"Changed you?"

Jeremy Lin straightened his chest and pretended to be cool.

"Here, hit me."

Jiang Hao provoked him to challenge himself.

And Jeremy Lin really let his teammates pull away in the first round.

He used his explosive speed to get rid of Jiang Hao, who had not yet lowered his center of gravity, and rushed inside in one step.

But the consequences of this kind of uncontested rush to the basket are obvious.

Although Jiang Hao was a beat slower, he had long legs and took three big steps to chase after him. The moment Jeremy Lin made a layup, no, Jeremy Lin looked like he still had to do a one-handed dunk!

"screw you!"

In order to vent his anger on Big Brother, Jiang Hao jumped up with all his strength and pressed the ball down with a slap. Shuhao was so pressed that he lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground!

A layup like this in front of yourself who has LeBron's shot-chasing ability? ? ?

Ross wouldn't even dare to do this!

"Head on the bloody hat!!"

"A clean hat!"

"What a chaser!"

Originally, the referee's whistle at the baseline had been about to sound for a long time, but the ball was capped firmly and there was no skin contact at all. How could it be blown? ?

If Jeremy Lin's hand touches Jeremy Lin's hand even a little bit, the referee will definitely give a home penalty whistle.

But he really had no shame in blowing off such a good compliment.

Downey Jr., who had just finished playing "Iron Man" in the front row and was in high spirits, shouted excitedly. He felt that Jiang Hao had just flown up like a wire rope hanging behind him. It was such an explosive bounce!

It's not over yet. The ball didn't go out. Jiang Hao hooked the ball with one hand before it went out of bounds and threw it to Mills in the backcourt. Mills didn't care and stopped directly outside the three-point line and made a pull-up 3-pointer! !

Afterwards, Jiang Hao slowly pulled up Jeremy Lin next to him, patted Jeremy Lin's butt and asked if he was okay. He was so charming that the Knicks fans were stunned for a moment.

He is so handsome.

Several students from New York University saw it with starry eyes:

"He can directly assist his teammates to score fast break points and can also help his opponents. This is so casual."

"This is called relaxed and cool!"

"Win or lose, I started to fall in love with him today!"

Jeremy Lin's expression was full of embarrassment, he patted his butt and said:

"It's okay."

I was really annoyed in my heart. I was most annoyed by the fact that I was being so "friendly" and pretending to be so "friendly". It would be better to just yell at him to make him feel more comfortable.

Jiang Hao's approach after successful defense will make Jeremy Lin as uncomfortable as constipation. He is so polite to you, do you want to hit him or not? ?

If you fuck him hard, he's very friendly, but if you don't fuck him, he chooses to attack immediately, but he doesn't stop the ball and pulls himself first, making it clear that scoring is the priority.

Zhu Fangyu:

"The Spurs counterattacked quickly and it was time for Jiang Hao to defend!"

Yu Jia: "Jiang Hao's defense is worthy of trust!"

"The effect is too obvious."

The Mavericks management who were also watching the game had long faces when they saw Jiang Hao's graceful assist and draw against his opponent.

Cuban even touched his face.

Now the whole world knows that Jiang Hao was the first to try out with the Mavericks

Some other Mavericks management were very surprised when they watched Jiang Hao's live broadcast for the first time. This was the first time that JIANG directly faced off and directly defended him. This single defense effect was really good.

Maybe the fans wouldn't notice JR smoking in the corner in the first three quarters, but in fact, JR scored 0 non-open shots under Jiang Hao's defense? It took 2 shots!

What does this mean?

The sixth man-level player in the league who is the best in one-on-one scoring could not score a single point in front of Jiang Hao! ! !


The Mavericks' mentality is that they want the Spurs to win and the Knicks to win, which is the most confusing.

Chandler is also one of his own, and Shuhao and the others have also tried out. And subconsciously they don't want Jiang Hao to be too strong. Every time Jiang Hao is strong, the Mavericks' elite management will be turned around by the fans.

The Spurs are the big brother of Texas. They also hope that the Spurs will take revenge on them and rub off the Knicks' spirit. Of course, they called Jiang Hao for a trial first. Without them, there would be no Jiang Hao who will play in the NBA this year.

So they were having a hard time watching this game! !

Mainly, they were beaten a bit miserably by Shuhao's pick-and-roll defense, but I still hope the Knicks win.

The best Tyson Chandler MVP kind!

Otherwise, if the Spurs are so weak against strong teams, it means that they are too strong to be serious. The Mavericks, who are also in the West, don't want the Spurs to be better than themselves.

The Knicks have only a 1% chance of meeting them in the playoffs, but the Spurs have more than a 25% chance. And looking at the current records of the Western Conference teams, several teams seem to be going to the first round of the Texas Civil War!

Here Shuhao started the second round of competition with Jiang Hao. This time he chose his best method of playing the big man, suddenly blasting the ball with his right hand, taking one step back and shooting a three-pointer.

Not to mention, he looks a bit like Zhao Jiwei this time.

After Jiang Hao was blown out of space, he tried his best to cover up the defense. Although he didn't interfere, he didn't touch basketball! !

Mao didn't even touch it, but Duncan got it directly! ! !

The fans at the scene were so numb that they almost lost their voice.

What is this!

I was taught how to behave in two consecutive rounds!

Lin Crazy became Lin Crazy for Blacksmithing?

"If we really beat the Spurs, wouldn't our little perimeter defenders be guarded by Jiang Hao?" Cuban touched his chin in front of the TV in the conference room, feeling distressed because Jeremy Lin destroyed their perimeter two days ago.

And now Jiang Hao is guarding the Spurs' external defense!

Carlisle is not worried about this:

"Basketball is a 5V5 game. It's useless to guard one person, and it's most useless to guard a point guard. It's too far."

It is indeed too far! !

D’Antoni and Carlisle were “in tune with each other”.

After finding out that Lin had failed to play big with small for two consecutive rounds, he directly signaled Lin to stand 1 meter outside the three-point line after crossing half court and wait for the ball to be thrown.

The tactics were directly given to JR Smith and Stoudemire!!

Now it was completely 4V4.

JR Smith, who had been silent for 3 quarters, was like a hungry wolf after seeing Parker defending him. He dribbled directly under his hips after receiving the ball and scored!

Pull up from outside the three-point line and scored!

Break through and pass to Stoudemire!

Stoudemire couldn’t handle Duncan, so he passed the ball back to JR Smith who cut inside. Although Parker caught up at this time, JR was too strong.

One confrontation forced Parker to foul to prevent him from making a layup!!

The Spurs requested a timeout!

JR Smith scored 10 points in a row to tie the score directly? ? ?

Jiang Hao was pulled 1 meter outside the three-point line by Lin Hao and could only watch, with no way to do anything. This is what Carlisle said in front of the TV, "too far".

No matter how good your help defense ability is, what use are you if you are pulled outside the three-point line? Unless you have the wandering steps of Landon

The Spurs naturally know this, so they don't easily let Jiang Hao defend the No. 1 position. The traditional No. 1 position usually plays outside the three-point line and watches his teammates play

Jiang Hao's explosive bounce and strong strength make him a natural help defender. Messina restricted Lin and let Jiang Hao go out.

Unexpectedly, the mustache was quite awesome on the spot and changed his playing style all of a sudden! !

Ci Mi:

"I never thought that Jiang Hao was the one I could defend best on the perimeter. When defending JR Smith, JR didn't make any moves, but when he switched to defending Lin, JR Smith exploded!"

"JR must have been holding it back for a long time, haha!!"

The most exciting thing was that JR Smith played the air guitar when he left the court just now. This is Jiang Hao's signature celebration move, a naked mockery! !

"Okay, you wait!"

Jiang Hao naturally saw it, and his competitive spirit also burned with the roar of the fans on the sidelines.

In the past few rounds, he was harassed by Novak and Jeremy Lin's fake defense, which led him to choose to pass the ball to his teammates first.

But the teammates in the open space were not very strong. Of course, the two mobile inside players of the Knicks were also really fast!

But it's okay.

Since you JR Smith are so pretentious, I must give you some ruthless medicine!

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