Spoelstra's words are seen by the outside world as pretentious and confident, because they are self-contradictory. If you think he can play well, why don't you want him in the Heat?

He is even praising the Heat's current lineup as the best in the universe? They were just defeated by the Spurs.

But Jiang Hao knew that he was telling the truth. Even if he continued to play in the Heat, he would never have so much time in the Spurs, so Spoelstra meant to tell himself. At least Spoelstra and Jiang Hao broke up peacefully.

When the interview was about to end, the Miami reporter finally got the microphone and asked the last question. :

"LeBron, Jiang Hao confronted you many times in tonight's game and was "rude". Do you think he is your little black or your new enemy?"

James shook his head:

"He is not qualified yet. Let's talk about it when he meets me in the playoffs."

This kind of question can be comfortable to pretend.

Because you can use the "delay" strategy, the "delay" strategy is good. Anyway, the Heat will not meet the Spurs again before next season, and he will not face Jiang Hao's defense again.

"Is that right? Wait!"

Jiang Hao's mouth curled up after seeing this last answer.

But in fact, Jiang Hao didn't even need to answer James's answer. Fans were mocking LeBron for still jumping here:

"You acted like you won the game. You still acted like this when you lost?"

"You said that only because you knew you would meet again next season, you rubbish! Who doesn't know what he's thinking?"

"Don't mention it. If Jiang Hao really gets it right, the Spurs may really break out in the West where there are so many Spurs."

"It's unlikely. Which of the Thunder, Mavericks, Clippers, Lakers, Grizzlies and Nuggets is not more powerful than the Spurs? The Spurs won the Heat by 1 point in this game because of the X factor Jiang Hao's extraordinary performance."

"Oh, I just said that. I really don't want to see James' face when he won the Eastern Conference championship. If you have the guts, come to the West!! Fuck!"

"It's your turn."

Spurs press officer Tom also called Messina and Jiang Hao to the press conference at this time.

Before this, all the Spurs players had a doping test. Several staff members only surrounded Jiang Hao during the whole process. You can figure out why with your big toe.

But Jiang Hao didn't care. Maybe someone inside the Spurs suspected that he was taking drugs, but only he and the Spurs nutritionist knew how "clean" he was. It was purely because of his self-discipline since joining the team that he had such a perfect performance today.

Compared with the Heat, the Spurs were undoubtedly the new star and the head coach who performed explosively in this game and were cheered on by everyone.

But the questions were not very friendly after arriving at the scene.

Maybe there are not many media with strong voice in the Holy City, or maybe Jiang Hao's voice is still too small, and the power of the Celestial Empire cannot be exerted.

The first question was a sharp question from the "Cleveland Honest Man":

"JIANG, you seemed to say on the court tonight that there is only one king in Miami. Do you mean the little emperor?"

Messina looked at Jiang Hao nervously, don't use the emperor father joke in front of the media, it's okay if you can't talk about it in the team.

"If you understand it this way, then I can only take the position of the emperor's father."

"Oh my god."

The reporters, including the reporter Duan Ran, were in an uproar. This kid was completely against James.

Could it be that he really thought he was the king from Miami? ? ? ? Too arrogant!

Although James was not mentioned in the words, this is the biggest insult to James.

Duan Ran was completely confused. Jiang Hao, a young player, would have to go against the young emperor who was in the limelight all his life? ? ?

Yao in his prime would not mock any star directly.

This character! ! ! !

This courage is not like a top student who has just been baptized by the compulsory education in the Celestial Empire and the exam-oriented education in Sujiang High School. It is more like the rigid character of people of their age who have been beaten by society and shout in silence.

The reporter of Miami Sports followed suit:

"Are you a fan of James? Is it because you had conflicts with LeBron in the Heat that you are now in the Spurs?"

The Spurs journalist was about to remind these reporters to ask about tonight's game, but unexpectedly Jiang Hao took the microphone and answered:

"To be honest, I never think I am a fan of James.

I am just the kid who pointed out that the King has no clothes.

Besides, I didn't say anything. What I said was the truth. For the four-step layup, I suggest everyone to watch the replay, and I suggest that some NBA players re-learn the NBA rules. After the four-step layup, they spread their hands to foul. It's simply too much."


The reporters who were originally noisy were silent.

The kid who pointed out that the King had no clothes.

Invincible! !

You mean the little emperor is wearing the emperor's new clothes? ? ? ?

How can he say that!

He is indeed not a pure insulting and mocking James hater, but he is a high-end hater! ! And he perfectly changed the subject.

James' team next door cursed after seeing this: "Thank you, thank you family! You are bringing up something irrelevant!"

Because there are millions of people watching this press conference live, Jiang Hao's sudden mention of James' four-step layup in tonight's game will definitely make fans find this video and torture it repeatedly

The one who gets hurt is not Jiang Hao who publicly criticized LeBron, but the little emperor who was not called for traveling

He will be directly criticized as the son of the referee team, the adopted son of David Stern!

And Jiang Hao couldn't find a single flaw in this game. If he could find one, Rich Paul would have asked LeBron to say it, because if he could, fans would think that the Heat lost because of this ball, and it was the fault of the referee and the league.

He would also ask several reporters who have a good relationship with him to ask Jiang Hao directly, and it is obvious that Jiang Hao's performance on the court tonight impressed all the reporters, otherwise the difficult questions would not have bypassed the game.

Messina couldn't stand it anymore, knocked on the table and laughed loudly:

"I'm here too, you can ask me if you have any questions."

The short Duan Ran finally found an opportunity to rush forward and took the microphone from the press officer:

"Hello, Coach Messina, I'm a sports reporter from China. What I want to ask you is how the final defensive tactics were arranged, and have you ever thought that LeBron would choose a 2-point dunk?"


"Defense against 3 points, I haven't thought about it."

Hearing that it was a Chinese reporter, the press officer signaled Duan Ran that he could continue asking questions, which was considered a private lesson in person. Chinese reporters rarely come to the Holy City home court. The last Chinese reporter to appear in the AT\u0026T Center press conference was in 2009.

"The next question I want to ask Jiang Hao is that your performance tonight has made a sensation in China. Fans all over the country are happy for you. Do you have anything to say to them?"

Jiang Hao answered directly in Chinese:

"I know everyone is paying attention to this game. I am very happy that I won the game in the end. In the next game, I will also fight with the glory of Chinese basketball players. Thank you for your support!"

"Okay, thank you Jiang Hao, and I hope you will play better and better!"

Duan Ran smiled and waved to Jiang Hao to end the interview. After this interview, he may have a companion for the next game, and the central bank will definitely send reporters over.

Reporter from the Holy City Sports Daily: "JIANG, how does it feel to get 30 points for the first time and almost make a buzzer beater?"

Jiang Hao: "Great, go-spurs-go!"

Sun Daily:

"You really tried your best to face your ex. Are you sure you can perform so well in the next game?"

Jiang Hao:

"As a professional player, I have the obligation and must play like tonight in every game! Don't worry."

Messina smiled and nodded, and said when the reporter asked him a similar question:

"We won't let him play just because he is a former Heat player. He has completely passed our test. He is a Spurs player."

This is a very confident statement. A bunch of reporters saved this video and waited to be slapped in the face later.

After all, now under the leadership of Rich Paul's behind-the-scenes team, many comments under the Spurs' winning posts are still saying that Jiang Hao is proficient in the tactics of his old club. Relying on his understanding of his old club, he also leaked all the tactics to the Spurs players in advance, which led to the Heat's final loss.

Later, during the interview in the locker room, Duncan shut up these malicious comments with one sentence.


"Is it that good? I can know all the tactics of the Heat in advance? We are from the future? Look at how many tactics Spo changed in one round."

"Also, I played the worst game of the season today!"

Stone Buddha's words justified all the reporters and also supported Jiang Hao's role. The Spurs boss said that he did not play normally, so it is self-evident who they relied on to win.

"Just now, the League Anti-Doping Organization visited the Spurs. Coach Messina, are you worried about the players?"


"If the old guys had doping, they would not shout to me every game that they can't run anymore and want to rest."

Press Officer Tom:

"Okay, the interview ends here. I will meet all the reporters in the next game."

The press conference ended.

Jiang Hao hurriedly prepared to go out to meet Jaylen Williams. After the meeting, he had to go to eat the midnight snack invited by Messina.

He also specifically asked the Spurs senior scout Hank to drive him down, because Hank is Jaylen Williams' idol, and this urgent meeting was mainly to help Jaylen Williams fulfill his dream of chasing his idol.

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