The referee threw the ball, and the home fans saw that Wang Zelin was at a rare disadvantage in the jump ball.

However, considering that the other party was Howard, nicknamed "Superman", he was relieved.

Faced with the inadequacy of their own children, parents can always find reasons to forgive him.

At the beginning of the game, Kobe showed his explosive scoring instinct as the league's first shooting guard!

Facing French Pippen's rough defense, he just carried the opponent and forced a shot to hit a two-pointer, which almost caused the former to foul.

Shrimp and pork heart at the beginning.

"Fuck!" Wang Zelin took a deep breath, this Nima dared to vote, how could he enter.

Really, one person defends like air.

As the best player in the Blazers' perimeter defense, Batum's outer defense reached the league's first-class level of 83. In this game, Coach Terry was naturally appointed to defend Kobe.

If you really let Basius, who is 1.93 meters, go to the defense, you don't have to think about it, you will be blasted into a sieve by Kobe.

Unexpectedly, Coach Terry was suffocated by Mamba's venom at the beginning of the game.

Easily, the Lakers started with a 2-0 lead.

After the Blazers passed, facing the young and strong Lillard, Nash struggled on the defensive end.

After Wang Zelin stepped forward to cover, Lillard quickly circled to the left and cut in.

The Lakers hurriedly shrank the lineup, and Aldridge was exposed. With Dajia and Nash surrounded on both sides, Lillard successfully passed the ball to Aldridge, who was two points long on the right, at the moment of taking off.

Lillard memorized all of his eldest's favorite shooting spots.

Catch, aim, soft release.

The muscle memory formed over the years made Aldridge's series of actions look like a ruthless machine that strictly followed instructions. The basketball accurately flew into the basket under the attention of everyone in the audience.


After the goal, Aldridge suddenly glanced at Kobe, as if sending a message.

This is my horse!

"We saw a wonderful duel between the team leaders at the beginning, and LaMarcus gradually learned how to be a good leader!" The home announcer shouted excitedly.

Although the two are not players in the same position, this does not prevent them from hitting each other from the air.

It's a pity that the home fans didn't seem to buy the face of the team leader, and there was a brief burst of applause in the arena.

Kobe smiled and did not respond, and silently took his place in the frontcourt.

As a well-known master of court control in the NBA, Nash controlled the rhythm unhurriedly, hoping to find flaws in the opponent's defensive line.

After passing the ball a few times, Kobe successfully ran out of the gap and hit a three-pointer in the bottom corner.

After the Lakers formed F4, the changes in the inside line have not yet been seen, but the changes in the outside line are extremely obvious.

In particular, Kobe, the core of the team, has consciously changed his style of play and began to add a lot of off-ball movement and empty cuts to the basket.

Facts have also proved that Kobe can really play without the ball. He eats the right to shoot instead of the right to hold the ball.

And after playing with Nash, Kobe Bryant's offensive efficiency in off-ball mode is outrageous.

After the first quarter, the two sides tied at 30:26.

The Lakers played well. Kobe Bryant made 2 of 3, Howard made 2 of 4, Dajia made 3 of 5, and Nash made 1 of 1. All four of them showed their personal abilities at a glance, and their efficiency was also very high.

But the pioneers are the leading side.

This is amazing!

Although the boss Aldridge scored 12 points in a single quarter, Wang Zelin always felt that the opponent played very strangely.

A dignified NBA-level team, but also a top-level team aiming to win the championship, actually did not show a few cooperation in a quarter. It is all relying on the stars to carry crazy. Far?

After the start of the second quarter, after the two sides changed into rotations, the Lakers' performance worsened.

You must know that on their bench, there is Jamison, who has averaged more than 20+ points per game for many seasons in his career, has been selected to the All-Star bench twice, and scored 17 points last season. Super sixth man, and then Plus Judy Meeks, the 76ers main force last season.

But even so, he still launched a very lame attack.

If the Lakers could still rely on F4's personal ability to cover up the lack of training and tactics in the first quarter, then in the second quarter, the lineup's individual struggles and frequent mistakes made the Blazers coaching staff speechless: I worked **** my own. The opponent is actually this~~~

Out of desperation, at 7:21 in the second quarter, Mike Brown hurriedly returned a timeout and prepared to replace the main force again.

At this time, the battle between the two sides became 47:33, and the Blazers led by 14 points.

"Wang, is the team in front of us really a championship favorite?"

Aldridge, who scored a game-high 17 points and 3 rebounds, had incredible written on his face.

This is the favorite to win this year!

"I don't know either, Damien, how about you?"

Wang Zelin shook his head, his eyes full of surprise.

In my impression, although the Lakers performed very crotch at the beginning of this season, he really did not expect to be so bad.

Moreover, Wang Zelin clearly saw in the system that Howard's internal defense attribute is as high as 95, and his block block is also 92, but he always feels that the ability displayed by the other party can reach 80.

But it is impossible for the system to make mistakes, otherwise, where would he come from with this ability.

Then, there is only one possibility: Howard has changed. He no longer wants to do the hard work of defending, but instead wants to use offense to prove himself.

Looking at the top centers in the league before Howard, which one is not the offensive power table, it is basically the team's offensive axis.

Howard may be thinking about aligning with his seniors, at least to prove to the big shark who never wanted to see him, that he is not incapable of attacking, but that his previous defensive ability was too strong to cover up his offensive talent.


"Ah, what did you ask just now?"

Well, Li and this kid were all scared and short-circuited by the performance of the Lakers.

It was tentatively scheduled to come back to play for two minutes, and the Lakers ushered in a blow.

Steve Nash, the team's starting point guard and one of the F4 players, hit his knee in a back-up defense and collapsed on the spot on the Rose Garden rolling around in pain.

House seemingly endless rain!

This is only the second game of the new season and one of the main starting players is injured. Coupled with the fact that it is not appropriate to play more after returning from surgery, Lakers coach Mike Brown is completely stunned.

How can this be done?

Without Nash, the only perimeter coordination that the Lakers can see is completely gone, and the entire team is in a state of anxiety.

Fortunately, Kobe stood up in time and forcibly scored 11 points with a lot of singles, which was able to stabilize the Lakers' situation.

At the end of the game, the two sides played at 51:43, and the Lakers entered the second half behind by 8 points.

At halftime, everyone in the Lakers locker room was silent, waiting for Steve Nash's injury report.

Finally, the accompanying doctor came out.

Kobe hurriedly stood up and asked, "Gary, how is Steve's injury? Will it affect the next game?"

"As of now, no major problems have been found, but for the sake of insurance, Nash can't play this game anymore. After all, he is a nearly 40-year-old veteran, and he will have to wait for an MRI tomorrow to get accurate results. ."

Gary Wiedy, a veteran team doctor who has served the Lakers for more than 20 years, has a high reputation in the team. He was the first to detect the "HIV" virus on Magic Johnson back then.

Therefore, Gary Weddy's words were very heavy, and even Kobe had to think carefully: "Well, I see, let Steve have a good rest."

When Gary Widdy was gone, everyone could vaguely feel the temperature in the entire locker room dropping.

And the source of all this is the Black Mamba sitting in his seat without saying a word.

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