With the congratulations from all the superstars, the Spurs' championship celebration was also widely known. Fans from all over the world, including Miami, Argentina, Romantic Country, China, Japan, and Kimchi, bought tickets within 1 hour of the Spurs' report. Red-eye flights were full, and some airlines made exceptions to add flights. It is said that the crew also wanted to land to see the rare Spurs championship parade!

Because the Spurs' championship celebration is completely different, it is very comfortable and cozy to see the stars up close, and the flight attendants are all young girls around 20 years old. Who doesn't like Jiang Hao who shocked the world in the finals? ? ?

And at night.

When Jiang Hao and Li Shishi were playing role-playing.

The most exciting news appeared.

Miami Daily:

"The Heat has a wave of resignations, and the reason is to watch the Spurs' championship celebration? 》

With so many people today, or in the eyes of the Heat staff, the whole world is congratulating the Spurs and mocking the Heat, many Heat staff members sent resignation letters to Pat Riley in the bottom corner.

Among them is the young assistant coach who was promoted to assistant coach last year and was the first to lead Jiang Hao in tactical running training.

This guy even added a sentence when he posted his resignation letter on Twitter:

"The champion is what the people want."

Part-time sweeper in the Heat:

"I am a college monk. I don't want the salary during the finals. Is it okay? Let's go! Let's go to the Holy City to watch the championship celebration!"

Heat stadium operation:

"Tired, in vain."

Heat tactical assistant coach:

"If James doesn't leave the Heat, I won't come back. I'm leaving. I've worked here for 5 years."

Half of the Heat scouts who are familiar with Jaylen Williams resigned, and some came to the Holy City to join Jaylen Williams.

Because being a scout in the Heat is really useless. In recent years, they have only appointed veterans, and they have nothing to do. They are also scolded for Jiang Hao and Bojan's affairs, which makes them seem like they are eating empty salaries.

Not to mention a bunch of dispensable and replaceable staff at any time. After witnessing the Heat's operations in the past two years, they are also chilled.

You have to know that it is not only the team, but also the Heat players who are under great pressure. The Heat Big Three, who are portrayed as the biggest villains, actually have to win the championship, but what a shit they have played in the past two years.

Consecutive losses to Texas teams, continuous self-operation, and fans believe that James released his power by eight points last year and shamelessly stepped on Jiang Hao this year, and finally blamed Wade.

Who would want to stay in such a team? ? ?

However, the Heat's handling method is as vigorous as ever.

The iron-blooded management headed by Riley directly signed their resignation letters in minutes, and directly said that those who don't want to stay should get out. What we need in the Heat is staff who are united from top to bottom.

And we don't need players with different intentions.

It's over if they are fired. I don't know how many people are jealous of these positions. There are so many unemployed people and homeless people in the United States every year. There are people who don't worry about finding jobs at all!


What made Riley and the "iron-blooded" management dumbfounded was.

These people can talk after they resign.

Under the strong pressure management system, they did not speak for Bojan and Jiang Hao at that time.

After the resignation wave, many former Heat employees spoke out directly and boldly, and revealed many things that everyone could not see when they were interviewed by major reporters.

This made Miami once again on the headlines.

For example, some people said that Wade and James like to tease rookies first every year, and the scene is not good. The reason why Chalmers played so poorly in the finals is related to his lack of confidence and long-term suppression by the Big Three. He has to get permission from the Big Three to shoot.

Others said that Wade looks like a good guy, but in fact he doesn't care about anything in the team and has no leadership style. Most of the credit for the 2006 championship is due to O'Neal.

A caddy said that James never put the towel in his hand after using it, and even if he threw it, he was unwilling to throw it to him. He just threw it anywhere. Sometimes he stood in front of James, and James would throw the towel far away, liking the pleasure of dominating people.

There is also an underground garage manager who said that James and his family are not as harmonious as they seem on the surface. He often scolds his family in the underground garage, and obedience is the first priority in front of him.

"James went to the bathroom with a book in his hand just to show everyone and take pictures, but he didn't read it at all."

"Fans didn't seem to notice that the book James always held in his hand was a popular philosophy book, but there was no sign of turning the page."

These are all small things, half true and half false, and there is no evidence. At most, they are "wild history" that netizens and reporters use to get clicks and have fun. It is difficult to make everyone believe it completely. Rich Paul's response was also very calm:

"Don't @me, they are writing novels here, and the number of people who resigned is not that exaggerated, just a few dozen people, but do you know how many employees the Heat has in total?"

But then a heavy hammer came. A former Heat Development League player who graduated from the NCAA and a CUBA player broke the news together:

"Former NCAA player broke the news: I beat James when he was on the college campus, and then arranged a 1v1 unilateral victory for him, otherwise I would cancel the subsequent trip. 》

《Former CUBA player revealed: I beat James during his China trip, and then I arranged a 1v1 match for him to beat me, otherwise I would cancel the subsequent trip. 》

"Nike confiscated the tape of our one-on-one victory with James, so we can only break the news verbally. 》

More and more professional players have come forward and revealed that they have more or less defeated LeBron James in commercial activities, but the videos have not been released for some reason, and the videos that were previously available on YouTube were quickly deleted. .

There is no doubt about the control and evaluation! ! !


"Bo Yang's boxing video in the locker room broke out, and he is going to be cleared!"

(PS: The news revealed by CUBA players is a true story, and it is also the latest hot news about LeBron.)

Chapter 225: One Punch Man Bo Yang clears his grievances, smelly socks

Chapter 225 224: One Punch Man Bo Yang clears his grievances, and his smelly socks are trending again!

If the revelations made by Chinese college students still need to be considered, but local college students in the United States have said so, is it possible that there are still lies? ? ?

The reddit forum instantly exploded, because these two interviews with reporters were from official media, and they were also two former professional players who took the initiative to come forward. In addition, they were related to James, and they became a hot topic in an instant.

Mainly because there is no video evidence, this topic is very defensible:

"I'll go, this is too explosive, the Heat have so much going on?"

"Too many people have resigned. Hey, internal strife is real."

"Riley is so unreasonable. He has bullied his subordinates so much that he is so broken. He can't hold it back now."

"Actually, it's not bad. James is too outrageous. It doesn't matter if he doesn't read or pretends to be cool. There are many poets playing basketball. Is it okay to be afraid of losing?"

"It's normal to be afraid of losing. That's why we stick together. That's why we didn't shake hands after the G6 game!"

"Yes, but it's not impossible to lose to college players, right? You're not Jordan. What's wrong with you losing a few games?"

"Not to mention, he may not be able to beat college players technically. It would be difficult to win if he doesn't use his body."

"Who are the CUBA and NCAA players in this news!"

"Is this true? It sounds too outrageous."

"Really, the description is exactly the same as the scene. I've seen that business trip. It's actually a very small thing. It doesn't matter. There are always winners and losers in basketball, and LeBron didn't force his body. I just didn't expect him to He also prevented the video from being sent out, but did he ask for it later? This makes me feel sick!"

"I've also seen it in China, and I'm still wondering why that CUBA player can play another game. NBA super giants can actually have the same experience as Chinese college players?? It's eye-opening. I wrongly blamed Jiang Hao, James, everyone There’s something wrong with the quality, it’s a big deal from beginning to end!”

"Becoming famous at a young age, he is not mentally sound, cannot experience failure, and does not allow rookies to contradict him. Haha, I am talking about you, Bo Yang!"

"It's so scolding! I know who this CUBA player is, but I hope everyone won't tell anyone and protect him!"



"Also protect the one far away in the United States!"

"There's a point. There's no need to talk about winning or losing in this kind of one-on-one duel. It doesn't make much sense."

"Winning or losing really doesn't mean much, but some people are serious and not happy anymore!"

"With so many people at the scene, it must have been posted on Weibo five seconds after it happened. Let this Cuban lead the national team to kill everyone."

"Nike has collected all the videos, and the player who played Mosaic in the video said something."

"Zhai Xiaochuan: If I had known about this trick, you guys would have deleted it for me. My dribbling has been hacked for so many years."

"Hahahaha, high school student Zhai Xiaochuan can't beat him, that's really embarrassing!"

"Don't change the subject. Although I don't understand, but LeBron really can't beat CUBA players?"

"Kobe Bryant had a one-on-one challenge with fans during his trip to China. Li Guanyang seemed to have lost, and he lost. Then Kobe was unhappy and asked for two more games, but he finally won."

"I know this question, and the host also told Li Guanyang, let him pass, let him pass."

"Upstairs, no matter who Kobe loses to, he will be unhappy, but no matter who Kobe loses to, no one will question his skills and one-on-one ability, and his fans will not break the defense."

"Now that the matter is still known to the public, Nike thinks that it has confiscated it and this matter does not exist. It seems that the Spurs have won, but in fact it has revealed many dark sides of the Heat and the Big Three!"

"The league relies on referees, events rely on hosts, and public opinion relies on Rich Paul and Nike. This orangutan is extremely shameless!"

"So how awesome it is that Jiang Hao and Bo Yang escaped from the Heat and fought against the Heat!"

"The people who have resigned from the Heat are probably also infected by them. I'm not used to the Heat anymore! Awesome!"

"It's really awesome! Jiang Hao's victory this time can really wake up the Heat."

"James, who is eating the whole thing, can get out of here!"

"There will definitely be players who are going to take action against LeBron next season. This player is so disgusting, so the Spurs are decent." (A bunch of GIFs of James' dirty moves are attached.)

"Zhan Mi: It's hard to pass, but it's passed!!!"

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