On the other hand, Jiang Hao is still using Harden's step-back.

So Durant really doesn't dare to provoke Jiang Hao. Scarlett drank Jiang Hao's foot-washing water, but he can't lose both the game and the game! !

Therefore, he didn't trust his second and third brothers anymore, and took the initiative to hold the ball and play pick-and-roll.

I can't beat you, but can't hide from you? ? ?

He kept picking and rolling and named other Spurs outside players, and he also used all his skills to chase points. He scored 19 points in the first half and gritted his teeth!

This is Brooks' tactical change. He didn't let Jiang Hao participate in the Thunder's offense at all. He picked and rolled when he saw him defending the ball holder!

If one person can't stop it, two people will do it!

There is no other way!

On the defensive end, Jiang Hao can't be stopped for the time being, and the Thunder coaching staff can't manage it.

But on the offensive end, one or two of the three young players must be able to play well! !

In this game, Durant still stood up, and the unsolvable jump shot made the Spurs' short outside players suffer! !

Halftime ended.

The Spurs led by 8 points at 53:45.

The reason for the lead was that Jiang Hao also scored 27 points in the first half!

After Harden started, no one on the outside of the Thunder could really defend Jiang Hao. In addition, he developed a new technology 012 step-back that made the Thunder defenders uncomfortable. Westbrook fouled 4 times in the first half! !

During the halftime coach interview, Messina smiled and said:

"Yes, we are a superstar team. We don't play team basketball anymore. We just need to win!"

Because ESPN was questioning whether the Spurs had forgotten their original intention, why did they let Jiang Hao play alone again and again, and what about the previous team basketball concept?

Messina's "dead pig is not afraid of boiling water" expression also made the fans laugh.

Die-hard Spurs fans:

"Just say if Jordan was in the Spurs, would the Spurs still play team basketball?"

ESPN's internal operations department quickly asked reporters not to ask such stupid questions. Didn't they see the ratings soaring?

NBA likes this kind of lone hero story.

Don't stop the Spurs, just let Jiang Hao do it!

Coach Brooks of the opposing team praised Durant for carrying the team on his shoulders, and said that they would definitely go all out in the second half. It's okay if Harden is in a slump, the whole team will carry it!

In the second half, Westbrook really let himself find the rhythm. In these few games, Westbrook exploded in the winning game.

He can't continue to be in a slump.

Although he has the most black fans among the three youngsters, it is also a fact that he is stronger than the third brother. Brooks chose to believe in Turtle after finding that Harden really couldn't help him up.

Turtle is indeed trustworthy, and he rained 1 points.

It's just a mindless rush to the inside line. The Spurs didn't expect him to be so decisive in singles at the beginning. There was no double team in the inside line, so he went crazy for a few minutes to catch up with the score.

But when Jiang Hao came to assist in defense, Westbrook directly stopped.

He passed the ball to his head coach first, and when Jiang Hao was suffocating and defending, Westbrook passed the ball directly to Brooks in the air.

Brooks, with his hands in his pockets, dodged and hit his arm, or his face.

When Westbrook came back to help defend Jiang Hao, Jiang Hao handled it very smoothly, also jumping up, but he saw the gap on the outside in advance, jumped up and threw it directly to Danny Green behind him.

Danny Green got the ball and shot a three-pointer!


"Is it cool?"

"Not bad."

Green and Jiang Hao smiled and high-fived.

Cool? ?

Westbrook was not convinced, Sam Gold dribbled and hit Danny Green in the arms, but the referee called a foul on the Spurs.


Black whistle!

The fans at the scene booed, which was actually a whistle or not. Although Danny Green did not stand firmly in the defensive position, Westbrook insisted on doing Sam Gold's dribbling action, not only hitting him in the arms, but also the two fell to the ground together.

That is, Tielin was forced to block the foul.

This also caused the Spurs to commit all free throws early.

But Westbrook is also funny. Maybe because Jiang Hao was standing at the bottom, he hesitated for a long time on the first free throw, which suddenly reminded Jiang Hao of his other brother in the sewer, Antetokounmpo.

He hesitated and hesitated.

Just talking.

Westbrook sighed and exhaled the righteousness of heaven and earth for the second free throw. He held the ball in front of his chest for a long time as if blessing everyone to have no traffic jams on the highway. Free throws are not like Antetokounmpo. I am a big devil fan.

Go. You!

The ball was obviously twitched and paused when it was raised, and there was no strength for the second shot.

Three misses!

"What are you doing here?"

"1 in 2 free throws, but isn't three misses too outrageous?"

Jiang Hao laughed out loud. Is this Zhou Qi wearing the limited skin? ? ?

But he doesn't care about these. The CBA system only provides jokes. If you really want to win, you have to carry by yourself, because Ibaka and Perkins finally exploded in this game.

Perkins seemed to realize that if he didn't rush for another game, his career might be over. He was very active in protecting rebounds and fighting for the ball in the interior. He kept running even when he was panting.

And Ibaka was jumping around to help defend. His ligaments seemed to be different from those of ordinary players. His bounce speed was too crazy.

This caused the Spurs' offense to rely on the outside.

Then he had to stand up.

He was addicted to stepping back in this game. When Sefolosha led the defense, he took the ball under his right hand and took a step back under his crotch, but he didn't touch the ball to attract Sefolosha to follow.

Then he made a bowing shot to force Sefolosha to jump.

At this moment, he took two steps back and shot 3 points! !


Go in again! !

Sefolosha's jump block and Jiang Hao's perfect staggered!

This time the footsteps were explained very clearly, which meant that the first step back was not considered a step but a dribble, and the next two steps back were the real steps after the ball was connected, so it was not a traveling step!

Kobe gasped in his villa: Could this be a basketball genius? ? Can this move be so smooth in actual combat? ? ?

He even had the idea of ​​asking Jiang Hao for advice. With his shooting accuracy, wouldn’t he be invincible after learning this move? ? ?

The referee indicated that the goal was valid.

Sofolosha cursed directly, what a dog X! !

"Oh? Are you a bitch?"

Jiang Hao pointed at him, meaning that I have you!

But he also suffered a setback.

At the end of the third quarter, when he was retreating in the bottom corner, he didn’t know that Durant was helping to defend from the side, and was blocked by Durant from behind.

"Durant's long arm blocked Jiang Hao from behind!!!"

"Chang Zaihebian!! You can't force this move, right?"

The anchors spoke up one after another, asking if Jiang Hao was too jumpy

But the actual effect was that Harden on the Thunder side learned the wrong thing when he took the initiative to defend Jiang Hao.

In the fourth quarter, he took the initiative to defend Jiang Hao because he knew this move best, and he was sleeping all the 20 minutes of the half-time break, and his physical strength was restored a lot!

In the third quarter, after Durant blocked Jiang Hao from behind, Harden followed suit and directly defended from behind Jiang Hao's arm when defending Jiang Hao alone.

The first person to defend from behind? ? ?

The master of staring really stared at Jiang Hao from behind this time!

For a while, Kardashian and Chen Duoling, a few girls who didn't know much about basketball, were stunned.

Is this also defense? ? ?

"Senior, just rush in and dunk!"

Even Chen Duoling could see that this directly led to a smooth road ahead for Jiang Hao! ! !

Jiang Hao was speechless when he saw Harden change his position to behind him:

"Do you think I'm stupid??? If you defend me from behind, you must step back and shoot??? I'll just go for a layup!"

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