After receiving the ball, James listened to Spoelstra's command and immediately prepared to pull up and shoot, but the moment he took off the ball, Jiang Hao jumped up high.

After playing basketball for so many years, LeBron suddenly realized that if he forced himself to take off, he could only wait to give this villain a block, so he changed his shot to a breakthrough and quickly rushed to the basket.

"Defend three-pointers, don't worry about it!"

This was the Spurs' fault. Manu immediately directed Jiang Hao not to follow in vain, but to follow Bosh from the outside who had just finished serving the ball and was already rushing in front of Jackson.

After Jiang Hao was "cheated" into taking off, his first reaction was to chase his defender, because this was the player he was responsible for marking.

But Manu's words made him ignore LeBron for an instant, and went directly to guard James' passing route to Bosh.

After James broke through the inside line, the Spurs' gate was wide open and no one was there. He looked back to see if there were any opportunities at the four points inside the line, only to find that they were all covered by Spurs players and couldn't get away at all.

Bosh, who was at the highest point on the court with the only chance to catch the ball, was interfered with by Jiang Hao, who was guarding him. If he forced the pass, he would definitely be intercepted, which meant that the Spurs were defending 4 from 5 on the outside! ! !

At this time, he had already moved to the paint area, and the remaining 1.7 seconds was not enough for him to move to the three-point line for a three-pointer.

Therefore, when the Heat coaching staff was stunned, James finally chose to dunk with both hands.

Ended the last offensive possession with an open dunk.

2 points scored.

The red light is also on.

competition is over!


San Antonio Spurs beat Miami Heat by one point! Fight the fire at home!

Take it!


The five Spurs perimeter players hugged each other excitedly when they saw the Heat choose 2 points after time ran out. They won! !

Defended the last round without any surprises!

The defensive tactics were a great success! !

This relieved Jiang Hao, who deliberately let him catch the ball!

Laughing for the first time in a professional arena! ! !

You Crab Roe, you chose Iron Blood to gain 2 points at the last moment? ? ?

As expected of you! ! ! !

"I really saw you right, you didn't disappoint me!"

Does this also contribute to his future 411 project? ?

"LeBron is fucking the devil?"

"The orangutan was kicked in the head by a donkey??"

"I can't stand James anymore. What kind of shit did Mader play in the last round!!!"

Thanks to book friend 20231217114806843 and book friend 20181120102444351 for the 100-point reward, thank you! !

Chapter 95: The will of 8, the man who carved the date on his jersey

Chapter 95 With the will of 94:8, how can the man who carved the date on his jersey not be fierce?

In such a tense last 4 seconds.

Behind 3 points.

As the team's star, LeBron James actually had a huge dunk? ? ?

All members of the Spurs bench couldn't help but laugh. They laughed louder and harsher than the five players on the court who were still on the outside and didn't see what James did at the first moment.

The Dallas fans at the scene also laughed. This scene seemed familiar!

Just last year!

In the last 33 seconds of the Tianwangshan battle in last season's finals, with the Heat trailing by 7 points, James rushed into the Mavericks' unguarded interior and scored a hard-core 2 points.

This goal was also discussed heatedly after the game. When trailing by 7 points in the last 33 seconds, should we go for 3 points or a quick 2 points?

Anyway, both Kidd and Barea were watching the three-pointer at the time.

This question seems to have the answer tonight, because tonight's goal is more obvious.

It seems that this LeBron key ball has only one concept: just score?

The Heat coaching staff didn't even notice it. They were naturally more familiar with this scene! Last year's tactics were only known to Spoelstra and the others. At that time, they did ask the players to chase a quick 3-pointer, but James quickly scored 2 points, so they didn't blame him for going against the coaching staff's arrangements. Looking at it now.

There is definitely something wrong with this little emperor’s thinking!

So I feel even more irritated!

Everyone was optimistic about the "escape route" for a long time. They didn't even shake hands and left the scene quickly from the away team's tunnel to the locker room.

In the end, Spoelstra couldn't help but give Mousse a helpless look on the court. This kind of defeat was unacceptable to him and everyone in the Heat.

They can accept being beaten by Jiang Hao and losing to the Spurs in an honest and fair way.

But when he didn't accept that he had to take a 3-point shot when he was 3 points behind at the end, he didn't take a shot and chose a meaningless 2 points.

There was no reason to lose, and in the end it seemed like there was no struggle at all!

In this case, you have to take out these 3 points directly!

Entered OK.

Even if you don’t enter, the coaching staff and fans will protect you!

Even Rich Paul turned around and left the court in embarrassment among the enthusiastic celebrating fans. He thought that even if the ball was missed by Jiang Hao, he wanted to see the little emperor shoot the damn 3-pointer directly. The ball is either life or death, so he can't be so hesitant. He often shows James videos of goat Jordan. Jordan is very decisive in handling this kind of ball and will not look around to find someone like James.

It seems like I need to have a good talk with him tonight.

The three giants at the scene took turns showing their hands.

After scoring, James looked at the score and the elapsed time, helplessly spread his hands and spat out his braces, looking helpless.

"Why? Brother? Why don't you just vote?"

Wade rushed over and anxiously spread his hands to argue with LeBron about the shooting choice of this ball.

Bosh also pointed to the position where he was just now: "Give me the high lob, they are using the five-small defense, there is still time! It's useless to ask for two points, brother!!"

Miller and Mario fell to the ground with lifeless eyes and looked at the score.

I'm not willing to accept it! !

These two are also the best at shooting three-pointers. The last 3 points behind and not making 3 points is really a rhythm of nightmares for a week.

In the dream, they will look like after shooting this ball! !

I'm really not willing to accept it!

Duncan still has the demeanor of a general. After high-fiving Jiang Hao, Manu and others to celebrate the victory, he immediately went to the Heat to act as a peacemaker:

"It's useless to argue now. The game is over. We took the victory first. The future is yours."

After that, he took the initiative to high-five with Dragon King and others.

The Big Three could only be forced to bump shoulders with the four-time champion.

LeBron even said in a serious manner:

"Old people are always better, see you next time!"

Good old man Duncan also pulled Wade to ask about his well-being.

However, the atmosphere was directly broken by the high-spirited hero Jiang Hao tonight:

"Hey, is that all you have? LeBron? Do you want me to practice with you again?"

James immediately put away his smile, thinking of Jiang Hao's defense breaking every time he served as his defensive sparring partner!

So it's all for now!

Jiang Hao's words made James stop hugging Parker, Manu and others, and he left the scene on his own.

"Tsk tsk tsk, your mentality is so fragile."

Manu snorted coldly. He and Parker are not good old men like Duncan. If you don't take the initiative to come over and be polite and friendly with us, then we will naturally not come over.

We just celebrate our victory, and let the ignorant juniors of the Heat be ignorant.

Anyway, we have sensible juniors!

For example, Jiang Hao, who is being celebrated by him rubbing his hair now! ! !

The fans at the scene kept shouting "go-spurs-go" after the referee blew the whistle.



The voices kept coming. Jiang Hao was led by the big brothers to walk around the court to applaud and thank the fans for their support at home.

Jiang Hao also failed to hug and greet an old Heat teammate and old friend. Only Jaylen Williams made eye contact with Jiang Hao before leaving the court and pointed outside, meaning that they would chat after the game.

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