Jiang Hao, who had just been substituted off the court, stood up and applauded his brothers before his butt was even warm. This was purely a tactical crush.

After the half-time, Jiang Hao didn't sweat much, and the Spurs led by 11 points 48:37 into the second half, and they were firmly suppressed.

During the halftime break, Messina and Becky Hammon calmly arranged the strategy for the second half:

"It's still about blocking Paul and pinching shooters on both wings. Griffin wants to score, so it's up to him.

Evans took the ball and cut it decisively. He's really bad at free throws."

When he said this, Jiang Hao also raised his hand:

"Jordan can also cut it, but he can't make free throws either."

"Oh? So sure? He doesn't have many samples?" analyst Borrego laughed.

"Trust me."

Then in the third quarter, when Griffin was strong, the Spurs raised his hands high, but Evans and Jordan took the ball and attacked the basket directly, and neither of them made two free throws.

The Clippers were forced to fall behind by 15 points with garbage free throws! !

So in the third quarter, rather than saying that the Clippers had a bad touch, it was better to say that they were still confused by the Spurs' routine: a whole set of tactical combination punches.

Messina was laughing secretly, thinking that even our players were giving advice, how could you not be tricked?

And the Clippers coach Vinny De Nagro, referring to Aunt Leslie's words: "He has to deploy some practical tactics!"

Vinny De Nagro is famous for his poor performance on the spot. Although he is tough and can speak well, compared with the Spurs, the most complete system in the league and the thickness without flaws, he can't open it! ! ! !

After Jiang Hao came on the court to "work hard", the Clippers were even more confused.

Because Jiang Hao has been asked by the coaching staff to work hard in the second half, after he came on the court, Messina signaled him to go to the 45-degree angle on the wing and the low post to punish Nick Young and Bledsoe. This 3-guard system has to rely on the front line.


This also gave Jiang Hao the opportunity to try a post-up singles.

At this time, his defender was Nick Young, and Young Young took the initiative to apply. Recently, Jiang Hao has been in the limelight, and he likes to defend players who are in the limelight.

And Jiang Hao only scored 7 points in the first half, which was nothing special.

As a result, Jiang Hao came up in the low post in the second half and suddenly took Nick Young away in one step to prepare for the ball! ! !

The most important thing for Kobe in post-up singles is to catch the ball accurately.

Only after accurately catching the ball can he launch his own offense. Therefore, Kobe pays attention to the skills of catching the ball in his usual training, and constantly strengthens his touch and reaction ability.

After Mills passed the ball to Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao did not exert force decisively, but found that Nick Young was not too close, and then took the ball and turned sideways to force Nick Young to get close.

In the end, it was found that Nick Young had no idea what Jiang Hao was going to do, and he made a fake jump shot directly! ! !

Nick Young was stunned.

What the hell? ? ? ?

He knew Jiang Hao's jump shot was OK, but what the hell was this smooth back-to-the-basket low-post technique? ? ?

Did he learn it from Kobe in the last game? ? Kobe didn't back him up a few times in the last game, did he? ? ?

This was too smooth!

"YANG, what are you doing?? You don't even stretch your hands??"

The Clippers' defensive coach directly scolded Nick Young.

But in fact, Young Master Yang had been waiting for Jiang Hao to break through after changing direction. He didn't believe that Jiang Hao could directly back up and receive a jump shot facing the basket.

As a result, he really shot it.

"I have a brother who can back up!"

Jiang Hao smiled at Young Master Yang, who was almost a black question mark face, while retreating.

Kobe's change of direction breakthrough is one of his most outstanding skills in back-to-the-basket singles.

He can rely on his excellent change of direction skills to break through the defensive player in an instant and find offensive space.

In addition, Kobe can also deceive the defensive player through fake moves and other methods to create more offensive opportunities for himself.

The next round is even more exaggerated.

Because Jiang Hao used his back-to-the-basket footwork in the same position, he still turned his back to fake the ball after receiving it. This time Nick Young jumped honestly. No, he would be scolded by the coaching staff if he didn't jump again.

And with his height, he couldn't just stand on tiptoe, but had to jump to delay.

But I didn't expect Jiang Hao to really fake it this time. His pivot foot didn't leave the ground. After Nick Young jumped, he turned in the other direction, took a step forward, and shot the ball on the backboard! !

Ah? ? ?

"This footwork"

This footwork made Manu, who had already received the ball outside the three-point line on the wing, wet his eyes.

He actually received the ball in the bottom corner, just afraid that Jiang Hao would fall into a dead end, because low-post singles can easily be defended, and the bottom corner needs to receive the ball at this time. After all, there are only a few outside players in the league who can do this trick now.

But I didn't expect Jiang Hao to completely deceive his opponent? ? ?

Completely relying on footwork? ? ?

"Have you evolved after playing with Kobe?" The inside player rubbed Jiang Hao's hair and laughed.

"Just try it."

Jiang Hao's words were the most hurtful. Nick Young was about to cry, okay? What the hell, try it? ? ?

You can score easily in front of me just by trying? ? ?

Then what's my defense? ?

Damn! ! !

Jiang Hao was actually trying it.

There was only one day left before the game against the Lakers. He had no chance to practice post-ups. He relied on the muscle memory brought to him by the system to perform this action.

Kobe's footwork is very flexible. He can complete a variety of complex footwork movements in an instant to deceive the defensive players.

When playing post-ups, Kobe can disrupt the defensive rhythm of the defensive players through quick turns, lateral movements, forward rushes, and other methods to create more scoring opportunities for himself.

"It's so useful."

Nick Young also took the initiative here, calling a pick-and-roll and trying to make a pull-up jumper in front of Jiang Hao, allowing the jumping macho Jiang Hao to block his head and face.

Then the Spurs, who got high, stopped playing fast breaks and continued to give their newcomers.

Jiang Hao held the ball and went inside to face Bledsoe, who was defending, and directly covered him with his back to prevent him from stealing, and then simply made a fadeaway jumper!

Xuebu, who was shorter than Nick Young, thought it was impossible to block such a ball. He could only watch Jiang Hao throw his hand behind his back. Jiang Hao steadily aimed at the basket in the air and soared forward in a dashing way! ! !

I go?

What the hell? ?

Teammates and opponents are really stupid now.

What is this!

Successful post-up play for three consecutive rounds, and the third round was too standard for Choko, even using a fadeaway jumper? ? ?

Isn't this a ball that only superstars need and dare to take? ?

Who among ordinary players would dare to take such a forceful shot? ? It's true that the big one beats the small one. You're not much bigger than Bledsoe. Bledsoe's top position is very stable.

The kidney-deficient brother Odom's eyes were shining on the sidelines. Isn't this a boss move?

So scary! ! !

Not only this move, but the first two moves are also frequently used by the boss. Why are they all used by the player in the silver and black jersey now? ? ?

He rubbed his eyes to see if they were dazzled anymore.

In this familiar venue, I really thought the boss was playing.

But then I realized that he was insulting the Clippers instead of paying tribute to the Lakers. He is a Clippers now! !

"It's all Nick Young's fault. What's wrong with talking about people behind their backs?? It seems like this kid can really score 28 points on the Lakers. It's so easy!"

Lakers fans at the scene were delighted:

"Holy crap!! These are the real Lakers!!"

"@Kubo, why don't you choose this person? This is the future of the Lakers!"

"What Clarkson, Kobe Bryant is here!"

"The Clippers players are all confused. They obviously didn't play the Lakers, so why do they feel like they are playing the Lakers."

The on-site commentators didn't know how to describe it. The player who used this move the most on this field had used this move at least five times in the previous game, but Jiang Hao came up and scored.


After scoring three consecutive post-up singles goals, Jiang Hao was not too excited. He was more comfortable with the picturesque shots after the confrontation. Moreover, it is more comfortable to play high and low. There is no need to forcefully adjust the arc. It is the most beautiful. Parabola shot! !

And maybe Bledsoe didn't expect Jiang Hao to turn his back and shoot a fadeaway jumper. He didn't have enough confrontation, so he gave Jiang Hao this cool shot.

It was also the goal that instantly made him gain millions of followers worldwide.

Because no matter what he admits or not, Comey directly calls him the Asian Mamba, the successor of Kobe or something like that.

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