“Wang, it seems, there is a set of trash talk.” Bill Wharton commented as he watched the conversation between the two.

“I have to say that Wang’s personality is very suitable for NBA football, much stronger than Yi.” Kevin Harlan contrasted.

Zach Randolph is not a vegetarian and was so excited by Wang Xiao.

Immediately take the ball and single Wang Xiao with his back.

He knew the opponent’s strength advantage, so after two hits, he could turn around without hesitation.

Wang Xiao’s defensive judgment was very fast, and after seeing Zacklandorf turn around, he immediately stepped forward to interfere with the shooting rhythm of this black fat man.

Zach Randolph was a little surprised by Wang Xiao’s inside traverse speed.

“How could it be so fast??”

Wang Xiao didn’t give the other party a chance to react, and immediately made a move, accurately cutting on the opponent’s ball.

Zach Randolph was just about to shoot the basket when the ball was gone.

“Shui Te, damn it, how could the reaction be so fast??” The black fat Randolph scolded.

The basketball had already rolled in the direction of Jamison on the left.

The latter takes the ball and, without saying a word, rushes to the front.

Get ready to fight a Grizzlies quick counterattack.

Bill Wharton was surprised by Wang Xiao’s cutting speed: “It’s too fast, this kind of reaction ability is really what an inside lineman should have??” ”

“Zach is going to cry this game, and Wang’s interior defense is no worse than Howard’s.” Kevin Hatton gloated.

On the Cavaliers’ side, Jamison quickly countered with the ball and caught the Grizzlies off guard.

At 40 in the opening game, the Cavaliers’ display of efficient offensive efficiency surprised the Grizzlies coach a little by surprise!!!

Head coach Hollings looked at the Cavaliers’ roster in surprise.

“This 3K combination is not ordinary, facing us, it can play such an efficient rhythm.”

“That No. 1 player is terrifying, suppressing Gasol Jr. on the offensive end, and stealing Zach Randolph on the defensive end!”

The teaching assistant was also frightened by Wang Xiao’s performance!!!

The ball was converted and the Grizzlies went on the offensive again.

Zach Randolph looked at Wang Xiao unconvinced, and asked Mike Conley for the ball again with his left hand.

“Celestial Empire boy, I was just careless.”

“Your family’s carelessness?? Was it a steal by someone cutting the ball? ”

“Hmph!! Wait for the Celestial Empire kid. ”

“Wash it, it’s waiting for you!!”

Wang Xiao’s trash talk level is at the top of the league.

I don’t want the wolf king to greet each other’s family and wife, and finally get stuck in traffic by Gua Ge.

Wang Xiao, most of them are terriers from later generations of Douyin.

Zach Randolph stopped talking, and this Celestial Empire kid’s level of trash talk was obviously much higher than him.

And this time, his singles style changed.

Instead of catching the ball in the low post, he came to the high post.

Mike Conley was helpless and had to give the ball to Randolph the Black Bear.

After all, at the moment, the opponent is the team’s leading scorer.

“It seems that Randolph has already taken the top, and the king’s trash talk is of a very high standard.”

“Of course, I heard that Trash Talk Grandmaster Kevin Garnett also failed to spray the king!”

“Water?? With such a thing, isn’t Wang comparable to Payton the glove?? ”

“I think that if Wang were in the 90s, it is estimated that Jordan who can spray doubts life!”

“Haha, Kevin, you’re black Jordan again.”

“It’s just a matter of seeking truth from facts, the level of Wang trash talk is obvious to all, you see Randolph’s angry and corrupted appearance.”

After receiving the ball in the high position, Randolph tentatively singled Wang Xiao with the ball.

As the interior line of floor flow, his face frame technique is at its peak.

“Wait, Wang, you’ll pay for your trash talk.” Randolph stubbornly said.

Wang Xiao said with the slightest disdain: “You don’t even dare to guard against me??” Still dare to say big things ?? ”

Randolph felt that it was better to shut up, and the opponent’s level of scare was no worse than basketball skills.

Next, Randolph flew to the right and quickly accelerated to the left.

His feints, although not fast, are very rhythmic.

“This fat guy has good face frame skills,” Harlan commented.

“After all, the low-post killer, this offensive end has few hands, how to take an average of 20+ Bill Wharton per game.

Wang Xiao was not surprised, he defended a lot and watched from the footsteps of the other party.

As long as you don’t move, it’s hard for him to shake you with his feints.

Seeing this, Randolph immediately changed his routine, with the help of the characteristics of a flexible dead fat man.

He leaned on Wang Xiao’s body from the left side and turned to kill in the direction of the forbidden area.

Wang Xiao failed to stick to Randolph’s turn, and was secretly added to the basket by the other party’s left hand.

“See, that’s where my kaleidoscope of attack comes from.” Zach Randolph shook his shoulders after he scored.

“Very good, but you don’t dare to defend me, it’s equivalent to saying nothing.” Wang Xiao replied simply.

Zach Randolph doesn’t speak, he is a big hole on the defensive end.

Like Wang Xiao’s strength, agility, and the inside line of the report, simply back beating is enough for him to drink a pot.

In the next round, the Cavaliers attacked.

Kyrie Irving also had a hard time facing Mike Conley.

Continuous cross-step dribbling, failed to shake the defense, had to give the ball to Klay Thompson in the bottom corner.

Defending him is the league’s most famous defensive titan, Tony Allen.

Once evaluated by Kobe Bryant as one of his best players defensively!!

“The Grizzlies’ defensive intensity has come up, and the Cavaliers offense is not good to play.” Bill Wharton looked at the situation and said.

“Tony Allen’s defense is very famous in the league, and if the 2K offense in the 3K combination is not good, you can only rely on the king.” Kevin Wharton worried.

Klay Thompson was disturbed by Tony Allen’s close body and was very uncomfortable.

3D players, the most afraid is this mad dog-style defense, entangled around your body and interfering with the rhythm of the shot.

Klay Thompson had to put the ball into the inside and hand it to Wang Xiao.

The Grizzlies’ No. 12 position is strong defensively, Kyrie Irving, and Klay Thompson are not good at playing.

Head coach Byron Scott frowned and said, “It’s not good to fight, once the 3K combination is prevented, the Cavaliers are really in a desperate situation!” ”

“Is it going to end the winning streak??” Teaching assistant Jack said.

“It feels like this rhythm!!”

Inside, Wang Xiao, who was low, received the basketball.

Little Gasol consciously stepped forward to defend and resist Wang Xiao’s back hit.

Tony Allen on the right is not at all, and the Grizzlies’ defensive strategy is one-on-one, to prevent death.

Gasol Jr.’s interior defense is definitely the top in the league.

Solid small plate, sophisticated experience, terrifying judgment.

This allows the white inside lineman to guard off almost all of the league’s inside line.

Wang Xiao this time, full firepower.

Take the ball and frantically crash into little Gasol, regardless of the physical exertion, it is chisel.

Little Gasol was also uncomfortable, and the dull force hit his body, and he did not feel well.

Compared with other inner core strengths, Wang Xiao is like a violent storm, and the most important thing is that he still comes continuously.

Gasol Jr. couldn’t stand it, looked like Howard, and took half a step back.

Wang Xiao seized the opportunity, immediately turned around, and raised the basketball with both hands.

Little Gasol had no time to stop Wang Xiao, who was jumping, and could only let the other party snap on his head.

“Wang fights like this?? Aren’t you afraid of physical exertion?? Bill Walton worried.

“I also feel the same way, I feel that every attack he attacks is in a state of full strength, and the physical strength consumed by the inside line is large, so I am afraid that I will collapse in the second quarter.” Kevin Hatton followed.

They worry too much about this.

Something that simply cannot happen.

Wang Xiao turned around and got strong, holding the ball in both hands through the head of Gasol Jr., and smashed the ball into the basket fiercely.

That tough style of play caused strong heated discussions among the fans at the scene.

“The league’s No. 1 center, it’s well deserved!!”

“Wang’s playing style is too hot-blooded, this is a collision of muscles!”

“The future must belong to his era, such a power!!”

Wang Xiao scored with both hands, the score was 6:2 at this time, and the Cavaliers were still in the lead!

At this time, the Grizzlies head coach immediately chose to make a substitution, replacing Maris with Rudy Gay.

The striker is averaging 20+5 per game and is quite good offensive and defensive.

As soon as he came up, the Grizzlies’ overall offense went up a level.

Rudy Gay on the right flank, singled the Cavaliers’ Jamieson.

Simple change of direction past Jamison’s half-body position, emergency stop jumper at the free throw line, 64!

“As soon as Rudy came up, the Grizzlies’ offensive end was also open, and if the defensive end is well restricted, the Cavaliers are about to break their winning streak in this game, and they can’t get back.” Bill Wharton affirmed beforehand.

“Let’s see if the 3K combination can be similar to GDP, instant sports cars, adversity Buddhas, desperate demon knives to slash the devil!” Kevin Hatton expected.

The ball is converted, and the Cavaliers attack this side.

Kyrie Irving stepped up first, took advantage of the excellent combination of man and ball, changed direction twice in a row, and dribbled behind his back past Mike Conley by half his body.

But Tony Allen immediately stepped up to the defense, not giving Kyrie Irving a chance to breathe at all.

The basketball was stabbed by Tony Allen and directly snatched.

Rudy Gay picked up the basketball on the side, instantly played a wave of counterattack small masters, and helped the Grizzlies equalize the score, 6:6!

“The Cavaliers are over, this game is over!! Isn’t Byron still called a timeout? Bill Wharton shouted from the sidelines.

Kevin Hatton is also a little anxious: “That’s right, the team is already at a disadvantage, isn’t it called a pause!” ”

Next round, the Cavaliers have possession.

Wang Xiao took the initiative to order: “Block and dismantle, hit the wrong position!” ”

Kyrie Irving and Klay Thompson instantly understood what to do next.

The two of them are a bit on top now, and they want to be rude.

This is the blood of young people and it is normal to not admit defeat, similar to Kobe Bryant’s daring to have three consecutive empty seats back then.

These young rookies naturally also have tempers.

But Wang Xiao was able to suppress it, and he also adjusted the lineup at key moments.

This is the role of Wang Xiao’s locker room leader, helping the team stabilize the army.

The game continued, after Kyrie Irving possessed the ball in front, Wang Xiao mentioned the high position to block.

After the change of defense, Kyrie Irving singled Black Bear Zach Randolph.

Simple, easy, double back dribbling, plus basketball turn, wiped past Zach Randolph’s defense and hit the basket to finish.

Gasol Jr. looked at the fierce Kyrie Irving ready to make up for it.

But Wang Xiao actually cut down the air after blocking and dismantling, and little Gasol didn’t know who to defend against for a while?? _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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