Just shrink inside!

Because Spoelstra replaced Haslem and replaced Battier.

Then it was Battier who pushed 4, and Bosh helped defend.

But now LeBron directly attacks and defends inside.

"Huh? You also play the 4th position?"

"Are you scared? Is the Heat's offense as good as yours or not?"

And unlike Jiang Hao, LeBron always shrinks inside to grab rebounds when attacking. This is completely inconsistent with his status.

James straightened his hairband and said somewhat vaguely:

"What? So what if you work as a blue-collar worker in order to win?"

"That's awesome."

As soon as the words were spoken, the Heat were left with LeBron and Jiang Hao on the inside to get rebounds. Bosh pulled Duncan out from the outside. Bosh held the ball and used the screen to make a pull-up jumper!

The Heat's space is too wide! !

Messina suddenly frowned.

This is really worrying because he already knew that LeBron playing 4 would make the Heat very happy.

But with his character and worth, this is impossible.

I just didn't expect that the Heat coaching staff would actually use this formation in the key game of G3!

Pippen: "The Heat have changed their lineup. The deputy goat has been moved to power forward. What? Do you want to compete with the opponent Stone Buddha?"

Van Gundy Jr. signaled him not to talk about goats:

"I should still compete with Jiang Hao, but on the defensive end, he has to guard Duncan, leaving it to Battier to guard Jiang Hao."

Pippen loved to tell the truth: "Actually, it's possible. No one can guard him anyway. It's better to let Battier, who has always guarded Kobe in the past, give it a try."

Not to mention, Battier is really good at defense. He blindly defends Jiang Hao crazily. Even if Jiang Hao is not shooting, he will cover his eyes even when dribbling.

Jiang Hao was so blocked that he didn't dare to make any moves. He just started to pull out the 3-pointer and missed.

"No wonder the league banned this guy's blind defense later on. It's outrageous!"

Battier's defense can't actually be called advanced, because if you cover your eyes and point forward, you're poking your eyes. Poking your eyes is not a good basketball move. After Jiang Hao was guarded for several rounds, he clearly felt that he was afraid of being poked by him. The eyes are so sometimes hesitant to dribble without straight forward.

Later generations of Stern banned this defensive move for this reason. It was too easy for the attacker to get injured. What if someone ignored him and his eyeballs were poked out?

Because Battier has taught many NBA players to use eye-covering movements when defending, which is not conducive to physical confrontation, he can only hit Battier with his back.

This actually restricted Jiang Hao a lot.

In fact, he is most comfortable playing against thin guards like Battier who can dribble and break through, just like Wade caught the Spurs' small guard doing it!

At the end of the first quarter, the Spurs were tied at 25:25.

Both sides fought with ease in the trial stage.

The main reason is that after the 5-minute timeout, a small forward player with historical physical fitness like LeBron went to play power forward.

This also changed the Heat's tactics. After James played blue-collar, he unexpectedly did a very good job in protecting rebounds. Then he was very good at fast break transitions and positioning. The Heat had fast breaks and resolutely grasped them. When fighting in position, James would just pick and roll. The one who blocks people and grabs rebounds!

James had 2 points, 5 rebounds and 2 assists in the first quarter!

Duncan didn't take much advantage of him.

"This guy's body is so thick that he can't even hold up a center."

O'Neal: "I was teammates with LeBron, and he always guarded me in training games. His lower frame is very strong, while Duncan can only use his height to beat James, and it is difficult to use his body. He is faster than other inside players. The speed advantage is even harder to use.”

Pippen: "That's why both sides scored so high in the first quarter, the highest in three games. They both played well!"

When Jiang Hao returned to the bench, he glanced at Riley on the sidelines. Riley was also looking at Jiang Hao with shrewd and profound eyes.

Obviously this old fox lobbied LeBron, otherwise James would do such dirty work? ?

But it is indeed the best solution for the Heat now.

That is to allow the strong LeBron James to play the leading role in the fourth position on both offense and defense, and on the defensive end, James does not need to guard Jiang Hao, freeing up LeBron's defensive characteristics.

The defensive end is equivalent to the Spurs' decision to let Jiang Hao play 4 in the last game. The offensive end is equivalent to letting James directly become a being like Rodman. He fights and grabs. Moreover, LeBron has the ability to pass the long ball from the four-point position, which is not like It's a blue-collar job as he said, but a blue-collar job with a lot of skills!

The Spurs did not change in the first quarter. Jiang Hao was always guarding LeBron. This decision led to Jiang Hao's offense and defense being locked inside, but there was a shooter on the outside who was more accurate than LeBron.

Even though they were betting on touch, the Heat were very able to hold their own.

In the first quarter of the away game, the field goal percentage was over 50%, 85% of the long-range shots were taken, and it was rare for Bosh to frequently come out of the paint at position 5. It’s no wonder that everyone regards the Heat as a monster boss. Indeed, the lineup configuration is somewhat supermodel. , and the other 29 teams are not playing the same basketball model.

"It's better for you to guard against him, they won't keep going like this."

Messina's decision here is to let Jiang Hao play defense 4. This move was mainly effective in the fourth quarter of the last game. Whether he is guarding LeBron now or Battier in the previous game, he helped defend in the paint. More reassuring than Diaw in the paint.

"Diaw out, Jackson in."

After James went to the inside, Diaw's role weakened, and the outside line could not keep up with the opponent's extremely fast defenders, so he directly replaced Wu Sheng to follow.

It can be said that the Spurs coaching staff also responded very promptly.

"The offense is still the same as usual, and the defense follows people. No team can maintain a stable shooting rate above 50%!"

Jiang Hao nodded:

"Okay, I'll continue to guard LeBron. It doesn't matter how close you are on the outside. Tim and I will work hard to help defend those who break through depending on the situation."

Since the Heat are making a fuss on the outside, the Spurs' close defense is enough. Not all of them are Korver and Ray Allen. How long can they be accurate?

Duncan took a gulp of water and hummed.

When everyone stood up and prepared to play, Jiang Hao said to Manu, Jackson and Glyndwr around him:

"Give me more balls later and let's wait until the lead reaches 10 points."

"OK, do you have the physical reserves?" Manu couldn't help but asked when he saw Jiang Hao trying to exert strength so early.

"It must be there, we have to close the competition today!"

Martial Saint Jackson:

"It's okay with me. I'm just responsible for rushing. Don't expect me to score."

"Hahahaha, come on, brothers!"

Jiang Hao took the initiative to raise his hand, and the big brother's hand moved towards him. He shouted "go" and arrived on the field.

The adjusted Spurs were different at the beginning of the second quarter.

Under the pressure of Wu Sheng, Mario went around the pick-and-roll and his first shot was blocked. Duncan got the ball with his long arms and directly passed it to Jiang Hao, who said he wanted to hold the ball more. Jiang Hao faced Battier's The defense turned its back this time, preventing Battier from covering his eyes.

He didn't make any feints. He used his body strength and rhythm to turn around and didn't give Battier time to get close and cover his eyes to defend. He leaned forward and succeeded in a jump shot!

Battier's figure is too thin, Jiang Hao can push through the space with just one effort!

"Yes, that's what it has to be!"

Kobe Bryant nodded in front of the TV. When he played Battier, he relied on his back to create space. If he really had to hit the ball in front of Battier, the impact of dribbling would be too great. You can think about it after your line of sight is blocked. Handling the ball is difficult.

Jiang Hao obviously also knew this style of play.

Of course he knows that in his previous life, who didn't watch Dayao's Rockets? Jiang Haoke had seen a lot of scenes of Battier defending against Kobe Bryant, and he had also seen a lot of scenes of being beaten by Kobe Bryant.

This is how Kobe beat Battier.

Then he does the same thing!

So in the next round, he did the same thing, without calling a pick-and-roll, he just hit his back and leaned back, and he went in!

A back-up jump shot faked out to battier, and then he was fouled and made 2 free throws! Jiang Hao said that he would never try it in the next round, and he almost got an eyesore.

Hit the board with your back and move forward!

He turned his back and was defended by LeBron, who passed the ball to Duncan in seconds, and Duncan made a cool one-handed dunk!

With his back and shoulders swaying, he made a jump shot and succeeded!

Battier was directly beaten 6 times in a row.

And as Wade couldn't bear to flank Jiang Hao from the outside, Jiang Hao hit the ball to Danny Green in time. After Danny Green scored 3 points, the Spurs suddenly led to 12 points!

Spoelstra called timeout!

"Jiang Hao came up and scored 15 points in the second quarter!"

"I joined in, and it was too strong. I had assists and everything. Are you going to get a five-double tonight!"

"Five pairs are unlikely. According to this trend, it will be 50 points!"

"Yes, the Heat will not send him any more blocks. It will definitely be difficult to achieve blocks tonight."

"It's too fierce!"

"The Spurs' close defense on the outside has caused the Heat's shooting percentage to drop, and as long as the Heat miss shots, it is impossible to grab offensive rebounds."

"There's nothing you can do about it. This is the Heat's own choice. If they don't have a breakthrough, don't blame them for not having free throws or anything like that."

After returning from the timeout, the Heat still asked Battier to follow Jiang Hao.

It's just that this super defensive guard changed his inherent frontal defense method at Spoelstra's request, and instead learned from Tony Allen in the Western Conference semifinals to guard his right hand and put his left hand.

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