Originally, Jiang Hao, as the youngest player, was also in the limelight, but because he was not so prominent against the Grizzlies in the last round, there was not that much talk. Moreover, Jiang Hao also told Jaylen Williams that he hoped that his management team It's not mainly about hype, just don't let too many scandals interfere.

Therefore, it is in line with the Spurs' low-key style.

It's just that the direction of the wind is completely towards Thunder.

Moreover, the Spurs took a long break and had no news after 4:0. In addition, the Thunder played so fiercely in G6, and fans naturally felt that the Thunder's momentum could continue to win.

But real reporters in the industry will not think that the Spurs are so easy to handle. With the sudden emergence of the Grizzlies and Jiang Hao, the Spurs will definitely collide with the Thunder and Mars! ! !

Therefore, the number of reporters who came to San Antonio for interviews in advance was the most in history! !

Reporters are not fools. When it comes to a real fight, do you think the Thunder will be as easy as beating the Clippers? ? ?

Just find a topic before the game and that's it.

The Spurs, who have prepared for a week in advance, will definitely go to the away game and give the Thunder a head-on blow! ! !

In order to get closer to the hotel, reporters from major sports media came one after another. Many of them rented apartments for a month and were stationed in the Holy City.

And every day players are stuck in traffic on their way to work.

The Thunder players over there are talking about a lot of pre-game shouting and harsh words, but there are very few on the Spurs side, but they are inevitable.

Two days before the start of the Western Conference Finals, newly promoted Fox Sports reporter Abby Hornacek finally met Jiang Hao, who was wearing headphones and chewing bread.

She quickly stepped forward with a microphone to say hello:

"Hey? JIANG! I'm the host of Fox Sports! Can I interview you for a few questions?"

(with pictures)

Chapter 165: The first and second best matchup in the Western Conference, the smoke rises

Chapter 165 164: The first and second best showdown in the Western Conference, the smoke is rising!

"I know you, Abby Hornacek?"

Looking at the beautiful reporter with healthy wheat-colored skin, a face full of collagen, beautiful long legs under denim shorts, and wavy hair, Jiang Hao blurted out.

"Ah? You actually know me, it's me!"

When Abby Hornacek heard Jiang Hao call out her name, she immediately took a step forward in surprise. This was easy to handle. Originally, there were rumors in the reporter circle that Jiang Hao was aloof and difficult to interview, so since Jiang Hao knew her , then the interview will be simple.

It’s great that such a handsome guy knows me! !

Abby Hornacek, who had just become a Fox Sports reporter at the age of 18, was so excited that her eyes lit up when she looked at Jiang Hao.

"You're actually a reporter."

Jiang Hao took off his headphones, smiled and shook hands with her. From the photographer's point of view, it seemed that Jiang Hao only stayed when he saw a beautiful woman.

But in fact, he really knew her because this woman was so well-known in the fan circle in her previous life.

She is the daughter of Jazz assistant (later Suns head coach) Hornacek!

I used to watch the game between the Jazz and the Suns on TV, and there was always such a tall, long-legged beauty sitting in the front row seat. Over time, with media reports, fans knew that this was Hornacek’s daughter. Later, the forum called Hornacek even called his father-in-law directly.

Compared with the impression of her in the photos and programs in her previous life, Abby Hornacek is now more "tender", with elastic skin and no wrinkles. European and American women are indeed invincible at this age.

"Yes, I just became a regular as an intern, and now I am sent by Fox Sports to cover this series of the Western Conference Finals."

"Then you don't have to deal with us anymore. Can you tolerate us Spurs? Haha."

Jiang Hao took her directly to the arena seat and sat down while chatting.

"I'm a professional, don't be afraid! I'm a journalism major at the University of Southern California, and I'm pretty good at it!"

"Come with us." Jiang Hao smiled.

"You also majored in journalism?"

"Yeah, I like to talk too."

Abby Hornacek was stunned for a moment. She only knew that Jiang Hao was a sports student from a university in China.

Little did they know that physical education students also have to choose a major. In his previous life, Jiang Hao randomly chose journalism. The result directly confirmed the value of teacher Zhang Xuefeng’s comment on journalism.

Jiang Hao didn't open his eyes and tell lies. In his previous life, he was indeed forced to like talking after taking the teacher's certificate exam. He could be regarded as inheriting the ability to speak well in journalism.

The two chatted for a while. This girl who looked 1.8 meters tall was also good at playing golf. Abby also joked that she would be Jiang Hao's caddy when she came to Jazz, and she could also take Jiang Hao to participate in the program in Salt Lake City.

Jiang Hao:

"You are just thinking about it. In ancient times, we had soldiers who took our father's place in the army. You are recruiting for your father."

Jiang Hao actually wanted to say that your dad would go to the Sunshine Coast directly in a few months, but the two still exchanged contact information with each other. Abby seemed to have indeed become an excellent reporter later on. For a public figure like him, a reporter The more resources, the better, and having this kind of relationship is also good.

For personal reasons, two boys and girls look like they are interested in each other and they can get into bed immediately if they have a dinner date at night.

Because the moment Jiang Hao agreed to exchange contact information, it was already a matter of time before he ate this little fangirl.

If she wasn't about to rush to Oklahoma City, Jiang Hao would definitely let her feel the power of his invincible iron mountain tonight!

He is now the best defensive player!

No matter how strong you are at the age of 18, or how elastic your thigh muscles are, it’s useless! !

However, the things that should be done for the little fan girl had to be done. After the two exchanged contact information, the photographer also said that they would contact each other frequently in the future, and the interview was officially started after the exclusive report about how comfortable it was.

Newcomers like them can write popular posts through hard work and hard work.

A star like Jiang Hao can even more popularize a new reporter like this.

Fox Sports is one of the top five sports media in the United States, so Abby, who just passed the internship, is still very professional.

After sorting out my mood and appearance, I deliberately asked Jiang Hao a question that has been discussed a lot on forums recently:

"Mr. Jiang Hao, in the next round we will face the Thunder, which has a luxurious outside lineup. What do you think of playing against the Thunder?"

"Let's just say the same thing, fight and see!"

Abby Hornacek:

"When the Thunder played against the Clippers, the most popular topic was how to guard against the Thunder's three young men. What kind of defensive players do you think? Or how to guard against Gibbons like Durant and explosive physical players like Westbrook. A point guard or a shooting guard like Harden who can shoot and fly?”

Jiang Hao smiled and said:

"You have a lot of questions, but we have just played against a very defensive team, so let me briefly talk about what elements a good perimeter defender needs:

Have a certain height, preferably about two meters. Otherwise, if you are too short, you may be shot in the face by the anti-aircraft gun. "

The photographer quickly took a close-up of Jiang Hao. From the first sentence, it was clear that Jiang Hao was talking about something practical! !

“The speed doesn’t have to be fast, but it must not be slow.

The lateral movement must be fast while also maintaining a certain degree of agility.

Usually, study the offensive habits of each opponent's main attack point on the outside, make good judgments, and don't rush to steal and counterattack. The NBA is not 2K. Rushing to steal will often cause your defense to be out of position.

In addition, I think you need to be physically stronger. Even if you become like Artest, you can't fall over like a piece of paper.

If you can practice 3-pointers, a good qualified 3D player will start in the middle class. This is my view of the current top defensive players. "

"Okay, thank you for accepting my interview!"

Abby was particularly excited after hearing what Jiang Hao said. She already knew what kind of report she had gotten, and her eyes lit up.

So when the camera is turned off, she jumps boldly with her beautiful legs:

"Um. Thank you. Can I give you a hug?"


Jiang Hao and the 178 tall girl hugged each other gently.

Little did he know that his interview today directly raised Abby's status in Fox Sports a lot, not only because she interviewed Jiang Hao but also allowed him to appear on the scene for such a long time.

And this interview went viral! ! !

Reddit is all about discussing the meaning behind Jiang Hao's words. Who is he talking about? ?

Does it refer to the next strategy to defend against the Thunder? ? ?

Arenas lost his face and commented under the video news:

"That's me!"

Rudy Gay: "Are you about 2 meters tall?"

Tony Allen: "It's me."

Shane Battier: "It's me, I'm just right."

Abby's interview also sparked a wave of interviews with stars about what types of players are the best defensive players.

A bunch of NBA players and retired stars have commented on this.

Paul and Duhon both said that small guards like themselves are the top defensive players.

Davis, a hero without eyebrows and a popular NCAA player with thick eyebrows, said that a forward with long arms and legs like him is the best defensive template.

Durant, the Thunder's perimeter defender on the opposite side, also commented on this:

"Quick enough, strong enough, and quick enough to react. The body is proficient in various defensive steps and movements.

Understand the opponent's characteristics and habits, make correct judgments at any time, move to the right position and make the right action.

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