3 Purely for yourself to practice, mainly D?

Then how much time do you have to practice by yourself?

There is only one free training day a week in the training camp?

No wonder there are no new players after Wade. They are all "taught in accordance with their aptitude" and have never thought of playing. The Heat are really inhumane.

Jiang Hao thought too much during the summer league. Perhaps only when there is no one available and no superstars can come, the Heat will use new players like crazy in the future.

Anyway, now the army is strong and powerful, one more and one less will not be much.

[Congratulations to the host, get the achievement: the first time to defend against NBA superstars and force the superstars to use their full strength, reward: LeBron James breakthrough power attribute bonus!

The host's breakthrough confrontation power is permanently enhanced, and has a confrontation strength beyond the current physical limit! !]

The picture that appeared in his mind made Jiang Hao feel that the system couldn't stand it anymore. This is a big reward! !

LeBron James' breakthrough power attribute bonus? ? ?

This directly gives him the power of a bulldozer!

Why does the system say that he has a strength beyond his current physical limit?

Because he only gained 2kg, or 95kg, during the off-season training.

With his current weight, it is absolutely impossible for him to have such a strong strength against the heavy tank forward James who is 113kg! !

The system directly gave Jiang Hao a wave of Cybertron!

"I guess it should be the bonus brought to me by James at full strength on the first day of training!!"

Thank you, I will use your killer moves to deal with you in the future! ! !

You like bulldozing me, right? I will give it back to you when the time comes!

Although Jiang Hao is getting less and less interested in James, he still has to accept this reward!

This is the first superstar bonus Jiang Hao has received so far! ! !

You can say that James has no basketball skills, but you can never say that he has no basketball talent!

Since LeBron was in high school, he has been able to crush everything with his physical talent. The same is true in the NBA. He also relies on his body to fly and hide. Moreover, after he arrived in the NBA, as his weight increased, his heavy tank breakthrough is almost unsolvable.

This is pure basketball talent. No backcourt can stop his brutal charge!

The 2008 Olympic Dream Team coach K arranged a one-on-one tactic not for Kobe, Wade, Paul and Anthony, but for James!

Jiang Chao knows the strength of James the best. Even though a week has passed, his chest still hurts.

This system directly rewards LeBron James' breakthrough power bonus, which is equivalent to directly strengthening Jiang Hao's weak confrontation problem as a common Asian player.

This superstar reward is really powerful. Feeling the instantaneous power in the muscles after the system reward is issued! Jiang Hao can imagine how explosive this effect is.

Tough guy, iron man!

This is the label that Jiang Hao has always pursued! !

That's why he asked the orcs for advice and worked hard to train his body, just because he didn't want to be knocked away in the NBA.

As a result, when they were sparring, they found that as long as Wade and James really exerted their strength, they would retreat when they should. The most helpless defense method was to use chest bones to push hard like on the first day, which was also the bayonet-like defense method of Barea in the finals. If they used it for a whole season, it would definitely be useless.

No matter how much talent is trained, it can't achieve qualitative change.

It's different now! !

The system directly gives him full support!

It depends on him to get rid of the NBA's inherent impression of Asian backcourts.

So when Bojan was worried about him, Jiang Hao looked indifferent.

And said:

"Will you go to the training hall to train later? I want to challenge you one-on-one."

"Get out!"

Although it was very unpleasant in the training camp, Jiang Hao is more confident now.

As Bojan said, if you let the other 29 teams know that you can defend James well!

That means you won't retire until James retires!

According to the current arrangement of the Heat, if you practice well, you can find a bowl of rice in the league by relying on defense in the future.

Now his offense has been strengthened. The necessary killer moves for the forwards and the tricks for bullying the guards have greatly improved his ability to solve problems. He can really do well in the NBA! !

He has 3, strong penetration and defense.

Isn't this pure 3D! !

The Heat are forcing him to play the role of a pig eating a tiger and make a big splash!

"JIANG, did you take stimulants today? Your body is as hard as iron."

"Do you want to take a urine test on me?"

"Forget it, it smells like Red Bull."

In the evening, after only 20 minutes of singles with Bo Yang, Bo Yang raised his hands to surrender. His white skin was hit with red marks in order to defend Jiang Hao, but Jiang Hao was like nothing happened, which was outrageous.

"No more, no more, you don't shoot today, it's boring."

At the beginning of the training camp, Bo Yang had a tendency to be unable to compete with Jiang Hao. It can be seen from his appearance that Bo Yang has no muscles on his arms. He looks like a pure shooter with a smooth touch and no confrontation.

But Jiang Hao is a muscular man, with full abdominal muscles when he takes off his clothes.

It was even more obvious today. Jiang Hao was able to push Bojan to the free throw line with one step when he used his back to the ball. Bojan, who was not well prepared at the beginning, almost vomited out the food he had eaten at night.

"You are a 98kg man and I pushed you? Practice more."

Jiang Hao said some trash talk with a smile, and he felt very happy. This super huge bonus is really useful.

What Bojan didn’t know was that all his efforts just now were tentatively restrained. Jiang Hao felt that his core strength was too strong, and he felt that he could work hard all day long! !

“What’s the point of training? Anyway, we are all miserable this season.”

“You are really miserable, but I am not. I won’t compare my misery with you.”

Jiang Hao was already thinking about whether he should also give a clear path to his only good friend in the same class in the Heat.

Chapter 44: Understand James haters and become a James hater

Chapter 44 44: Understand James haters and become a James hater

If we talk about comparing misery, Jiang Hao had never touched the door of the NBA in his previous life, and his experience in the CBA was also fleeting.

This life is not miserable enough.

And Bojan is the real talent that is not appreciated.

A 23-year-old rookie, Bojan seemed to have been sold to the Timberwolves and then to the Nets after the start of the regular season in his previous life.

After that, Bojan was directly released to the Turkish league by the Nets. He was not signed back until 2014. He wandered around for several years before reaching the peak of his career.

"Just live in your own world, JIANG."

Bojan left the training hall angrily, looking like he hated Jiang Hao for not fighting.

"Don't worry, I will apply to play against LeBron tomorrow."

Bojan turned his head instantly:

"Take it step by step. You can apply to play against Mario first. James is a first-defense player, it's too difficult."

The next day.

What the two rookies didn't expect was that.

The training content of the last week of training camp was changed.

It was a waste of time to talk so much yesterday.

The devil's full-court running is no longer,

but it has become a longer and more boring tactical running training.

Tactical running training is that everyone first listens to the assistant coach to say how to run and how to stand in a certain tactic, and then the next half an hour is to repeat such a running position until you form muscle memory, and the point guard on the court can quickly run to the position with a gesture.

There are offensive tactics and defensive tactics, but Jiang Hao and his five-man team don't seem to practice too complicated tactics.

Jiang Hao and Bojan could not do running training with the main players, so they practiced the simplest offensive horns and defensive arc positions.

Later, they changed the horns to diamonds, and man-to-man defense to 3-2 zone defense.

In the eyes of international players like Jiang Hao and Bojan, these are tactical trainings that cannot be simpler. Bojan is because he comes from the European training system, and European players are all tactical experts.

Jiang Hao is the same. It seems that he has not experienced much academic training at the age of 19, but in fact, he has been trained to the point of vomiting in his previous life. Isn’t the technique and tactics of the CBA in his previous life just these?

In other words, the CBA plays the same things that the NBA played ten years ago.

"It’s not as comfortable as running all over the court."

The two were speechless after watching the assistant coach scolding veteran Eddy Curry on the court. The three old black brains with them were like a stubborn mind, so it was difficult for them to understand such a simple tactical running position. Many mistakes made the training extremely boring.

Especially this Eddy Curry, who was used to being willful during the Knicks period and was unwilling to run at all, and was unwilling to use his brain.

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