The two of them were very happy.

"Here, the uniforms I ordered have arrived. I brought them to you." May handed the uniforms to Kuroko.

"Thank you, Taojing, and Bai Ze." Kuroko took the uniforms, turned around, and held them high. Looking at the uniforms of the First Army that belonged to him, his eyes were full of happiness, as if the whole person was radiating light.

Bai Ze twitched his mouth and added for May: "By the way, there is one more thing to inform you. Tomorrow, another classmate will join the First Army."

Kuroko turned his head and responded: "I heard about this at noon."

"Then I'll get to the point. It seems that the person has only joined the basketball team for two weeks, so I hope you can be his education instructor. His name is Huang Lai Liangta." May elaborated.

"It seems he is still a genius boy!" Bai Ze smiled slightly, muttering to himself: "It seems that the Miracle Generation is finally gathering!"

"Okay, Aze, let's go! You promised to go shopping with me today, don't regret it!" May tugged at Bai Ze's clothes coquettishly, and a shy blush appeared on her face. After all, this is her first time to go out with Bai Ze alone.

Bai Ze turned his head, looked at May gently, and said softly: "Sorry, Zheya. Please help me explain to Qingfeng later. I have already made an appointment with May today." Then, he reached out and gently stroked May's hair, smiling and comforting: "Okay, don't worry, let's go!"

May's mood instantly became cheerful, and she nodded vigorously.

Then Kuroko expressed his understanding, "Okay." Then, he turned around and began to pack his things, ready to go to the gym.

"Then let's go first!" Bai Ze smiled happily, took Wu Yue's hand, and took brisk steps towards the school gate.

Wu Yue's hand was held tightly by Bai Ze, and a warm feeling surged in her heart. She blushed, lowered her head, and followed Bai Ze out of the campus.

A strange emotion surged in Wu Yue's heart, and she was full of excitement and joy besides being surprised. Her heartbeat accelerated, as if it was about to jump out of her chest. "Aze, he held my hand!" This thought echoed in her mind again and again, making her stare at the back of Bai Ze's hand involuntarily.

The back of the hands had clear lines and distinct bones, as pure and flawless as white jade. Although there were some calluses on the hands, it brought her endless sense of security.

Bai Ze's refusal to Wu Yue made him feel a throbbing in his heart. He felt the delicate touch of Wu Yue's skin from his palms, and her fingers were as slender as green onions, so soft that they seemed to break with a slight touch. This touch is like the morning dew gently brushing the petals, bringing an indescribable soft feeling.

Just then, a girl's voice came from behind: "Aze." Bai Ze turned around and his eyes happened to meet May.

May smiled slightly, and a bright smile bloomed on her beautiful face. Her charming almond eyes suddenly burst into sparks of joy, like the bright fireworks in the night sky. The beautiful eyes are as deep as ink, and seem to be able to attract people to fall into them and be intoxicated.

Bai Ze shook his head gently, trying to come back from the trance. He couldn't help but smile and responded: "May is so beautiful, I almost can't come back. What's the matter?"

The boy's voice was gentle and doting, which made May's heart ripple again.

May's face flushed, she lowered her head, fiddled with the corner of her clothes, and whispered: "Aze, where are we going?" Her tone revealed a hint of shyness and nervousness. Bai Ze saw her so cute, and his heart couldn't help but move.

"I made two choices~ Do you want to go to the amusement park to play, or do you want to go to the aquarium to explore?" Bai Ze leaned down slightly, his mouth corners slightly raised, his tone was gentle, and his eyes contained endless affection.

When May heard this, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, forming a lovely arc, and her eyebrows were as charming as a crescent. She raised her head slightly, her eyes happened to meet Bai Ze's, her eyes were full of joy: "Then let's go to the amusement park!"

After getting May's affirmative answer, Bai Ze smiled, reached out and gently held May's little hand, and walked towards a luxurious black car parked not far away, which was either rich or noble.

At this time, the driver had already been standing by the car respectfully waiting. Seeing the two approaching, he quickly opened the door and asked Wu Yue to get in first.

Bai Ze stood aside and looked at the driver with a slightly questioning look.

. The driver understood and immediately made an OK gesture with his left hand, indicating that everything was arranged properly. Seeing this, Bai Ze nodded with satisfaction, and then followed Wu Yue into the car.

As the car door closed, the car started slowly and drove steadily towards the amusement park. Along the way, Wu Yue admired the scenery along the way through the car window, full of expectations; while Bai Ze sat quietly aside, occasionally whispering a few words with Wu Yue, the atmosphere was harmonious and warm.

After arriving at the destination, the two got off the car and looked at the amusement park in front of them. There were not many people here today. Perhaps most people would choose to play on Saturdays and Sundays.

At this time, Bai Ze couldn't help but get excited, but at the same time there was a little panic. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"Wu Yue, what do you want to play first?" Bai Ze turned his head and asked gently.

May's face was filled with an excited smile, and she answered without hesitation: "Of course, we have to ride the roller coaster first when we come to the amusement park!"

Her eyes were full of anticipation, as if she couldn't wait to experience the thrill.

Bai Ze smiled and said lovingly: "Okay, let's go!"

So, the two walked towards the roller coaster together. May's steps were brisk, and Bai Ze followed closely behind, secretly praying that this amusement trip would be smooth and enjoyable.

There were not many people in front of them, so the two just waited for a few minutes. Then the staff led the two to sit in the front row.

"Aze, what should I do if I'm a little scared?" After everything was ready, May couldn't help but asked in a voice not much louder than a mosquito's hum. There was an obvious tremor in her tone, and it was clear that she was scared to death.

"It's okay, May. If you are really scared later, you can hold my hand tightly or just shout out. I will always be with you. Don't be afraid. I am here." Bai Ze gently comforted her, and at the same time, he gently covered May's hand.

May looked up at Bai Ze. When their eyes met, she saw the determination and concern in Bai Ze's eyes, so she nodded slightly.

The next moment, the two naturally held each other's hands. May lowered her head slightly, but a sly smile rose imperceptibly at the corner of her mouth, and her heart was as sweet as honey.

Bai Ze saw May lowering her head and not saying anything, and thought she was still in extreme fear, so he quickly held May's hand tightly, as if he wanted to tell her in this way: Don't be afraid, I'm here. Then, the roller coaster started slowly, and both of them took a deep breath, adjusted their sitting posture, and waited attentively for the next exciting experience.

As the roller coaster gradually rose to the top, it suddenly rushed forward as if it was injected with infinite power. This sudden acceleration caught Wu Yue off guard. She subconsciously held Bai Ze's hand tightly. If she was not allowed, she would have thrown herself directly into Bai Ze's arms.

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