Luis Scola--2.06m, forward/center

Juan Gutierrez--2.05m, forward/center

Martin Leva--2.07m, forward/center

The three inside players that Argentina brought this time were completely suppressed by the blood mother of the Chinese team! ! !

But there is nothing they can do. They brought these inside players to play against the United States and France, and never thought of playing against China.

Do you think there is no useful big white bear meat shield center in Argentina?


There are many!

They are all such centers in their league.

But it was in 2002-2004 that they knew what kind of lineup was beneficial to the United States, so now they like to use short and strong, stable lower body, skilled, fast moving speed and quick defense inside players.

Then they were blown up by the Chinese team.

First quarter 21:14

Argentina could not score at all, because not only were their inside lines weak and could only rely on Scola's singles, but their outside lines were also thin.

Why they ranked fourth in the group is because of insufficient confrontation.

Campazzo has not yet reached the unrivaled state he would be in 10 years later. Manu, an old horse, frequently missed shots. Carlos Delfino was bitten by Ding Yanyuhang and was still able to break through and shoot, but the Chinese team is tall. Those who break through are all over 2.10 meters tall, and those who challenge him from the outside are also taller than him!

What the hell!

After Campazzo made a mistake in passing the ball in front of Sun Yue, he broke through the defense and cursed, forcing the Argentine coach to let the forward play point guard. He couldn't let Manu control the ball across half court. For a veteran like him, it would be best for him to play as a shooting guard who passes the ball from the top of the arc.

The main reason was that he was defended by Jiang Hao. Before Campazzo's mentality exploded, he had already scolded Jiang Hao countless times since the first quarter:

"I told you not to defend me! Didn't you hear me!"

Jiang Hao still used the same old routine against his Spurs teammates in the previous group stage:

"When we are 20 points ahead, I will immediately give up defending you!"

"You kid!! I modified your car for nothing!! You ungrateful bastard!"

"What, do you want to learn from a certain crab yellow to brush up your stats?"

"Pfft, look at how you defend me, so close, and you won't let me catch the ball, can you give me some game experience?"


Jiang Hao let Manu take a half step, but Carlos Delfino passed the ball a beat late, Jiang Hao was the first to jump up and block the pass, and pushed the ball to the front court before Manu, and then Manu had no desire to chase.

This is the running king of the team, Jiang Hao!

There is no need to chase the ball when you are on the same starting line as him, just walk over and serve slowly.

Sure enough, Jiang Hao caught the ball like lightning and dunked with one arm, lighting up the whole stadium. The Argentine coach next to him had a headache.

Just as Scola was about to score a goal, he was slammed high by an unknown tall young inside player on the opposite side.

Printed on the back: QI

Natural enemy!

A real natural enemy!

He is shorter than the opponent in every position, but not heavier than the opponent.

How can we play this way?

Chapter 250: Top Four in the World

Actually, it’s not bad.

After all, the tactics of the Chinese team at the beginning gave Argentina a chance to breathe.

Because they didn’t want to attack the inside, Jiang Hao was not in a hurry to shoot. Seeing that Wang Zhizhi was replaced by Zhou Qi, he also wanted to test his inside singles ability, so he directly lobbed a high ball from the outside.

Although I don’t have much expectation, I have to try it.


With Jiang Hao shouting, Zhou Qi didn’t return the ball to the outside line after receiving it, and directly turned into a back-to-the-basket posture.

As a result, Zhou Qi faced the close defense of Scola. Not only did he fail to squeeze in after receiving the ball, but the ball slipped out of his hands and was intercepted by Manu.

"Zhou Qi, you softie!!!"

Jiang Hao couldn't help laughing when Du Feng spoke word by word.

Classics are spreading!

Soft again?

Du Feng almost walked into the court to "teach" Qi.

Although Zhou Qi has a great advantage on the defensive end, he is really rough on the offensive end. After being scolded, he lowered his head and went back to defense, trembling and not daring to speak. Du Feng is his absolute senior, and he has not played anything now. He is also a newcomer in the national team, and it is impossible for him to play big.

"This Qi is rough and soft, and he can't stand the confrontation."

Manu obviously also found this point. On the offensive end, he rode Zhou Qi to the layup with the help of the pick-and-roll.

Zhou Qi's long arms can interfere with others, but it is too difficult for Manu.

This is a person who can dunk over Yao Ming without thinking. Zhou Qi's confrontation is not good enough in front of him.

But this was actually an opportunity given to Argentina by the Chinese team in the first half. After Zhou Qi was scolded, Abdu and Zhou Peng also came up and strolled around twice. The two ran two times ahead of schedule at the baseline, and Jiang Hao also gave them.

But because of their finishing ability, they missed.

Although it is true that Argentina wants to block the Chinese team's tall forwards, it is unlikely, but the Chinese team's own grasping ability is not good.

When being pushed down, the hands are very soft. Du Feng scolded on the sidelines. Anyway, the referee and the opposing players can't understand Chinese. As long as the scolding doesn't kill them, they will scold them to death! ! ! !

These national team newcomers were scolded by Du Feng to a great extent! ! ! !

Jiang Hao also listened to it!

To a certain extent, calling Du Feng the head coach is also to listen to his scolding. He can really scold the players awake.

Now more than half of the national team are newcomers. Du Feng dared not say a word when facing Jiang Hao and Yi Jianlian, but he went all out against the newcomers, even to the point of his voice becoming hoarse.

"Hey, hey, Zhou Peng? You're super good, okay? A shooter with a three-point shooting rate of over 40% gave up the open space to cut, and got into the water again."

"Ding Yanyuhang, why are you scratching it? You want to leave the court? I'll satisfy you." After Ding Yanyuhang fouled Campa's left dribble, Du Feng's helplessness made the opposing coaching staff laugh. It's rare to see such an emotional Asian coach.

But he is indeed passionate. Veteran Sun Yue and Wang Shipeng dare not slack off under his coaching, although they will not be scolded.

But he is also worried about being scolded, so he played very seriously and 100% focused.

But after all, they are not at the NBA level. Under Argentina's man-to-man defense, Sun Yue and Wang Shipeng both made 2 of 6 shots in the first half. It can only be said that they can do nothing on the defensive end.

In the first half, Jiang Hao took 8 shots, but hit 7 goals.

But in fact, the other teammates' individual abilities were really not good, and Argentina was known for its tough defense, so the two sides did not open up the score under defense.

And because of the Chinese team's offensive tactical choice, only Jiang Hao's 7 shots were scored from outside shots, and other players were very "obedient" to choose to attack the inside.

Of course, to put it nicely, it was obedient, but to put it bluntly, it was: the shots didn't go in.

Argentina's lineup is used to prevent the United States from firing all arrows at once, and the footsteps are very fast.

In the third quarter, Du Feng continued to trust Zhou Qi. As a result, although Zhou Qi forced Manu to pass the ball to Scola on the defensive end, Scola's dreamy footwork triggered Yi Jianlian's hook shot.

But on the offensive end, Zhou Qi did not choose to dunk when Jiang Hao suddenly passed the ball to an alley-oop, but chose to layup, and directly made a bridge pass, which made Jiang Hao shout out rarely: My God.

Really - teammates CBA!

Hu Weidong also touched the back of his head in the coaching booth: "If he continues to stay in the CBA system, he probably won't be able to improve."

Xiaoyao Wang: "Yes, according to the current competition in the CBA, he can only become more and more single-minded if he continues to practice in the CBA, and he can't become the mainstream all-around inside player at all."

Gong Luming was also thinking in the back. It was obvious that the Chinese team without Jiang Hao's main attack was too embarrassed on the offensive end. This was the knockout game, and these guys were exposed. They were too soft!

These players must be sent out for training. Look at the Argentines playing in the European and American leagues. They must score in open positions and eat the cakes!

The original A-A of the CBA League, under Mr. Li Yuanwei's promotion and relegation system, made the league fiercely competitive. Even relegation had to be played in two games, and a tie had to play an extra game. Of course, a large number of excellent players emerged.

At that time, the domestic team was the main force, and foreign players were the secondary force, so that domestic basketball talents continued to flow.

Then Xinlan Zenglaicheng came up and turned the CBA into an entertainment-oriented one, canceling promotion and relegation, euthanizing some teams, selling players, making strong teams stronger and stronger, and foreign players more and more powerful. Of course, domestic players have no autonomy.

So if Zhou Qi wants to play in the CBA next season, he will definitely be exactly the same as now.

And if he decisively goes to the NBA, look at Yi Jianlian and Wang Zhizhi. They haven't been in the NBA for long, but they are obviously different from other players on the Chinese team!

Not to mention Jiang Hao, the man who fought all the way to the finals and won the championship, why is he still playing against newcomers when the score in the knockout round is so tense?

Isn't it because Jiang Hao hasn't sweated yet!

So it's not the Chinese team that is nervous now, but Argentina! !

If Jiang Hao took more than 40 shots to lead by 1 point, Argentine fans might laugh, because this physical condition would definitely be GG in the fourth quarter.

But now he is just playing around and watching his younger brothers rush into the inside!

"Zhou Qi! My patience has reached its limit! You softie!"

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