He is still the unknown player with a two-way contract. He is also adapting to the NBA. Only when the broadcast camera occasionally scans him will the fans remember that there is a Chinese player playing in the NBA!

And he is the only Chinese player playing in the NBA!

So every time he has traffic, it is when the camera happens to be facing him.

The last Weibo post was posted 3 months ago. Every time I reach this time, there are a lot of comments, such as "What happened to becoming a legend?"

"Brother, you should play!"

"Handsome guy, I saw you today, you are still so handsome!"

"Little brother, don't be a vase!"

"One person can pull up the appearance of a team, this kid sitting on the Heat bench is really out of place."

"Little Emperor: Meow meow meow?"

"Brother, give me a definite answer, can you play in the regular season? If not, I won't follow the Heat games all the way."

"Anyway, you are already the No. 1 small forward in Asia, come on! Believe in the process!"

"Yes, believe in the process"

"If it doesn't work, go back to CBA, Su Jiang needs you!"

The Twitter account is in a similar situation, but this time there is no big guy like YAO to put pressure on me. I guess I know that in the regular season, I have no choice, and I can't get playing time just by my own efforts.

Yi Jianlian sent a WeChat message to Jiang Hao at the beginning of the regular season, asking him to be prepared at all times, and that opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. This was also a spiritual chicken soup for Jiang Hao.

YAO forwarded the news that Jiang Hao scored 28+7+4 in the Development League, and it was obvious that he had been paying attention to it.

In fact, Jiang Hao didn't have much time to take care of these things this month. He couldn't even arrange his daily training time.

Either on the plane or on the way to the plane, there was no time for free training and watching videos.

Because he and Bojan had to play for the Development League when playing at home, and they had to participate in various team affairs with the home team when they went to the away game. The tasks of signing and taking photos with the team's peripherals were usually done by these newcomers.

And the only role of the two for the team may be to be called to buy midnight snacks.

After several hearty victories of the team, Wade, Bosh, and Haslem asked Bojan to buy donuts and pizza in the middle of the night.

I don’t know if it’s because of the time when Jiang Hao contradicted James in the locker room, but Jiang Hao was rarely called.

Everyone knows that this Chinese pretty boy who doesn’t talk in the corner of the locker room looks easy to bully, but in fact he is a bomb that can be ignited at any time. Only the hot-tempered starting point guard Mario asked Jiang Hao and Bojan to go buy midnight snacks together.

But when Bojan went, Jiang Hao basically followed him. Just like what Sun Yue complained a few years ago, how could he take dozens of hamburgers and dozens of milkshakes by himself?

Anyway, he trained alone very late, so he bought it.

After every training day when the team didn’t have a game, Jiang Hao would practice by himself. He kept in touch with Faried and trained his physical fitness according to his method, so that his body didn’t slack off because there was no high-intensity game.

Bojan went back to the apartment to sleep early, and the veterans who were recovering from training in the training hall would call him in the middle of the night and ask him to drive 20 kilometers away to buy some snacks.

Bojan was furious. When he found Jiang Hao who was still training in the training hall, he cursed the old bird behind his back and almost spit on the milkshake and sent it to him.

Jiang Hao enjoyed the feeling of sitting in Bojan's new Toyota car and enjoying the evening breeze. It was his rare rest time.

But he could only complain.

Europeans' tempers had to bow their heads in front of the opportunity to play in the NBA.

Bojan was a different face when he sent it to him. He also wanted to play with the main players like Chalmers and Mario.

There was no way. If you don't buy it, you won't have a chance to play. You've already arrived in the NBA. Who doesn't want to play?

Especially for international players like them who represent a country, who doesn't want to make their hometown proud?

It's just that the Heat's start was too wonderful.

12 wins and 1 loss, the first in the league!

So wonderful that there is no need for newcomers to "put out the fire" at all.

Bojan, the first pick in the second round, had 3 minutes this month. He played in a game with 3 minutes left in a 27-point win, but he didn't take a shot before the game ended. He also committed 2 fouls because he couldn't adapt to the rhythm on the court.

So every day of the regular season is an ordinary day for Jiang Hao.

Today is also the same. After the back-to-back games, the team has 3 days of rest. The main players left work early to spend time with their wives and children.

In the gym, Jiang Hao saw the empty court and took the ball downstairs to practice shooting. For him, it was another ordinary day of extra practice.

The guards were used to the extra practice of this Asian guy. Every time they turned off the lights, they asked Jiang Hao to take care of it before leaving.

Just halfway through the practice, he saw Spoelstra coming out of the temporary office and walking towards him.

"Hello, coach Spoelstra."

Jiang Hao greeted him habitually.

Surprisingly, Spoelstra stood directly outside the three-point line next to Jiang Hao, with his hands behind his back, and asked:

"Hello, I want to see your training."

"Okay, what do you want to see?" Jiang Hao's eyes lit up. Although he didn't know how Spoelstra found him alone, he knew that this was a precious opportunity.

"Anything is fine. You were practicing three-pointers just now, so I'll watch your three-point training."


Jiang Hao took a deep breath, stood outside the arc and made 30 three-pointers, hitting 26 of them.

"The speed is okay and the hit rate is okay."

When Jiang Hao was about to go to the next 45-degree point on the right, Si Bo waved his hand to indicate a pause.

"Okay, coach."

Jiang Hao stood next to Spoelstra and wiped his sweat with his jersey. Every time he trained for three-pointers, he would shoot 30 from each of the 5 points like the three-point contest. If the points were inaccurate, he would practice another 30. He would not be held responsible for picking up the ball. The speed and completion time require more than 25 hits per point to be considered completed.

This is a training method he developed based on the Heat's tactics. Shooters around the Big Three generally don't force shots and take shots quickly. They all have a long and long space for three-point shots, so ensuring the hit rate is the most important.

The 26 hits just now were not bad. If he picked up the ball more slowly, he could hit 2 more.

"Is this all a training method you developed yourself?"

Spo with an Asian face crossed his arms and asked with a smile. It can be seen that yesterday's back-to-back victories made him in a good mood.

"Yes, the assistant coaching staff has not yet conducted offensive training on me."

Jiang Hao speaks really well, and his seemingly simple answer contains a lot of information. One is that even if this training method is unscientific, there is nothing you can do about it. The teaching assistant has never taught me. The second one is that I want to participate in offensive training

It’s a small outpouring of bitterness, implying that I’m still undergoing introductory training.

Unexpectedly, Si Bo said directly:

"I heard that you dunked on Wade before? Did you stop James?"

"Well, it seems that I have."

Jiang Hao touched his head. He suddenly didn't know what Si Bo meant by talking about these things.

But yes, it turns out that the head coach knows all about it. As expected, he is of Asian descent, so he still pays attention to himself.

"Don't worry, the team will see your efforts."

Spoelstra's words mean your extra practice, your performance, your staying up late watching the tape, we all know it.

Jiang Hao immediately said: "I will continue to work hard to meet the playing standards."

"But many people told me that you have objections to the team's arrangements? Do you have objections to me not giving you a chance to play?" Spoelstra's eyes suddenly became sharp and he stared at Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao smiled and said:

"What's the matter? Which player doesn't want to play?"

"No, no, no, our team can't have anything groundless. Just say what you want. There is no one else here."

Seeing Jiang Hao acting like a little fox, Si Bo couldn't help but laugh. He thought that this little guy was not old, but his words were airtight.

Chance! !

Now Jiang Hao suddenly knew that Spoelstra wanted to help him. This is what the seniors of the team should do to the rookies, care about their mental health!

So he stopped beating around the bush and said directly:

"Well, Mr. Spoelstra, it's not that the team's arrangements are not good. I just feel that every time I am a defensive partner, I want to attack a few times, even just once, so that I can see. How good is my offense in front of all-star players."

"You mean, you want to beat LeBron James?"

"Yes, coach, can I hit James?"

Please read, please recommend, please vote monthly, and please protect me for new books~~

Chapter 49: Alone time with Spo

Chapter 49 49: Alone with Spoelstra

"What are you doing? You're a newbie and you're not happy about being pranked by him? You can't use your fists."

Seeing Jiang Hao's vow, Si Bo was immediately amused. How much hatred and resentment there was, and he was taking it so seriously.

"Hey, Coach Spoelstra, you know what I mean. I just want to compare notes. I have been practicing for so many months and I want to see if my offense has improved."

Jiang Hao understood that Si Bo knew that this fight was inevitable.

But he wanted to fight both.

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