“Su, sit, look at your depressed expression, you should have discovered your own problem.”

Coach Kalipari looked at Su Tian’s withered appearance, as if he had just gone through some intense exercise.

“Yes, coach,” Su Tian replied with a depressed expression, “their physical fitness is much stronger than mine, and I can’t handle it.” “Sue, in fact, physical fitness is the key to whether you can enter the NBA,

there are too many excellent players who can’t enter the NBA because the physical fitness is not good enough, you need to practice, of course, now is not the time to practice, now want to solve the problem, in fact, you can think about your positioning with another thinking.”

Kalipari looked at Su Tian and instructed.

“Another kind of thinking? What does it mean coach? Su Tian asked suspiciously.

“Sue, have you ever thought about handing over the ball, using no-ball running to drive the opponent’s defense, and then making three-point shooting or passing organization, I have observed that your three-point ability has been getting better and better recently, enough to support your off-ball running threat, which can well avoid the loss of additional physical strength caused by the opponent’s body collision.”

Calipari slowly voiced his thoughts, “Like that little guy in the Golden State, Stephen Curry.”

“No ball? Curry?! Su Tian’s expression is very wonderful, at first the coach asked him to hand over the ball and he was very reluctant, after all,

in his opinion, only if there is a ball in hand, there will be data, will be seen by scouts, but when the coach mentioned Curry, Su Tian’s eyes lit up, yes, Curry,

Although there is no ball holding, but this does not mean that it is not important,

on the contrary, people with excellent ability without the ball are actually more likely to be favored by scouts, after all, not everyone is selected as the core

There are a total of 30 teams in the NBA, and there are only a few that have a core position, but there is a greater demand for excellent role players, and one of the most important abilities of good role players is undoubtedly the ability to play off the ball.

What’s more, the coach also moved out of the example of Curry, in Su Tian’s view, what he likes or envies the most is not Curry’s three-point ability, but

his ability to convert from the ball to the ball, with this hand, Curry can also get more offensive opportunities, but the threat is greatly increased.

“I didn’t expect this old man to know the ball so well” Su Tian thought silently in his heart,

of course, he knows how powerful Curry is in the future as a traverser, but the current people don’t know ah, no idea that now Calipari has noticed Curry’s playing style, and he really understands the ball. ”

Thank you coach, I see, I know what to do next.” Su Tian replied to the coach gratefully.

“It’s okay, kid, your future will be more exciting, you can watch more Curry’s game videos when you go back, learn his off-ball running, I believe it will help you.” Kalipari replied with satisfaction.

Su Tian walked out of the stadium full of vitality, thinking about why he didn’t think of this as a crosser, but the head coach, the aborigine, knew, In fact, this is the

difference between professional and amateur, even if Su Tian is a crosser, but he is just a fan watching the game, not a professional athlete, it is normal not to think of it.

Of course, he also fell into the inertia of thinking, thinking that only with the ball in hand can he get the data.

“It seems that in the future, we must not only practice well, but also learn professional basketball knowledge, professional is different, you can find the corresponding solution in one game, I have to say, something.”

Su Tian muttered as he walked home.

After returning home, Su Tian couldn’t wait to find Curry’s game video, ready to learn his no-ball running, learning

to learn suddenly found that he actually learned quickly, this kind of learning speed is not before, what is the situation?

After thinking for a while, Su Tian figured it out, it must be related to Ray Allen’s template card, Ray Allen in the twilight is a no-ball running master, itself has excellent no-ball ability, now learning the corresponding skills will also have blessings, which is normal.

It seems that the invisible benefits of template cards are many, and we should pay more attention to this aspect in the future, and tap the ability of each template card well, and we can’t waste it.

Su Tian adhered to the spirit of thrift and thrift, and once again fell into the fantasy of his Ten-Mile Slope Sword God.

In the blink of an eye, it’s game day of 16 to 8 in the NCAA Tournament. The University of

Kentucky will face the University of Louisville, and Su Tian adjusted his bracers to get on the field.

The head coach of the University of Louisville was relieved to see Su Tian on the field, originally the strength of Louisville is not stable, can only be said to be more suspended,

but he watched the last game and knew Su Tian’s weakness, he pouted, copy homework I can’t copy?

A tactical lean back, hands on the chest, sitting firmly on the bench, today we also experience the joy of a Zen master.

Su Tian did not notice the special behavior of the opposing head coach. He focused all his attention on the pitch and stared at the opposing players.

At the beginning of the game, Kentucky grabbed the first attack, Su Tian held the ball to advance, looking at Su Tian holding the ball,

Louisville’s side whether it was the head coach or the opposing player, showed a smile, as if it was the hunter who saw the prey into the net.

Louisville’s side, seeing Su Tian after half the court, directly began to get on the body, Su Tian turned around to protect the ball, hit the ground, and gave the ball to Randall, who received it.

Su Tian’s side finished the ball, immediately began to run without the ball, with the swimming fish body, with two covers, successfully received Randall’s pass in the bottom corner, received the ball slightly adjusted, shot shot. At the same time, the

bottom corner three-point shooter badge and the catch-and-shoot badge lit up at the same time, and the basketball successfully entered the net.

Seeing that he had shot successfully, he turned around and pointed at Randle to signal a good ball, and quickly returned to defense.

The Louisville head coach was slightly stunned when he saw this scene, and said uncertainly: “This, it should be an accident, well, it should be a coincidence, right.”

After speaking, he unconsciously sat up straight, after all, he was not a Zen master, and he did not have the determination of a Zen master.

Here, Louisville began to organize the attack, the opposing point guard relied on his body to eat Su Tian,

although Su Tian had a good external defense, but his body suffered a loss, he did not resist, but he always maintained his position and was able to interfere in time.

The opposing point guard was about to go straight to the layup and was slapped on the rebound by a large hand.

“Sue, run!” Randle quickly turned the ball after winning the block, and immediately turned around to join the fast attack after giving it to Su Tian.

Su Tian held the ball and advanced quickly, his eyes caught a glimpse of the other party catching up, throwing the ball high, and Randall who came up later caught the ball was a popping dunk.


Randall took it and bumped his chest with Su Tian to celebrate.

The Louisville coach saw that the situation was not good, and took the lead in calling a timeout, originally planning to install a Zen master, but now it has become a hair dryer, whirring to the players, it seems that this Zen master is not good to pretend.

Su Tian smiled and turned to look at the Louisville bench, this smile was very similar to the smile opposite just now. Now, who

is the hunter, who, and the prey?

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