"James, the one who is as famous as Kobe, you know? Today he beat this James!" The carefree Northeast roommate said for a while, and the other two roommates quickly opened the campus network to check.

"Warm congratulations to our school student Jiang Hao for leading the Spurs to victory in today's NBA Spurs VS Heat game! "

The accompanying picture is a photo of Jiang Hao pointing three fingers to the sky after hitting a 3-pointer. His black wet short hair, sharp eyes and domineering arms are just the right muscle shape. Which girl would not be ambiguous when seeing this? Not to mention girls from the same school, who have the bonus of alumni buff.

"Wow, so handsome! He looks so sweaty!"

"He looks so youthful and energetic!! He's much cooler than those stuffy science and engineering guys in our class!"

"I really want to be his girlfriend!"

"Sister, here's a mirror for you. Look at yourself carefully. Only Duoduo in our dormitory has a chance to be favored by him. Haha, only a school beauty like Duoduo can match such a handsome, talented and capable academic master!"

"Don't talk nonsense~"

After saying this, Chen Duoling coughed slightly and lowered her head. Her fair and tender face full of collagen instantly turned red. She replied embarrassedly.

"Yes, I saw a boy in our class saying in the group that he should be the most awesome alumnus of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. We may not reach his current level even if we work hard for a lifetime. I heard that the NBA he played in was played by the 400 best players in the world, and who among us can enter the top 400 in this major or other majors? It's a pipe dream. Even Tsinghua and Peking University have not cultivated such top talents in the past ten years."

"What you said is true, not to mention that he defeated three top 10 superstars in the NBA today, so is he also ranked in the top 10?"

"We don't know much about this. Anyway, our principal will probably hand him the graduation certificate + outstanding alumni + honorary alumni certificate with both hands when he comes back."

"Leave this task to me, I'll hand it in!!" A roommate suddenly jumped up from the bed, and the two pieces of meat in front of him jumped up and down.

"I'm afraid you can't control yourself, so I'll go."

The girl from Northeast China rolled her eyes at her and looked down at her vacuum packaging. Hey, it's estimated that Jiang Hao can only grab two with one hand, no chance!

"By the way, Duoduo, do you still remember him? I remember he gave a speech during the military training. I saw on Weibo that he was selected by the CBA youth training team a year ago. It turns out that genius will never be buried."

"I remember, but he definitely doesn't remember me~"

Chen Duoling blinked her long eyelashes with a little loneliness, pouted and opened the QQ page on her mobile phone.

She actually focused on senior Jiang Hao's movements in the NBA earlier than her roommates. Today in the library, she didn't read much, but watched the game. She went to the bathroom to read at the last moment, otherwise she was afraid that she would be kicked out by the library manager if she called out.

But people didn't seem to know who she was.


Just when she wanted to take another look at the comments under Jiang Hao's latest post, she suddenly found that she had the latest news in her space, and it was still the familiar avatar with a "Hao" character in a yin-yang fish.

Senior replied to me? ?

After clicking in, she saw Jiang Hao's thanks to her. Surprised, she quickly clicked into the QQ chat page to introduce herself:

"Hello, senior! I am Chen Duoling from the 10th class! I am also your super fan!"

She didn't know that Jiang Hao, who was far away in the NBA for so many days, also knew her. She thought that this big star had long forgotten her.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Hao replied quickly:

"I know, Dudu, a good nickname."

"It's okay, senior, it's late at night and you haven't rested yet?"

"I'm rushing back to my residence. Are you looking for a job recently?"

Jiang Hao in the car over there knows how to flirt with girls. You have to make girls feel that you pay attention to her in a subtle way.


Chen Duoling here got into the bed with her phone in her hand, lying on her side with her long legs tightly bent together, biting her pink fingernails.

Did Jiang Hao look at her QQ space?

Her QQ space is indeed only open to herself and Jiang Hao. She didn't block Jiang Hao not because she wanted him to see it, but because she felt that such a busy person must not have time to refresh the space.

Well, I still want him to see and pay attention to my expectations.

Whose girl doesn't have spring dreams?

During military training, I noticed this tall and handsome senior who needed to be looked up to. Since then, I have been paying attention to Jiang Hao secretly. From the Sujiang Youth Training to now in the Spurs, she has been paying attention to and supporting him silently. She is also one of the founders of Jiang Hao's Weibo fan club.

And as Jiang Hao took off, Chen Duoling felt more and more that no matter how hard she studied the major of aircraft manufacturing and engineering, she was still far from such a boy, so she liked acting in her spare time.

She had to appear in front of the world to make Jiang Hao notice her.

She attended the school's acting classes, read acting drama books crazily, and won the first prize of the campus acting award without being a major. She gradually discovered her acting talent. She was also well-known in the school and even in the whole Jinling, but she was still far from Jiang Hao.

This made her want to intern in the film and television crew. She must keep working hard to catch up with Jiang Hao's pace and let the people she likes see her!

But she didn't expect Jiang Hao to ask her directly.

"Yes, senior. I'm looking for an internship, not in my major, but in film and television performance."

"Oh, the Jinling District audition for "The Flowers of War"? "

"Yes, I also participated in that one, but I wasn't selected."

Chen Duoling made an embarrassed and cute expression. She did not say that the main reason why she was not selected was that she was not a Jinling girl. She did not know Qinhuai and could not pass the first level.

"It doesn't matter. You will shine wherever you have strength. I will help you ask if I have a chance. I'm home. Let's go to bed first~An~"

Jiang Hao knows how to play hard to get. Although he has a bunch of high-quality movie and TV series titles from 12 years later in his mind, he doesn't want to think about it now. He will appeal to her first.

And he really didn't have time to flirt with the girl now. After getting off the car, he later realized that it was so windy and cold in Texas in the second half of the night. He felt exhausted and was so exhausted that he quickly took a nap.

"Thank you for your kindness. Don't disturb senior. Good night, senior~ (moon emoticon)"

Chen Duoling still doesn't know that Jiang Hao really knows her, but she is also very grateful that a public figure like Jiang Hao can say helpful words to her. These words made her cry with excitement.

However, she also knew that it was very late in the United States, so even though she had a lot of things to say and ask later, she did not bother her. Instead, she excitedly and happily continued to chat with her sisters about today's game, Jiang Hao's performance and every day. Secondary tunnel clothing.

"Hey, hey, Duoduo, why do you suddenly understand so much? Baidu it?"

"Our family, Duoduo, is full of love? It's rare!"

Chen Duoling was not the only one to congratulate.

The Zhihu blogger who first thanked Zhihu for the invitation to integrate Jiang Hao's life story today also reappeared and revealed his identity to praise Jiang Hao.

And he also edited new content on his pinned post introducing Jiang Hao with millions of views:

“On X month X day, 2012, Jiang Hao defeated the Heat with 31 points and proclaimed himself the ‘Emperor Father’”

"Tonight belongs to Jiang Hao!"

"I am AKA Yang Hesu, I am from UCLA!! I endorse Jiang Hao!!!!"

Yang Hesu, who is only 18 years old, has trouble sleeping tonight! !

Jiang Hao's outbreak was an inspiration to him. Although he comes from UCLA, a prestigious NCAA school, he is not a professional basketball player, but a hip-hop music singer and basketball enthusiast.

When he wrote that post, it was really not what everyone thought he was getting a two-way contract as an undrafted draft pick in Jiang Hao.

But at that time, he went to New York to sign with a rap company but failed. Then he went to the joint tryout to watch the rookies play. He was originally going to watch his UCLA seniors.

As a result, he saw a Chinese man, which attracted his attention.

At that time, Jiang Hao's performance in the New York joint trial training could be said to be a mess. He was so rubbish that Yang Hesu felt that his 20cm taller would definitely abuse him.

As a result, he didn't expect that Jiang Hao would turn around and join the Heat to play!

He was very upset, why could Jiang Hao, who was also from China, be able to make a comeback in the United States? And he didn't even have a record company to produce an album for him.

I was annoyed and wrote that Zhihu post. I wanted everyone to see how someone with such a simple resume could shine in the NBA?

He knew after tonight.

This big brother is no ordinary person, he plays so well! !

"Respect!! Brother Hao is my lifelong idol!!"

The value of Jiang Hao’s life introduction posts on Zhihu is still rising.

CBA Sujiang Steel Team’s home training facility.

Hu Weidong had a bright smile on his face while training.

But captain Yi Li's heart was bleeding.

Compared with Jordan Hu Weidong, who has already become famous in the CBA, the Sujiang men's basketball team led by Yi Li has never been able to escape the title of second best in a thousand years. This season, it has fallen directly out of the top four.

He, Tang Zhengdong, and Hu Xuefeng hoped more than anyone else that strong reinforcements would come to Sujiang to help them.

And Jiang Hao's performance in these two games is completely at the CBA foreign aid level. If he comes back, it will not count the foreign aid quota. It means that the Sujiang team can have 3 foreign aid level players, one of whom has no foreign aid playing time limit.

Although he had long told Jiang Hao to go back to the NBA and never come back.

But after Jiang Hao actually played, he really wanted Jiang Hao to come back to his hometown for a year. He was sure that he could easily win the first championship in Sujiang!

So why his heart is bleeding is because after Jiang Hao's performance, he will never be able to return to the rhythm of CBA taking them flying! !

Even Tang Zhengdong accused Hu Weidong half-jokingly and half-truthfully of not being "selfish" enough. Wouldn't such a genius stay with the CBA home team for a year and then let him go? ?

Hu Weidong comforted these Sujiang veterans:

"At least he is from Sujiang. He might come back to represent Sujiang in the National Games in the future, haha!"

It makes me happy.

The better Jiang Hao plays, the happier Hu Weidong will be!

The Chinese player who shone in the NBA at the age of 20 finally appeared, and it was he who sent him abroad.


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