Jiaozuo LeBron's body can definitely have a place in the international arena. In the international arena, physical confrontation is the first priority. Li Gen can definitely withstand the confrontation. Imagine if he really played against the United States, and let Li Gen face the real LeBron James, he would not be too weak, because he has the foundation.

And Li Gen's aiming three-pointer is also unique, and he can be regarded as a good 3D. As for his back-to-the-basket jump shot that he killed all the time in China, don't expect it in the Olympics.

As for Wang Zhelin and Zhang Zhaoxu, pass them. If it's for tonnage and height, it's better not to have them.

"OK, there is one last spot. Who do you think is better to take?"

At first, I thought Jiang Hao should not be very professional and didn't know these CBA players very well. As a result, after meeting and communicating, I found that I was too knowledgeable!

Why didn't he choose many veterans, but he knew so many young players!

You know, Ding Yanyuhang is a player in the youth training of each team, and there are also new players who have come out to be awesome. Why did he choose him? ?

Jiang Hao must have done an in-depth investigation before he came to select players, so they naturally shut up.

Just like the Spurs asked Jiang Hao to select rookies, although Jiang Hao did not play a single national team game, he must be the absolute core, and the people he selected must be very useful players with him.

Therefore, Gong Luming and Wang Zhizhi did not interrupt much.

The main thing is that the selection is correct, which is the difference between young and old.

And the ones Jiang Hao selected have all performed well in the training camp in the past few days.

Isn't this nonsense? The ones Jiang Hao selected are all talented, how can they not be at the forefront.

And the last position is in trouble.

It is hard to imagine that there are not 12 people selected from so many professional players in China.

Because everyone thinks that the 12th person is still a little bit short.

Jiang Hao can only sigh that there are indeed few people who can play with 1.4 billion people, unlike some national teams, where the competition for the 12-man roster is fierce, and the level of level is very obvious.

The last one is to choose one among Liu Wei, Zhu Fangyu, Ding Jinhui, young player Zhai Xiaochuan and Yi Li.

Liu Wei is chosen because Yao Ming is not playing anymore, and the tacit cooperation between him and Yao Ming is gone, and his age and traditional point guard attributes are becoming less and less suitable for modern basketball.

But it is a pity to abandon him, because he is still very stable.

Zhu Fangyu is the same. What if he turns into a crazy person?

Ding Jinhui had a closed shot in the CBA playoffs this year, which is a hidden injury, and his condition will decline rapidly after the closed shot, which is not something he can make up for with his hardworking enthusiasm.

Zhai Xiaochuan is Gong Luming and others think will be a great 3D player in the future, but Jiang Hao actually doesn't think much of him, so he was the first one to be crossed out by Jiang Hao, because no matter what, you stumble when dribbling in front of high school students, and you can't even score in front of high school students. Do you still have the face to say that you are on the national team?

Yi Li was the first to report to the training camp when Gong Luming announced the selection of players for the training camp. Needless to say, he was very enthusiastic.

But his problem was that he was too thin. The biggest problem was whether the Spare Ribs God could withstand the Olympic-level confrontation, because he was the only one who could not withstand the confrontation with the naked eye, although he was OK in the CBA.

So everyone was very entangled about him.

Then if Yi Li was selected, there would be a high probability that he would be said to be a relative, so Gong Luming suggested that Jiang Hao choose carefully. If Yi Li could not play well, Jiang Hao would be scolded.

"Oh, can't Captain Yi not know? He came first, just wanting to do his best to help me, the kind of career that is betting on!"

Never ignore a heart that fights for the country!

Yi Li!

Jiang Hao directly selected Captain Yi. There was really no selfishness. Now is the era of forwards. It is beneficial to bring more forwards. Moreover, Yi Li is very strong in defense because of his thinness, and he can also float around to grab offensive rebounds on the offensive end.

Wang Zhizhi: "It's the first Olympics, so I will fight harder, OK!"

In fact, he also has his own selfish desire, that is, he really hopes that Liu Wei or Zhu Fangyu will come in. If these two people come in, he will have someone to talk to. After all, brothers who have fought for many years still have a lot of feelings, but there is no way now.

It can also be seen that Jiang Hao is not just going for the quarterfinals, so let's do it! ! !

As for the head coach candidate.

Jiang Hao also said simply:

"Du Feng."

Ah? ? ?

Gong Luming and Wang Zhizhi were both stunned.

Why did he choose Du Feng directly?

I thought Jiang Hao would choose a well-known domestic coach, such as Li Chun, but I didn't expect him to choose a retired player?

"He just retired for 3 months."

"Du Feng? He just retired, is it really okay?"

"Yes, if you choose him, you can definitely use Yi Jianlian, Wang Shipeng, and Zhou Peng, but he has too little experience." Wang Zhizhi said that they are all Dongguang players and know each other well.

"It's okay, let's pick him. He's more aggressive, let him scold when he needs to."

In Jiang Hao's opinion, Du Feng was the Finals MVP, 7-time CBA champion, and 3-time coach. He has some talent for coaching.

In addition, there are many new players in the team this time, and Jiang Hao knows that Du Feng has always been good at coaching new players. Hu Mingxuan, Xu Jie, the youth team's ball bully, and Ari, who hasn't been scolded by him?

Gong Luming pondered: "His basketball IQ has always been good, so it's okay to choose him, but I don't know how he will be as a coach."

"I suggest that since you want to choose someone from Dongguang, you can directly choose Li Chunjiang."

What Wang Zhizhi and the others didn't say was that there was no other way to let Deng Huade coach this year. In the early stage of national team recruitment, when Jiang Hao was not in the talent pool, Liaoning's Guo Shiqiang, Dongguang's Li Chunjiang, Bayi's Adijiang and other veteran CBA coaches were unwilling to take on the hot potato of the men's basketball team.

The main reason was that Guo Shiqiang was too scary when he was the acting head coach in 2011, because CBA fans are divided into gangs, and they will be madly criticized when they lose. If they lead a disciple from their own CBA team, they will be criticized to death.

No one wants to sit in this hot potato-like position, mainly because it is easy to get involved in a scandal and shake their position as a CBA coach.

But now it is completely different.

After Jiang Hao announced his joining, all CBA coaches said they would accept the transfer at any time! ! !

With Jiang Hao, the results will be poor? ? ?

Their coaching career will also have a highlight, as they coached Jiang Hao!

Originally, they might have felt that they could not beat any of their opponents in the group stage, but now, it is easy to qualify from the group stage!

Anyone who has watched the NBA playoffs knows how awesome Jiang Hao is, and he can handle five players at once.

So the coaches of other teams in the same group complained bitterly, while domestic coaches were willing to be assistant coaches to Deng Huade. It was nothing, they just didn't want to go to Paris at their own expense. Wouldn't it be nice to watch Jiang Hao play at public expense? ?

"Yes, players can choose those who are motivated, but coaches must choose those who are experienced."

"Coach Gong, if you can take office immediately, I will definitely choose you."

Jiang Hao smiled at Gong Luming.

Inner thoughts: Don't be so rude. I can't stand match-fixing.

"Oh, I can't leave now."

To be honest, Gong Luming definitely wants to coach this men's basketball team. Whether the lineup is luxurious or not is another matter. Yao Ming, an NBA All-Star, can lead the Chinese men's basketball team to the quarterfinals of the Olympics.

How far can Jiang Hao of this level go? ? ?

As long as he moves forward, he will create history. Gong Luming also wants to have a chance to leave his name in the history of the national team, but unfortunately he has to act as a ghost now.

He really wants to ask his mentor Jiang Xingquan to come out, but his mentor is not in good health.

So, Du Feng is really a good choice? ?

In terms of pressure resistance, he can definitely bear it, and he is very surprised that Jiang Hao, as a player of the Sujiang system, chose several people from the rival Dongguang system, and even his own head coach Hu Weidong did not consider it.

This is okay, anyway, it is very rare in the CBA, so foreign coaches are allowed to be head coaches. It doesn’t matter who is chosen and who is used.

But think about it, Jiang Hao has never really played in the CBA official game, so there is no grudge, this is the best, everyone is going for victory! ! !

Wang Zhizhi: "Du Feng. Actually, he is also OK. He is very familiar with us veterans and is also very tough on newcomers."

"Okay, then I will ask his opinion now."

Gong Luming called and Du Feng on the other end of the phone was shocked. He thought he was being called back to play at first. He thought, I just retired for four months, is there no one available?

"Come on, Coach Du."

Jiang Hao's words almost made Du Feng cry.

How could he be chosen by such a gifted man? It was totally unexpected. He even thought that Jiang Hao had planted Jinyiwei in his house. How did he know that he had been learning coaching knowledge after retiring? This was news that the media didn't know.

"No problem! I have a similar body and playing style to Yi Li, and I can definitely help him!"

I agreed 100%, but he was very shocked that Jiang Hao chose this big list. He was not afraid that the outside world would say that Yi Li was on it?

And he also selected several 18-year-old young people!

If this lineup is exposed, it will definitely surprise fans across the country.

"Okay, see you in a day."

The remaining assistant coaches are much easier to choose. Hu Weidong, Guo Shiqiang, and Gong Xiaobin all have their own players they are good at coaching.

Hu Weidong is responsible for Jiang Hao and Yi Li, Guo Shiqiang is his great nephew, and Gong Xiaobin is Ding Yanyuhang.

And Jiang Hao himself can be a part-time assistant coach. He knows what tactics are most suitable for the national team. He is also preparing to let Du Feng play pass and cut. If there is a game in the future, it must be the US team, which is three-pointers + pass and cut! !

After determining the lineup, the national team also sent them a formal invitation.

The players are basically in the capital. After receiving the notice at the hotel, they were all very excited. Hu Weidong, who was notified by Jiang Hao, cursed: "Damn it, the head coach didn't choose me, why did he choose Du Feng!"

Jiang Hao: "Isn't this avoiding suspicion, hahaha!"

"Then you choose Yi Li. Just kidding, I'm very excited to go on the expedition with you."

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