"So it seems that Richie Paul is taking revenge for personal gain???"

After some inferences, netizens came to a conclusion.

This is obviously because Richie Paul was kicked away by Jiang Hao, and Richie Paul can't tolerate Jiang Hao!

For the sake of his good brother agent, LeBron will definitely ask the Heat to fire Jiang Hao, right? ?

Almost all people in the workplace can think of this possibility.

It's like a new potential intern in the company, who directly pointed out the wrong decision of the big boss at a general meeting attended by the whole company and put forward a more powerful proposal. Although what he said was right, you were in the wrong occasion, so it's fine, at most you will be bullied by the big boss in the future.

But then the big boss's henchman criticized you at the meeting, and you scolded him instead?

Then no matter how powerful you are, the company boss will definitely "kill" this little intern to appease the big boss's mood after weighing the interests.

But no one would have thought that this dismissed little employee would kill a bid that they were determined to win in a short period of time after changing jobs! !

Genius among geniuses!

One in a million!

Heat fans were already angry last night, and they got even angrier after seeing this video this morning.

"Rich Paul, please die first!!"

"Rich Paul, please get out of Miami! How come there is an agent in the team's training game?"

"Yeah, this agent interferes too much. Even if they are brothers, they should know how to keep a distance. Doesn't Riley care?"

"Riley is too old and blind, and is led by an agent!"

"It is said that Rich Paul has great influence. Now it is the second largest agency in the NBA after CAA."

"Who leaked the video? Is there anyone in the Heat helping Jiang Hao?"

"Who cares who leaked it? This is enough!!"

Maybe it's not cruel enough. Suddenly, a mysterious person on another website broke the news that Bojan Bogdanovic also punched James because he mocked the rookies in the locker room. It seems that LeBron vented his anger on the two rookies after losing the game, and sprayed the rookies as traitors.

Although this is pure text news, there are no pictures or videos to support it, and the whistleblower is unwilling to reveal his name, but after the video exposed the news, it became particularly credible.

Mainly, did this mysterious person seem to have let the cat out of the bag? Or was it made up by the reporter?

Fisting? ? ?

Bojan punched LeBron? ? ?

So fierce? ?


Today, the Heat's public opinion news exploded! ! !

"Wow, today is the Heat's self-destructing truck day?"

"The day when James' reputation hit rock bottom!"

"LeBron was punched by Bojan? No wonder Bojan was fired!"

"Jiang Hao's firing is similar to Bojan's!!"

"No wonder the rookie Blackie who played with Jiang Hao in the Development League was never recalled to the main team after Jiang Hao was fired."

"No, James fans, is your master so weak? Being bullied by two rookies like this?"

"Haha, is such a strong LeBron only able to talk nonsense?"

Today's basketball forum has completely become a carnival day for James haters. There is too much fun, and the Heat and Rich Paul can't block it.

Originally, the second mysterious person's revelation was not threatening at all. When Bojan was fired, there was also a revelation that Bojan asked LeBron to tie his shoelaces.

The main thing is that video, who leaked it? ? ?

Rich Paul is going crazy!

He clearly deleted the videos that everyone at the scene might have left as soon as possible, why did the video leak out? At such a perfect time!

If Jiang Hao didn't play last night, or if Jiang Hao played a bunch of shit last night, it doesn't matter if he Photoshopped this video, because the Heat beat the Spurs anyway, and Jiang Hao didn't play well.

But now it's completely messed up, because this video is too appropriate, and it complements Jiang Hao's various roars and crazy performances last night. Fans now understand why this stinky boy was so crazy against his old club last night.

They are all criticizing him for interfering in the Heat's internal training and messing up the Heat and the relationship between the players, causing the team to fall apart and the morale to be lost.

And LeBron has completely become a rubbish leader who bullies rookies and bullies rookies!

Their management of James' perfect basketball idol for so many years is about to be destroyed! ! !

It seems that it is a surveillance video of the Heat that was leaked by an internal employee of the Heat?

Before Rich Paul went to Riley's office to ask for punishment, the NBA League President's Office and the NBA Players Association called the Heat and Rich Paul.

Under the crazy reports from fans, the league president David Stern and the president of the players' union, Fisher, publicly stated that they would investigate the Heat and LeBron James! ! !

The fans must be given an explanation.

"We will give Bojan, JIANG an explanation."

Merry Christmas everyone! ! I wish you all peace and happiness! !

Chapter 102: LeBron, Bojan and I don't like washing socks

Chapter 102 101: LeBron, Bojan and I don't like washing socks

With the video of Jiang Hao's furious challenge to LeBron in front of the entire Heat team being exposed, and the fermentation of the post about the Bojan incident, this incident is no longer a simple NBA incident, but has directly risen to an international sports incident! !

American blacks bully white and yellow international athletes? ?

The impact is far-reaching!

If someone takes advantage of this topic, it may be even bigger.

The world-renowned all-sports newspaper "Sports Illustrated" still saved some face for LeBron. The title did not mention his surname:

"It is rumored that there is a bullying incident within the Heat team, and they jointly bully international rookies"

The cover of the "Times Sports Edition" is a photo of James, Spoelstra and Riley sitting together and laughing. The article was not written, but everyone understands it. (with pictures)

The sports section of the domestic Yangtze Evening News directly addressed the hometown boy:

"The Heat are suspected of being a bullying team, and the Chinese youngster is suppressed by James' agent? 》

Basketball Pioneer:

"Say No to Team Violence!" Jiang Hao, you are so light-footed! 》

Sports Weekly:

"U.S. media revealed the real reason why Jiang Hao was fired from the Heat!" 》

Heat Development League player Xiao Hei’s latest tweet is full of comments that have nothing to do with the post:

"Be careful, you will be next!"

"Mr. Hei, be lucky, it's the color of your skin that protects you!"

"Go to the American Airlines Arena and protect yourself. You might get kicked by an agent. You don't have long legs like Jiang Hao."

Xiao Hei, who is preparing for the game in the Development League, is dumbfounded. He originally posted a self-reflection article yesterday that was highly searched. In it, he hilariously said that it would be better if he passed the ball more in the Heat Development League.

The implication is that Jiang Hao can definitely gain attention in the Heat Development League. It was he who delayed Jiang Hao and Bo Yang. He originally wanted to "spurt" him, but now no one is criticizing him and even thanked him for stopping it. Jiang Hao fights out, otherwise he will be poisoned by the heat forever.

Now the comments below are all about reminding yourself to be careful and escape early, the Heat will eat people.

Some people also asked him about its authenticity.

How should he, who is still a Heat player, answer this?

He trembled and quickly deleted the post. He didn't want to be regarded as a battlefield between the two sides.

James and Heat fans are holding their tails between their legs today and dare not let out a sound, while Jiang Hao fans, Spurs fans, and LeBron James fans can finally vent their anger:

"Let me just say that the previous posts about Jiang Hao were all groundless and were all done by Rich Paul!"

"Yes, this video is true! All the team's voices were recorded."

"As a Bo Yang fan, I just want to say, never bully an honest person!! That punch from our Bo Yang must be very powerful!"

"Jiang Hao and Bo Yang are both suffering in the Heat!! Bullying teams like the Heat should be boycotted by the entire league @NBA official website @David Stern"

"Riley is really nothing. You bully international players too??"

"Spo is a hypocrite too, he's just one of Riley's dogs!"

"I'm a former Heat fan, and I want to say something. Ever since LeBron came to the Heat, the Heat area has been in a state of turmoil, and so has the team, with all kinds of things!!! It used to be a safe place. Isn’t it good that Bosh and Wade want to clear the space for the little emperor? It’s hard to get rid of it! Riley, it’s your own fault!”

"If you can't fight, if you stick together, you will eventually be cast aside!!!"

"It's backfired!! Cleveland is still suitable for you, little emperor!"

"LeBron, this, is, for, you!"

Cleveland is setting off fireworks during the day, and a bunch of Cavaliers fans are already popping champagne. The Cavaliers' record is at the bottom, it's okay, and it's great that LeBron is being criticized! ! !

Last night, Jiang Hao's live footage and interview footage were dug out one by one. ESPN explained that Smith really dared:

"Rich Paul is the first person to put on the emperor's new clothes, and Jiang Hao is the first person to take off the emperor's new clothes!"

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