Smash Ibaka! The Regret of Passionate Revenge 08!

"All members of the Chinese team are online!"

"We will definitely win this one!"

"Spain, what are you going to do to win against this iron-blooded army!!!"

The Spanish coaching staff was confused. Why did everyone in the Chinese team suddenly become like a dragon? ? ?

In their pre-match preparations, except for Jiang Hao, Ah Lian, and Wang Zhizhi, everyone else is very crotch-drawing. At most, adding Wang Shipeng may become a sharp shooter, but they have made preparations for these. After all, the Chinese team Also won 4 games.

But I didn't expect that some players who had only played in the CBA and had no experience studying abroad would also come out one by one.

NBA scouts are all dumbfounded, aren't they? Are all the CBA players slipping away like this?

If they hadn't done in-depth research into the CBA market after Jiang Hao played last season, they would have been deceived by the Chinese team in front of them.

CBA players will never have such a stake!

Moreover, the game went very smoothly under Jiang Hao's guidance and attack. Isn't that what basketball is like? Score what should be scored, grab what shouldn't be scored, defend well, and you can win the game with a high probability.

But the fans don't care about the scouts' doubts and giving credit to Buff who played for the country.

They feel:

"Can this Chinese team win the NBA Finals?"

"Hahahaha! It's very possible! It looks so awesome!"

"Spain is 12 points behind, boiling a frog in warm water!"

"Simmer over low heat and over high heat to remove the juice! Jiang Hao will definitely come out to close the game in the end."

"Li Ning lost his hemp."

“Anta is bigger than Li Ning!”

"Yes, it seems unconventional to see a bunch of people in Spain wearing Li-Ning, but they can't compete with those wearing Anta."

"In fact, the CBA also wears Li-Ning. But this time the Chinese delegation's sports equipment bid for the Olympics was Anta's success."

"So...whose problem is it?"

"It's all Li Ning's fault, haha!"

"You can't win if Li Ning wears his clothes!"

"Li Ning lowers the players' sports level!"

After a wave of rumors spread by netizens, Jiang Hao and Anta Chairman Ding Shizhong personally intervened to stop the turmoil. They would indeed engage in business war, but definitely not in this way.

"Healthy competition, don't mess around, domestic brands are on the rise, just support whichever one you like."

The positive energy of Jiang Hao and Ding Shizhong attracted another wave of fans to Anta. If it were a different business partner, public opinion would definitely beat Li Ning to death this time.

But before this controversy about Li Ning's poor brand reputation and effectiveness was the result of the competition.

In the last 2 minutes, when the Spanish team accelerated the tempo and made a crazy counterattack, Jiang Hao came up with a big fire to stop the juice, and responded to every goal with pure singles.

Fernandez, Rubio, Calderon, and Ibaka took turns in military training.

In the end, he even ended up with a trash talk after swaying in front of Ibaka for a layup:

"Your eldest brother Durant can't guard you. How can you have the courage to guard me?"

28ka immediately lost his mind. I heard that he went to eight female athletes that night and still couldn't calm down his inner resentment. He was so frustrated.

When fighting Jiang Hao, he has no energy at all. When attacking him, he can never fly, but the confrontation is very good, and his super bounce is waiting in the air.

It's even more difficult to defend him. No matter how hard you try, he can always take a shot or make a fake move the moment you relax or just want to block a shot. It's true or false. Unless you help defend, you have no idea how he will make a move.


The Chinese team won the group stage and advanced to the quarterfinals as the first in the group! ! !

This is also the first time that the Chinese men's basketball team has topped the group since participating in a world-class competition!

South Korean reporter Jang Ye-won reported:

"Is the Great and Chinese Empire treating the Olympic Games as the Asian Games?"

Neon reporter Miyagawa:

"The Chinese team's dominance in the Olympics is equivalent to the Asian Championships!!! Empire \u0026 Doom!"

Stars such as El Haddadi of the Iran Wolves and Abbas of the Jordanian team who were watching the game at home were silenced one by one. How can they still fight? ? ? They will always encounter this terrifying opponent at their peak. In the future, they will never even think about entering the Basketball World Championships and Olympic Games.

There is no need to play Asian games. This is scarier than the American team dominating the American games!

The most interesting comments after the game were made by fans of the American team:

"Hey, LeBron, Kobe, you could have gone on vacation to the Bahamas."

"Do you regret it??? It's too late to leave the team now!"

"Fortunately, you, the American team, are also first in the group. Otherwise, if you meet us in advance, you, the American team, will be doomed."

Kobe's agent is indeed sweating profusely. This year seems to be quite simple, at least in Group A. The United States has won all of them and won by more than 10 points. With their victory over Brazil just now, they also ranked first in the group with five wins. .

But the first place in Group B is a bit scary.

And the most annoying thing is that they don’t want to meet Spain in the semi-finals!

The Chinese team's victory in this game will make it more difficult for them in the future.

But then I thought about it. It was so easy for China to win against Spain. What would be the scariest thing if we really encountered China in advance? ! !

Rich Paul wrote to FIBA ​​and the Olympic Organizing Committee, still using his old tricks:

“I suggest you test Jiang Hao’s teammates in urine!”

Jiang Hao doesn’t need to take a urine test anymore. He did not find anything in his daily urine test before! ! ! He is already convinced, but he is very unconvinced by these players who have never appeared in the NBA. They are definitely drinking "Red Bull"! !

Olympic Organizing Committee: "Take care of yourselves. We found that LeBron James has medicine for muscle soreness in his backpack. Once consumed, we will definitely check it!"

Rich Paul was sweating profusely: "It's over, it's over, the Olympic organizing committee doesn't favor the United States anymore!!!"

Great powers are rising in all aspects! ! ! ! ! ! !

(PS: The Nuggets want the Lakers to die. It’s incredible to be so cool~)

Chapter 249: Real Tianke, can you let me play a little better?

But it is true that even Chinese people find it incredible.

The Chinese men's basketball team, which originally had little hope, suddenly became the hope of the entire Chinese delegation.

Not even called Hope, it can be said to be the idol of the whole village.

These are three big balls!

After the women's volleyball team suffered a disastrous defeat today, the spirit of the men's basketball team came to the fore for the first time! ! ! ! !

You must know that the women's volleyball team lost to Neon 2-3 today. On the other hand, the men's basketball team was tougher than the women's volleyball team for the first time!

Among the three major goals, regardless of gender, the one with the best performance!

Throw away the national football team by hundreds of Siberian Straits!

Tangle Lundu re-arranges the song and looks forward to the next knockout round of the men’s basketball team:

"Victory comes too fast like a tornado!"

Without Dayao to fight against the big and small plus, Yi Jianlian, Wang Zhizhi, Zhou Qi and other CBA players actually withstood the impact of the NBA's top insider combination! !

You know, big and small players can go sideways in the NBA! They are all all-star insiders!

After the game, Yu Jia and Zhang Weiping also analyzed Jiang Hao’s role.

Why analyze? ? Because this group stage has caused CBA players and CBA players to be blindly arrogant and a little arrogant. They need to always point out the young domestic players. Jiang Haoqiang is the best, not CBA!

This is also what Zhu Fangyu and the men’s basketball assistant coach want the national media to do.


"Three major centers have successfully entered the NBA, and with the emergence of outstanding insiders such as the Arab League, Datang, and Xue Di, China's forwards and guards are too obsessed with the inside, so the fast, turning, and shooting skills of Chinese forwards and guards have gradually disappeared.

Originally, there would be no successor after 2010. If Zhou Qi’s level was not enough in the previous CBA, Liu Yudong, the God of War of the Bayi Gang, Li Nan, Xiao Li Feidao, etc., Shandong Xiaoyao Wang Gong Xiaobin, Jilin Tiger King Sun Jun, China Jordan Hu Weidong, Fujian Gong Songlin, Shougang Jiao Jian, Liaoning Gang and Guangdong Gang, etc.

And think about it, who is in our CBA now? ? ?

Fortunately, Jiang Hao came from heaven this year, otherwise he would not have been able to compete in this Olympics. This is something I want everyone to see clearly. "

Yao Ming, who was invited as a guest, also nodded in approval and said:

"Yes, I am not trying to destroy my own prestige. From my perspective, without Jiang, every game will be difficult for us.

In fact, the Chinese team has been lacking a main C, so there is no problem at all for them to cooperate and play support.

You see, there is a big foreign player in the CBA, and they are also very good at playing. After joining the national team, the main C is gone or is not strong enough, and he will no longer be able to play. "

The implication is that Jiang Hao is the big C, and after playing around him, everyone has exerted the same effect and strength as in the CBA.

"Is it possible that Jiang Hao has a hidden buff and can lead his CBA teammates to become NBA-level teammates?"

Yao Ming: "You can say the same, but I still hope that young people in the CBA can dare to play hard instead of waiting to be led. Ding Yanyuhang has performed well and dared to play with the ball. I hope he can be so brave in the knockout rounds. "

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