curry, Tony Allen, Ibaka, Shen Lang
There are still three rookies this year, plus two frustrated players who joined the Knicks in the offseason.
Shen Lang and Haslem’s jump ball.
The basketball is thrown high.
Facing Haslem, who is 8 centimeters shorter than himself, Shen Lang, who is long-armed and talented, easily won the jump ball.
The basketball was returned to Curry by him.
Knicks possession of the ball.
Shen Lang’s first NBA gameThe regular season has officially started.
Lao Shen and Shen Lang’s mother, who were sitting in the VIP auditorium on the sidelines, burst into tears of excitement.
The back wave of their old Shen family officially started the journey of NBA legends.
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Chapter 91 Wade, you are so flamboyant! Don’t lie down, the floor is cold! (3/5 for subscription)
CCTV has 5 studios.
The hosts Sun Zhenping and Zhang Lili guided and explained the live broadcast across the United States with eloquence.
Although the Rockets led by Dayao and the Magic of Warcraft Howard were also staged in today’s opening game.
For most Chinese fans, Shen Lang, who played the first game of his career, is still more attractive.
“The combination of Shen Lang and the talented female singer Taylor has created a novel opener for fans all over the world. Read Huang Jian!  
“We’re seeing this Knicks team that doesn’t have players from the past few seasons in the starting lineup.”
“Especially when Curry is the second-to-last player and Shen Lang is the last player to know.”
“The Knicks team that was completely overthrown and rebuilt now has Shen Lang as the absolute core and Curry and Ibaka as the core of the Knicks’ three-minor lineup.”
“And the Knicks’ signing transactions are all based on the framework of the three rookies, and they will be reinforced to build a championship lineup.”
“So Shen Lang is in a brand-new young team, and he will take on extremely important tasks when he comes up. He must be the boss of this team and lead this team to rise again.” “Today’s opponents The Heat, sent a small lineup to deal with the speed and impact of the Knicks.”
“Okay, the game has already started, Shen Lang easily won the jump ball…”
on the pitch.
Curry passed the basketball back to Lowry and continued to play his own shooting guard.
Facing the Heat’s second-round rookie Chalmers, Lowry easily dribbled the ball into the frontcourt.
Chalmers’ luck is good, as a second-round pick, he can sit on the Heat’s starting point guard position.
He once led the University of Kansas, the top seed in the Central and Western Division of the NCAA, and lost to the No. 10 seed Davidson College led by Shen Lang and Curry with “727”. Missed the final four, regrettably missed the NCAA championship.
Now O
As the Heat’s starting point guard, he faced the SS combination that eliminated him in the opening game of his career.
It seems that the SS combination from the Davidson College Wildcats was born to be their nemesis.
Shen Lang and Curry didn’t pay much attention to the defeated Chalmers.
Their goal is Wade, the head of the Heat, and Beasley, the second pick in this year’s NBA draft.
As the MVP of the 2006 Finals and the superstar of the 2003 Platinum Generation, Wade’s strength is naturally needless to say.
Although Lone Wolf Beasley is a rebellious and aggressive player, he has shown to the outside world since high school that he has a super offensive scoring ability. Lowry dribbled the ball and gave Curry a sharp three-pointer.
He is still learning the essentials of three-point shooting/shooting from elementary school student Curry, so his main job is to control the ball and pass the offense.
Global Awakening: Unlock the Asura template at the beginning
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