Some reporters asked Jiang Hao whether the league will enter the three-point era in the future? ?

Judging from the current trends of various teams, it seems that every team has several three-point shooters.

Jiang Hao smiled and said:

"If the Mavericks continue to guard me, yes!"

This is clearly a multiple-choice question for the Mavericks who will return to their home court in the next game.

Set a trap for Carlisle.

This kind of answer is all a test, which means that if you continue to guard me, I will decisively use high shots.

If you defended normally with forwards, maybe I wouldn't have made so many three-pointers.

O'Neal blurted out in the commentary box:

"I can tell with my toes that if the Mavericks' defense expands in the next game, the interior will be broken into pieces."

Reporter Sager:

"Then let's see what the Mavericks choose in the next game!"

Anyway, the Heat were having a hard time tonight, and LeBron, who welcomed his new father, did not participate in any interviews.

The Heat's Big Three were beaten 1-1 in the first round of the second season??


What a shame! !

Especially when the second-placed team in the Western Conference next door won two home games 2-0, the Big Three couldn't even take down the seventh-placed team in the Eastern Conference.

Rich Paul still makes excuses. He asked the Gunners to write a large-scale post saying:

"The Knicks are probably as good as the top eight in the Eastern Conference. If Jeremy Lin joins the Knicks at the beginning of the season, he won't meet the Heat in the first round!"

I have to say that Rich Paul is indeed an awesome agent.

How can you say that your failure is normal?

Blow your opponent!

The higher you blow your opponent, the better off you will be and the less likely you will be sprayed.

On the contrary, it is easier to be criticized based on one's own injuries or condition.

Moreover, posts like this on the Internet that praise the Knicks will slap the Heat in the face if they win later, and the gold content of the Heat's win will also increase.

However, when Rich Paul was happily watching the number of clicks on these posts he had compiled, he suddenly saw a comment:

"The Heat want to counterattack in Madison? It's useless!! There can only be one persimmon leader in NY!"

"Fake ginger! Always the King of Madison Square! The most beloved Kaki Naga by New York fans!"

"Fuck you!" Rich Paul angrily deleted the comment backstage. He didn't want to see any comparison between Jiang Hao, LeBron and the Heat.

"Congratulations to JIANG for achieving a career high in the playoffs. 9 three-pointers also pierced my heart!"

"Congratulations to the Spurs, congratulations to JIANG-HAO!"

After the Spurs won G2 against the defending champion, although the victory was not confirmed.

Although both YAO and Tracy McGrady said on Twitter that winning first does not count as a win.

One is a heartfelt suggestion and the other is sour.

But girls don’t pretend anymore.

Both Jessica Alba and Swift stopped pretending and directly stated on Twitter that they were fans of Jiang Hao. They also uploaded selfies of themselves wearing Jiang Hao's jerseys.

This is the highest treatment for entertainment stars to congratulate: selfie + jersey congratulations! !

Fans in the music and film circles were shocked! ! !

This means they posted it themselves! !

Directly divert traffic to Jiang Hao across circles! !

Usually such posts are posted by their agents and assistants to take advantage of the popularity, but it is different when they themselves wear the Spurs Jiang Hao's No. 8 jersey.

Now they not only reveal their identities, but also take selfies, which is real enough! ! !

"burst! ! Swift revealed that she is a fan of Jiang Hao! 》

"betray! ! After the Knicks won, Swift only congratulated the Spurs! 》

"Goddess Jessica Alba becomes a fan of Jiang Hao!" ! Are they betraying the Lakers one after another? 》

"Kobe Bryant cried in bed? Is the Purple and Gold Army not as good as the alley-oop city?" 》

There is no way, women are emotional animals.

Fairy sister Liu Yifei also posted a photo on Weibo of herself watching a Spurs game on a tablet during a break from acting, showing that she is undoubtedly a Spurs fan and gaining the love of fans in the basketball circle.

"This year's Tiger Fight Goddess Competition, I will choose you Wang Yuyan!!"

Another popular star, Yang Mi, is suspected of following the trend. Now the Spurs may be considered a niche team in the United States, and there are not many public fans.

But in China, it doesn’t matter so much.

No matter the Rockets, the Knicks or the Spurs, as long as there are Chinese players, it’s the father and the big traffic player!

Therefore, Yang Mi, as the future traffic queen, will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Hu Xiaomi forwarded the news that the Spurs defeated the Mavericks and Jiang Hao scored 35 points with 9 three-pointers:

"Awesome, classmate Xiao Jiang! Come on, come on, try to defeat your opponent next!"

Then she posted a video of herself encouraging Jiang Hao. People were all pictures, so she just started to support her through the video.

Even if you are a fake fan who doesn't watch the game, you are still sincere enough.

Yang Mi really didn't watch the game. She didn't know anything about the Spurs even before this. She thought it was some kind of thorn on the horse's body, but she couldn't bear the fact that people like handsome guys.

Jiang Hao is so handsome, so the encouraging video was naturally shot with great enthusiasm! ! !

Moreover, since I am still single, it is not a bad thing to be married to such a world-class athlete. I am so happy!

So not all fans have to be fans!

Jiang Hao's image is already handsome enough, and with the added bonus of his experience in the United States, and the increasing number of interview clips recently, which fan who has watched his polite and bilingual interviews in both Chinese and English will not be confused? ? ?

According to the words of the male fans, even men like me are excited, let alone you bunch of nymphomaniacs.

Yang Mi is also a woman, so she naturally likes handsome young guys with abs like this! !

Same goes for high school girls.

Gu Lina, who is still in high school, has Jiang Hao's photo on the back of her canteen card and school card name tag.

She and her classmates have crazyly worshiped this young idol who was mentioned every day by the Chinese teacher.

The college entrance examination is coming soon, and Chinese teachers in almost every college said that Jiang Hao should be a must-take, either essay or reading comprehension, which will definitely be used. Therefore, every middle school and high school student is familiar with all of Jiang Hao’s basketball resume and inspirational story.

Ask any high school girl and you will know the story of Jiang Hao who was bullied by NBA superstar James and lost his job, but found a new employer and then came back to brutally torture his old boss.

The same goes for future women's basketball beauty Zhang Ru and volleyball player Zhang Changning. Only athletes who pursue their dreams know how difficult it is for Jiang Hao.

And more worship! !

In fact, even Yao Ming himself admires him.

He was not so lucky in his rookie season and was beaten to pieces by every team.

And Jiang Hao's performance of beating the defending champion to death was something he didn't even achieve during his peak years.

During his peak period, he was still messing around with the Jazz in Salt Lake City, but was messed up by Boozer and Okur.

So he really felt that he could shoot far behind. Didn't Okur and Boozer make him uncomfortable just by shooting? As long as one of the two was not good at shooting, he could lead The Rockets advance to the Western Conference Finals!

The crew of "Left Ear".

Chen Duoling, who stayed in a star-rated hotel, shed tears silently after seeing so many beautiful celebrities cheering and congratulating Jiang Hao.

He seemed excited and sad at the same time.


"It's over, more and more people like you."

Haoran is upright:

"But I only chat with you."

Jiang Hao, who had just driven out of the arena, replied with a smile.

He took the woman's possessiveness very seriously.

"Hmph~ I don't believe it!"

But forced by reality, it was already 20 minutes after Jiang Hao replied to this message.

"Why don't you believe it? I'm in the Holy City and just arrived at the apartment."

Jiang Hao glanced at the time and knew that Chen Duoling must have been thinking about a lot of things.

Indeed, these 20 minutes made Chen Duoling in the hotel think over and over again, guessing hundreds of things Jiang Hao was doing and why he suddenly stopped replying to her. He used to say good night.

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