“Wow, blah, blah, blah!!”
Lowry’s diving was whistled!
It’s mainly Garnett’s dirty moves, which are indeed too subtle.
While the two of them collided, they suddenly raised their right elbow quietly.
Judging from his skillful operation, he definitely used this trick in the past ten years or so.
It’s become a natural habit!
It’s just a screen pick-and-roll, and this fierce defensive wolf is used to using dirty moves in his hands.
Garnett is just like Rondo, except that he has hidden pushes when he has the ball in half court.
Lowry, who had been slammed by Rondo and Garnett one after another, saw the referee boasting that he had flopped.
This guy jumped up on the ground and rushed over to argue with the referee.
“Referee, Kevin, elbow me!”
“When they hit each other just now, his right elbow was propped up!”
“I definitely didn’t flop, and now I still have a dull pain in my stomach!”
“Their movements are too subtle, it’s just too dark!”
Regardless of Lowry’s theory, the referee on duty waved him away.
Originally, in today’s much-anticipated focus battle, the referees imposed harsh penalties in order to prevent conflicts from happening.
What’s more, Lowry is just an unknown player, facing the superstar Garnett.
Moreover, Garnett’s vicious wolf action was too frankly concealed.
So Lowry suffered for nothing, but was punished for diving and touching porcelain.
Garnett saw Lowry asking the referee to argue, and even remembered showing a smug and joking smile after the jumping scene.
Just a down and out rookie, why should he fight labor and management?
You will pay the price slowly for the end of angering labor and management!
Just now this guy was killed by Shen LangSwinging into a big horse monkey with superb dreamy footsteps, he was even thrown to the ground and humiliated by him.
Garnett, who had been holding back his anger, was finally relieved now.
As long as he can get players from the Knicks, it doesn’t matter even if it’s not Shen Lang.
Anyway, in his eyes, the hateful Knicks are enemies!
Seeing that something was wrong, Shen Lang stepped forward and pulled away the furious Luo Rui.
Because the on-duty referee has made continuous moves to let him leave, and even gave a stern warning.
Lowry continued to reason with anger, which would not have any effect at all.
It will only get a technical foul in vain, which will affect the momentum of the Knicks.
“Hey Kyle, tell me what happened?”
Shen Lang patted Lowry on the back and asked him to briefly explain it.
At the beginning of the game, Rondo and Garnett used concealed dirty moves consecutively, and were whistled for diving by the referee.
This made the young and vigorous Lowry almost explode in anger.
He roughly talked about what happened when he collided with Garnett just now.
“Kyle, you mean that bastard put his right elbow on purpose?”
“It’s just a screen pick-and-roll, and he doesn’t pose an offensive threat at all, so he uses dirty moves to kill people?”
“Okay, good, it’s the ‘Iron Blood’ Celtics!”
“The game has only just begun, and these despicable and dirty moves are staged one after another.”
“Kyle, be more vigilant in the future, and don’t be bullied by them again!”
“It seems that today they don’t dare to blatantly make big defensive moves, or even maliciously retaliate for fouls, etc., because the referee is watching very closely.
“I never thought that these bastards would use covert and dirty moves to slander people!”
“It’s just too disgusting!”
“Stop arguing with the referee, and then protect yourself, I’ll teach these bastards a lesson!”
Shen Lang specifically instructed Lowry, and at the same time ran over to remind Curry and other Knicks players on the field.
Playing tricks, right?
Who was labor and management afraid of? !
You are not rivals of labor and capital in a fight, so easily K0 you!
You are just rookies playing tricks and deceiving people!
Shen Lang raised his head and looked at Garnett and the others who were smiling and high-fiving Rondo, and made a decision in his heart: since you don’t want to play a good game, why don’t you fight it!
The dignified defending champion didn’t want to crush with absolute strength, but played all kinds of crooked ways.
very good!
Labor and management will play with you!
Since you want to be popular all over the Internet, let your wish come true today!
Play dirty tricks, labor and management can play you to death!
Shen Lang used his mind to look at the three pills in the storage bar, as well as the Rage Transfer Card.
He doesn’t mind using up these system commodities that almost use up experience points in today’s game. Without him!
Just for fun!
Let out a breath of anger for Lowry and other teammates!
I want to teach Garnett and others a lesson and beat them up thoroughly!
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Chapter 135 The Raging Wolf Is About to Split! What the fuck ko again!! (5/4 to subscribe)
The game continued.
Lowry was bullied by Rondo and Garnett with small moves one after another.
This guy who loves to join in the fun and bluff on weekdays, was cheated just after the game started today.
Not only did he get an elbow from Garnett in vain, but he was also called a flop by the referee.
Celtics possession of the ball.
Garnett throws the ball to the sideline.
After receiving the ball, Rondo gestured with the ball.
Command the Celtics players’ running positions and tactics, and organize the team’s offense.
Shen Lang, who switched defenses against Garnett, was looking for the best opportunity.
And the system also gave a reminder that when opponent players are required to pose a threat to the host.
Only the three pills in the storage bar and the rage transfer card will have the best use effect.
After seeing Shen Lang switch to guard Garnett, Rondo decisively gave the basketball over.
After all, Shen Lang and Yue Zhi dragged the bandits? The bad wolf Garnett and the black and fat Perkins are the two insiders of the Green Army.
This made the Celtics players and the fans at the scene very upset.
This is their devil’s home court, how can a rookie from the Celestial Dynasty be allowed to run wild?
Moreover, Rondo and Garnett have very similar tempers, and the two are still friends on the team.
Of course.
The most important thing is that they are still the same miserable friends who were knocked down by Shen Lang, and even had nosebleeds. The two wanted revenge angrily, and severely taught Shen Lang to blow up Shen Lang.
For Garnett, there is nothing better than humiliating and beating Shen Lang.
In the preseason, Shen Lang knocked K0 down with a basketball, and even spilled blood on the field and suffered a concussion.
Before this old grudge was settled, Shen Lang played tricks on him at the beginning of the match.
Added a new hatred!
Although he knew that Shen Lang was excellent defensively, Garnett had the arrogance of a superstar himself.
This once single-core led the Timberwolves to the best record in the league, and even the wolf king who reached the Western Conference Finals.
Can take away the regular season MVP from the hands of superstars such as Shaquille O’Neal, Iverson, Duncan and Kobe.
Regardless of the offensive and defensive ends, it is indeed outstanding.
Even in terms of supporting passes and assisting in defense, steals and blocks, he has everything.
If Duncan is the best power forward in NBA history, then Garnett must be the most versatile power forward in history.
Now he came to the Celtics team to form a super Big Three, and even led the team to defeat the Lakers led by Kobe Bryant in the finals in June this year to win the championship. This made Garnett so confident that he floated up, feeling that his life had reached its peak.
To deal with a rookie No. 1 pick, isn’t that easy to catch?
“Hey rookie, I have a hundred ways to blow you up!”
“I’ve played more games than you’ve eaten!”
After receiving a pass from Rondo, Garnett maintained a three-threat posture.
Facing Shen Lang’s focused defense, this evil wolf spouts trash talk with grinning teeth.
Global Awakening: Unlock the Asura template at the beginning
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