"Whatever, let's go train."

"It seems that these two brothers also set the popcorn that time."

Jiang Hao had already put on his shoes and went to the medical room at the back to change them. It was really annoying to be with them, and he couldn't listen to them.

These two people probably had no idea what to do. Jiang Hao said it once and they didn't refute, which meant they were the ones who did it the first time.


Jiang Hao just found out yesterday that he is the only one who has been raped by popcorn so far. Boyang's schoolbag is full of kiddie stuff, and he has never asked anyone to bring food. This shows that the three giants have no time to groom rookies, except Jiang Hao?

Damn it, I can only endure it now and wait until I get up to fuck you!

No, don’t even think about hugging my thigh then!

Jiang Hao actually wanted to call James to go downstairs for a one-on-one challenge. See you on the court.

If you are dissatisfied with me, you can kill me!

But there’s no point in thinking about it, so what if you win?

Does a two-time MVP need to prove his strength in a one-on-one duel? And he has already got the contract, so whether he wins or loses, he loses.

Unless he doesn't want to be with this team anymore, making such an impulsive move would be self-destruction for the Heat.

"I will lead the team myself when I am in charge, and I will fight to death if I meet your team!"

Jiang Hao warmed up on the treadmill for an hour, and then was called by the staff to gather downstairs.

The entire coaching staff and 15 players on the roster gathered together.

The small stroller incident did not have an impact on the team. It seemed that only the three of them knew about it. Janeway stood at the front and didn't even look at Jiang Hao. Jiang Hao stood at the side, waiting for Spoelstra's arrangements.

It was still a brutal run around the field at the beginning, but the home team players were different. After the second group, they all met the standard.

The 26-year-old James ranks first, Wade ranks second, and Bosh ranks fifth.

Jiang Hao also saw the self-discipline of the Big Three. Not to mention their character, the little emperor and the Flash were indeed professional and self-disciplined, otherwise they would not have come to the training hall earlier than him.

Jiang Hao himself unexpectedly finished fourth, faster than starting point guard Chalmers, but this was only a surprise to him, indicating that his off-season training was really not in vain.

Then when Jiang Hao and Bo Yang were looking forward to showing off their skills in front of all the main players.

It was discovered that they had no chance to play with the main players like them, and they were "dumped" mercilessly.

Spoelstra selected 10 people to play in the full game. In addition to the old team from last season's playoffs, there is also this year's new aid Battier, which is exactly 10 people.

And it seems that these 10-man competitions will be the norm in the future. Unless someone is injured, the other five players on the roster will not even have a chance to participate in the team's training matches.

In addition to this year's rookies Bo Yang and Jiang Hao, the other three are the fat Eddie Curry, Heat veteran Joel Anthony, and last year's second-round pick Dexter Pittman.

Therefore, even the No. 2 pick in last year's second round did not get a chance to practice this year. This shows how much competition pressure there is, and Joel Anthony was kicked off for his achievements.

Moreover, Jiang Hao has watched the Heat this season in his previous life. Even if there are 10 people there, a few of them can only play garbage time in the regular season. Only 8 people are actually in the rotation.

Not only is it difficult to play in the NBA, it is also difficult to play in a training game!

During the team training matches, coach Spoelstra personally led them on the sidelines, while the other five were taken away by the assistant coaches for targeted training. They were considered as reserve players and had not yet reached the strength to play.

Eddy Curry was dragged to the gym to run and lose weight, while Bojan went to a small court to practice shooting.

Jiang Hao was led directly to the video room by Juwan Howard.

"Coach Zhu Wan, don't you even need a substitute in the training games?" Jiang Hao still felt a little unwilling. He was just waiting for the training games to prove himself. Maybe he would activate a Wade's Lost Tracking to reward him or something. His value It's just about playing games with NBA players.

Zhu Wan smiled and said:

"You said it was a training match. Building everyone's endurance and physical strength is also part of the training match. They are all rotation players next season, so they need to get more familiar with each other."

"All right."

Jiang Hao understood the meaning. You rookies, don't be too ambitious and just obey the team's arrangements.

Zhuwan Howard took out several video tapes that he had prepared and put them in Jiang Hao's hands. He said a few words and prepared to leave:

"You watch these tapes here first, and then you can come out for sparring after their training match."

"Sparring partner?"

Chapter 38: Simulating Kidbaria? The Heat fucking ain't it

Chapter 38 38: Simulation Kidd + Barea? The Heat are not fucking human!

Sparring for what?

Jiang Hao was stunned for a moment after hearing this. When he wanted to ask again, Zhuwan Howard had already closed the door and left.

"Let's see what video tape it is first."

Out of curiosity, Jiang Hao inserted the video tape into the old computer on the table.

Watching tapes is common in the NBA. After every game in the regular season and playoffs, editors will make tapes for the team to analyze each player's skills, tactics, reasons for defeat, etc. Sometimes the team will watch them together after a major loss. Videotape "Public Execution".

There are too many legends who have become famous after watching the tapes. For example, who among the shooting guards has not watched the tapes of Jordan and Kobe Bryant late at night?

Didn't Leonard, who played in Summer League, master Jordan's technical moves by watching Jordan's offensive tapes thousands of times?

There are also some role players who, after entering the NBA, also study according to their own template video tapes, just like reading thousands of books. After watching too many video tapes, they may "play like a god".

It’s just that few teams let players watch it during working hours, right?

What's the difference between this and paid shit?

When the first videotape opens, it shows the Mavericks VS Heat in the finals.

At first, Jiang Hao thought he was studying James in the middle of the screen. After watching it for a while, he realized that the focus of the videographer's edited screen was not James who was attacking, but Jason Kidd who was defending him? ?

Just talk about why James didn't score these goals.

If you look further, you will find that Kidd is guarding James or Wade, or even switching to guard Bosh.


Did you get it wrong?

In Jiang Hao's view, the 38-year-old Kidd's style is completely different from his.

Learn to defend? Jiang Hao has never used Kidd's defensive skills as a defender.

Sposha said after the league that he would be trained as a 3D. Does this really mean that he does not need to learn 3?

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao changed the tape. It would be a pain for him to really learn the defensive tape. I hope the next one will be Nowitzki or Ray Allen.

He had already thought about it before. If he practiced shooting well, he might have a chance to play. Practicing defense was useless. He would not be James' opponent, and he did not have to defend Wade. In the game, the opponent's core offensive point would not be in his turn. He comes to defend, and when it's his turn to defend, he won't have to worry about playing time.

On the contrary, if he can't attack well, he will definitely be targeted by his opponent and be replaced in 1 minute.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to get a chance to play by relying on defense.

"This? A mountain in Puerto Rico?"

The second videotape started playing, and it was still the familiar finals game.

The first scene is a classic scene. Barea, who is 1.82 meters tall, defends LeBron James from behind. The proportions of the scene are extremely exaggerated.

But the little Puerto Rican man remained motionless and committed an offensive foul at the same time. This GIF is still being circulated on major forums, and even more than ten years later it has been passed down as a classic by LeBron James. The Puerto Rican 180 veteran defended LeBron James in his prime. The legend who only scored 8 points in the key game of the Royal Finals


Show me what for?

These two Mavericks veterans play point guard, and their height is completely different from Jiang Hao.

Learn from the defense of these two point guards? Unlikely?

Analyze the defensive methods of these two point guards and find out their defensive loopholes?

It's even more impossible, then James has to come and see it,

Now Jiang Hao, who can't even play in the training games, and their opponents have no idea how old they are. Is it possible that just for two games in the regular season, Jiang Hao watched so many videos and allowed Jiang Hao to play as a surprise player against these two point guards? This is not necessary, right?

Are you talking about preparing for the playoffs?

Both teams have to reach the finals. Is the coaching staff thinking too far ahead? Unless Spoelstra knows that he has a system, then he will take Janeway's place and kill them! !

In order for him to learn defense, he must at least give it to Marion and Carter.

In Jiang Hao's view, Marion's ability to defend from 1 to 5 is what he needs to learn. Carter is about the same size as him and is also a new reinforcement introduced by Cuban this year. The defensive tapes of these two people are almost the same.

Jiang Hao really couldn't figure out who would let Kidd and Barea go.

Rather than their defense, Jiang Hao wanted to learn their organization and passing abilities.

What if the team didn't regard themselves as analysts?

Then his salary as an analyst is a bit high.

He is in the video room and can't go out to ask questions directly. Everyone outside is busy playing training games. Seeing him wandering around just after being assigned a task, the coaching staff will definitely frown when they see him.

So while watching the video, he took out his mobile phone to "fish":

I sent a message to Jaylen Williams and asked him if he knew what the coaching staff's arrangements for him meant. He doesn't quite understand.

Jaylen Williams, who was in the office, pretended to be confused:

"You should be asked to imitate Kidd and Barea, right? Learn their defensive skills."

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