"Replicate the trick when the Lakers met the Rockets in the playoffs last season and played with Yao in one single??"

Old fans suddenly remembered the self-throwing and self-grabbing layup that Kobe often used several times in the playoffs.

Jiang Hao naturally saw it at a glance.

So he used the skill of Baryaka's position. When Kobe's concealed arm movement was blocked, he first took a half step to the left. After taking out his right hand, he turned around and supported Kobe's left arm and ran forward together.

This time Kobe suddenly lost his positional advantage.

But the ball has been thrown, and the arrow has to be fired! !

Kobe bravely continued to withstand Jiang Hao's strength and jumped high to get the ball back into his hands.

"You are old!"

But Jiang Hao, who is 3cm taller than Kobe, would let Kobe get this kind of ball? ?

He jumped vertically and grabbed the ball to his side the moment Kobe touched it with one hand. He followed up with his left hand in the air and protected the ball! ! !

Do you still want to copy Yao's shot with a self-throw and a dunk? ? ? ?

dream! ! !

After Jiang Hao landed domineeringly, he hugged the basketball with both hands. The furious Kobe directly slapped Jiang Hao with his big hand and tried to steal it. However, Jiang Hao protected the ball tightly, and the referee directly called a foul:

"Lakers No. 24, defensive foul, Spurs have the ball!"


The other eight people on the field were dumbfounded! ! !

Jiang Hao forced an aerial interception of Kobe's inevitable self-throw and layup, breaking Kobe's offense! ! !

That’s so awesome!

After landing, Kobe broke the defense and got a foul. There is nothing more profitable than this! ! !

Talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years! ! !

I am not the senior Yao Yao!

Jiang Hao smiled and handed the ball to the referee, and looked at Kobe who was still arguing with the referee that Jiang Hao had just stuck his hand:

"Stop struggling, you are being guarded by me. In front of me, even a dragon has to lie down!!"

Jiang Hao didn't say the next sentence for fear of triggering a group fight: let alone a little snake!

Duncan was smarter and stood directly at the serving position. He didn't care about Kobe's reasoning. He signaled the referee to serve quickly.

This forced Kobe, who looked unwilling, to return to defense.

My heart is in turmoil! !

It is different from the previous continuous blacksmithing. Continuous blacksmithing can be said to have a poor feel and underestimate the enemy.

But in this round, he had almost exhausted everything he had learned throughout his life, but it seemed that it didn't work in front of Jiang Hao. He had seen through himself! !

Is it possible that this guy really is like the media says “all living beings are equal??”

Or, "What the hell is this guy up to?"

Kobe was a little doubtful of himself. He had already made fake moves all over his body just now. Each move could make four or five offensive options, but Jiang Hao blocked the move he actually chose every time. It was outrageous!

Maybe Jiang Hao could predict the last rebound as Yao's younger brother, but what about before?

Jiang Hao had been standing steadily in front of him before! !

The Lakers bench all held their heads, and Clarkson covered his head with a towel. Jiang Hao was beaten in the spotlight for 23 seconds, and this is the result? ? Is it still useless for the boss to take action? ? ?

Kobe Bryant’s solo forum was filled with comments:

"Brothers, when you watch the game, do you feel that in front of him, the superstars are like ordinary players, not impressive at all."

"I feel like Kobe's Tu Manu is just like playing, but Tu Jianghao seems so strenuous, and his fake moves can't fly. It doesn't feel so picturesque anymore."

"Maybe,,,,,this is the young man!!"

"Fart, Manu just entered the league and was kicked off by Kobe. He was so shaken that he couldn't even find his home."

"I mean, these are the talented young people today. They are different from the older generation. They grew up watching Kobe's highlights and they all understand how Kobe plays."

Ferric Oxide: "Haha, I like to hear this explanation. Kobe is still the same Kobe, the era is no longer this era!!"

"I feel like the Lakers can't win the championship in the Western Conference this year!"

"The Spurs felt like they could handle the Lakers in the first half."

"Yes, GDP didn't even exert its strength. If Manu exerted his strength, Jordan could compete with Kobe in 20 minutes."

"This JIANG has not been affected by the video incident at all, and he has a senior scout from the Heat as his agent. He is playing basketball without any worries. If I were Riley, I would write an apology letter to JIANG right now. and Jaylen.”

"It's useless. There's no way RC Buford will be released, and the Heat won't be able to trade him with Shane Miller or anything."

There are still a lot of fans on the Chinese side @Sun Yue's. Sun Yue's defense of this ball is the most convincing. In the season when Sun Yue was with the Lakers in 2009, he should have faced Kobe many times in training games.

Sun Yue said slightly: "Strong! This defense is really strong!"

His evaluation is the most convincing, and after watching it, he also had the same thoughts as Dayao's previous show. The Chinese men's basketball team will not have its darkest moment in this Olympics! There's drama! ! !

This is Kobe! !

Only he knows the value of guarding Kobe's sure-fire one-on-one goals! ! ! !

When Yao Ming received a follow-up visit at the Shanghai Medical University Hospital, he cheered: "You have avenged me!"

The ball he was thrown up by Kobe is a scene that must appear in Kobe's career highlights.

And now, his little brother from China wants to add Kobe Bryant to the background of China players! And it seems to be more than just a defensive background board? ?

Spurs coach Messina sat comfortably on the coaching bench.

Tasty enough! ! The black mamba was eaten alive! !

This is the ultimate purpose of RC choosing him, a superstar killer! ! Just to lock the superstar!

Without him, the Spurs would have a very difficult time in the past few games, because the Spurs' backcourt defense efficiency is the last in the league!

And now, with Jiang Hao, the backcourt is like adding a big lock, so that the Spurs coaching staff no longer have to worry when they see him defending the offensive player alone.

"Wait, Jiang Hao here also chooses to challenge Kobe Bryant alone????"

Just when everyone thought that the Spurs would come back and Parker would control the game, Parker passed the ball directly to Jiang Hao after dribbling across half court.

And the position where Jiang Hao stood was like a mirror image of the position where Kobe stood at the beginning just now, exactly the same! !

Holding the ball at the top of the arc! !

All four Spurs players also pulled away! ! !

"Damn, really, Jiang Hao was holding the ball at the top of the arc, in the same position, and all stretched out!!!"

"Just didn't bite the jersey!"

Jiang Hao also wanted to bite, but he had never practiced before, and it must be a bit awkward to do it for the first time. Forget it, he didn't bite in the opponent's home court, give Kobe some face!

"The drama of the year!! It's comparable to Liu Shouyuan choosing to challenge Li Guanyang in a street ball event!"

"Don't come to touch porcelain, five-star generals of Hupu."

This ball was made by Jiang Hao and Parker in advance, and when he wanted to say hello to the other three, they all dispersed tacitly.

Needless to say, Duncan, Danny Green, and Tiago also wanted to see Jiang Hao's offense and single-handedly beat Kobe! !

If he can score a goal in front of Kobe, wouldn't it be a one-round attack and defense explosion of the league's top shooting guard? ? ?

What a boast! !

What a great boost to Jiang Hao's confidence in playing in the future!!

I can even beat Kobe, so beating you is like a piece of cake.

So Duncan directly grabbed Gasol and said: "Trust your Kobe, we just watch the show!"

You have to believe it!

How dare the Lakers players not trust Kobe's defense? ?

Although Kobe didn't say it, no one dared to stand a little closer. In this situation, there was no way to make up for the defense. Just trust the team leader, the most defensive shooting guard in NBA history.

Kobe is the strongest defensive iron gate among active guards, with numerous defensive honors. He was selected as the best first defense for 9 consecutive times and the best second defense for 3 times.

Jiang Hao certainly knows why Kobe is more capable of leading the team than James? Isn't it because his active defense can drive the whole team?

No matter how old he is, he can yell at his teammates, no matter how iron and independent he is in offense, Kobe's attitude on the court is beyond reproach. He always explains the defense and is always the first to rush back to defense.

Instead of being like some superstars who throw their hands in the backcourt when they fail to score, they don't return to defense and just wait for their teammates' long pass and fast break to score.

The reason why he chose to play one-on-one against Kobe is also very simple.

Can you play one-on-one against me?

I'll play one-on-one against you too!!

Want to compete with the flying man!!

Like many rookies who have just entered the league, no matter what position the player is, how can they not be excited to play against Kobe? ? This year, many rookies such as Irving and Thompson have faced Kobe and chose to play one-on-one.

Who doesn't want to try the strength of the league's number one player!!!

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