Jiang Hao, on the other hand, made a goodbye gesture to JR Smith in front of him, lowered his center of gravity and played the guitar for a while. Did you feel comfortable doing the celebration in front of me? ?

Let you enjoy it to the end!

But before JR could react, Jiang Hao was groped and tugged at by his teammates.

"JIANG! What a shame!"

Manu: "The whole world thought I was going to fight, but I didn't expect it, haha!"

Parker, who left the game with six fouls, was almost crying on the bench. If he hadn't scored, then he would be responsible for leaving the game with six fouls, because after he left the field, the Spurs lacked an independent offensive point on the outside.

Fortunately, Jiang Hao stepped forward!

"Stop being a rookie and come and listen to the tactics."

Shooting assistant Chip ordered the Spurs players to let go of Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao, who was out of breath, also raised his hands and made a "boo" gesture to the fans at the scene, just like Trae Young did in later generations.


You scold me, right? !

Can you shut up now?

““It’s quiet as f*ck in here (It’s so quiet here!)”

(with pictures)

It doesn't matter if it's not booing, this booing is like opening the floodgates for Knicks fans.

It was uncomfortable for them to be awarded a sure kill, and they immediately exploded after reacting. They were almost annoyed to death by this man who just scored 40 points on their head:





"Fake ginger!"

"im your father!!JIANG"

"Love is governed by the law!"

New Yorkers are known for their good English. Driven by dozens of loud-voiced fans, there were probably more than 10,000 people shouting along in a rhythmic manner, and the security guards couldn't stop themselves.

"This guy named Madison."

Although the enemies of the Spurs and Jiang Hao in front of the TV heard the fans scolding Jiang Hao, they couldn't be happy.

This is a curse to break the opponent's defense, a curse of glory!

Many people want to be scolded by everyone but don't get this treatment.

Like Wu Sheng, if he wants to be scolded like this, he can only use his fists, and he also uses dirty moves to attract abuse from fans.

"Stop scolding us. How about some home court qualities? No one is scolding us."

There are also sane fans shouting for everyone to sit down.

But I didn't expect that the next step would be Jiang Hao's large-scale show-off scene.

Jiang Hao bowed politely to all the fans in orange jerseys with one hand on his chest amidst the "glory sounds" of "fxxk-jiang"! ! !

oh-my-god! ! !

(with pictures)

O'Neal on the sidelines exploded when he saw this bow:

"JIANG's move seems to be telling the New York Knicks home fans: I will take away the game tonight, but I also wish you a good dream."


"This is Jiang Hao's elegant way of responding to rude fans: Good night, bye!! This kid is so awesome!"

"I think he's so handsome!!"

Watching this scene, Lundu quickly became a fan. He originally liked the coquettish playing style of the big ball market, but now he felt that Jiang Hao alone was more coquettish than the entire Knicks team.

This scene really made the fans in the front row look stupid.

The world kissed me with pain, but I responded with songs!

Jiang Hao is a man with a big heart!

All of a sudden, all the fans who were scolding me automatically shut up. How could they complain? There was no way to complain! ! ! !

This way of responding to the abuse is too elegant. Some fans' impression of him is still in the Heat's head-scratching stage. They didn't expect Jiang Hao to be such a player who can control his emotions!

But in fact, Jiang Hao learned from the later generation Trae Young, otherwise he would not have thought of such a coquettish response.

But there are also fans who are stubborn and hopeful.

Spike Lee motioned to the die-hard fans to cheer for the home team! !

It's okay if you don't scold, just cheer for the home team!

There's still time, so it's not considered a final blow, okay? ! !

Jiang Hao, who returned to the bench, listened carefully to the coaching staff's tactics.

The defensive tactics are simple.

Unlimited defense changes.

Defend against 3!

Again, it’s OK to go into overtime if the tie is tied, but just don’t let the opponent win the game!

The Spurs now vow not to do background boards! !

Special attention should be paid to Jeremy Lin, but Jeremy is now defended by Jiang Hao. They are more concerned about JR Smith. After all, JR Smith is logically a much better player than Lin Crazy, but Lin Crazy was the boss during his seven-game winning streak. I don’t know what Mustache will do. Who to choose.

You may also ask Stoudemire to shoot. Stoudemire's three-point shooting percentage this season is also above 30%.

"Unlimited defense changes, Split shrinks inside to grab the board, OK!"

Back on the field!

Anthony and other spectators in the front row all stood up to watch.

Whether to let the Spurs serve as the backdrop or let them serve as the backdrop for the Spurs' quasi-win, it all depends on these 4 seconds!

The Knicks turned out to be Novak serving, which left Manu to defend the ball.

Danny Green and JR Smith, Jiang Hao defended against Jeremy Lin.

And sure enough, Messina's guess was correct. Stoudemire pulled out to cover Jeremy Lin without the ball.

Jiang Hao and Duncan, who was guarding Xiaosi, looked at each other and nodded in understanding.

It can be seen from Stoudemire's position that the Knicks want to kill!

Want to shoot 3 points!

Sure enough, Novak sent the ball directly to Jeremy Lin, who came out of the ball-free pick-and-roll to receive the ball.

But Jeremy Lin didn't give the pick-and-roll to Stoudemire, but he shot 1 meter outside the three-point line and scored 3 points the moment Jiang Hao came out to defend.

"Are you dreaming?"

Jiang Hao, who was originally only defending three-pointers, bent his knees and jumped high. Although he didn't block the shot, the arc of the basketball was obviously higher.

"The Knicks actually used the tactic of Lin directly pulling out to shoot. There is still time!"

"Yes, there are still 4 seconds, you can play a small pick-and-roll tactic or something!"

In the eyes of the commentators, this is the worst choice, because Jiang Hao's defensive pressure is too great, and he must shoot in front of Jiang Hao! !

"Pay attention to the rebound!"

But Duncan immediately discovered the Knicks' tactical change. Stoudemire, who was pretending to screen for Lin before Lin shot, turned out to be a fake pick-and-roll.

He went straight to the basket! !

What the hell!

Is this their tactic?

Because the Knicks had been pausing to discuss just now, it couldn't be a pick-and-roll mistake or something. It can only be said that they thought about it and played like this! !

Because now Duncan has no position to grab the rebound.

Split was stuck behind Chandler!!

Even JR Smith and Novak, who had just served the ball, rushed to the inside before the Spurs players when they were not paying attention, regardless of whether Jeremy Lin shot from the outside!!


"Is the Knicks going to use a second attack tactic?"

Apparently the Spurs coaching staff also discovered the Knicks' tactic, which is that Jeremy Lin shot without thinking, and he would be a god if he scored, and he would get a rebound if he didn't? ? ?

Jiang Hao also discovered it!

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