Jia Foreman knew Jiang Hao:

"Hello, I know you, ginger."

"Mr. Foreman, let me make a long story short. I want to come to your team for a trial training. You can test any of my projects. My characteristic is that I can defend James and I will be the best wing defender next to Rose."

"Wow, are you so powerful? But we have All-Star striker Luol Deng. Are you sure you are better than him?"

Garforman didn't ask why Jiang Hao, as a member of the Heat, was now looking for a new home. He obviously didn't care or care.

Jiang Hao thought to himself: Isn’t this the classic fraudster Deng Yingqiao:

"I have confidence."

"But we don't have time these days. We are on a continuous road trip, and we have a game against the Green Army tonight. You can watch our team's game first.

Then call me to decide whether you want to make an appointment for a trial training, okay? This is not the beginning of the season, so it is not easy for us to allocate manpower to try out players. "

Garforman said with a slightly proud tone, but he was telling the truth. Recently, they have not paid much attention to the free market. The Bulls have once again stabilized the first place in the Eastern Conference, which shows that the lineup is very good and they have not thought about reinforcements at all.


Hearing Jia Forman's tone, Jiang Hao knew that Luo Hua was intentional and flowing water was ruthless.

And it is true that people can be arrogant. Even if Jiang Hao knows that they are like dogs in the playoffs and Rose does not have a reliable helper around him, it is a fact that they will continue to be first in the regular season.

However, Jiang Hao, who had nothing to do, immediately bought a ticket and went to Boston to watch tonight's game.

I haven’t really watched a game as a fan since I came to the NBA. Watching a game without any baggage is the most comfortable.

Rose's games are watched and cherished, and the opposite Celtics are also one of his target teams.

Jiang Hao, who wrapped himself tightly, appeared in the stands of the Green Army Retro Arena and watched the defensive battle attentively.


In the end, Derrick Rose turned around and hit a 3-pointer to kill the Celtics in front of Rondo, and the scene exploded.

But what Jiang Hao read was the content.

Thibodeau fucked Rose and Deng Yingqiao for 44 minutes?

He is ranked first in the Eastern Conference during the regular season and yet he still fucks the main player.

Jiang Hao remembered that Rose had torn a ligament once and was still on the court during garbage time. He was injured in the last minute. This shows that Thibodeau is really a bit messy in his employment. This guy was Yao's defensive coach at the time?

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao hesitated for a moment, not to mention that the Bulls had eight players in rotation, all of whom were the main players. Even if he got a chance in the future, he would probably start in 30 minutes as soon as he got the chance, right? ?

He forgot that this Mediterranean coach is famous for using up superstars!

Jimmy Butler and Thibodeau were both defeated by the Heat.

Riley fucked him off the court, Thibodeau fucked him on the court

Only Wiggins survived his clutches.

Jiang Hao is not Wiggins. If he is on the court, he will definitely not soak wolfberry in a thermos cup, so why not forget it?

There is no need to consider the opposite Green Army. In this game, it seems that the Green Army completely believes in the elderly, and Pierce also played 41 minutes.

Rondo is the only player they have trained. Angie and Rivers are still living in the dream of the 2008 Celtics.

However, before leaving, Jiang Hao still tried to contact Rose's agent and invited him out for a cup of coffee.

The agent thought that Jiang Hao was going to sign a contract with him to be one of his players. He came very quickly. Who didn't know that Chinese players could make money?

But as soon as Jiang Hao met, he asked to meet and chat with Ross. Is it okay? He feels that he can bring career help to Windy City Rose.

The main reason is to let Ross see if his personality and other aspects are compatible. If Ross also likes him, he can even practice with him to see what he is capable of. Then Jiang Hao will immediately send a video to Garforman to show everything about himself. of.

"Rose went to various All-Star interviews arranged by the league to canvass votes. I can't meet you tonight."

The agent said that Rose is now a superstar, and it will be difficult for him to arrange anything during the All-Star window.

But he was very surprised that Jiang Hao, a Heat player, suddenly appeared in Boston. It seemed that the rumors were true? ?

As an agent, he also suffered from an occupational disease and gave Jiang Hao some advice:

"I suggest you stay with the Heat. The Heat can train people, really."

"And Thibodeau is famous for not liking to use rookies, and he doesn't like to train rookies. Even if you jump to the Bulls, you won't have a chance. Rose said it is useless. I haven't seen this year's first-round pick Jimmy Butler. Is the bench worn? He is also a striker like you."

Jiang Hao corrected him in his mind: It can also be said that he doesn't like to use unknown rookies. He must use famous rookies from college or Rose.

Thibodeau is the least interested in the draft every year. Instead, he is very interested in trades. He always likes to trade for some well-known, passionate, defensive players, so his team after that is also mostly veterans.

Therefore, later generations hit it off with the Knicks, who also don't like to train unknown newcomers.

Thinking about it this way, if Thibodeau knew that he was a super undrafted player who could limit James offensively and defensively, would he directly use him to death?

"OK, thanks."

Thinking of this, Jiang Hao didn't say much, just like the blooming of roses is always short-lived,

This miss between him and Rose will also be beautiful. People's lives are always accompanied by regrets.

When watching the game today, he always imagined the scene where Rose would pass everything in one step and then he would rush to the inside line for an alley-oop. Now, the dream of the golden double backcourt has been shattered.

It's a pity that he can't assist the peak Rose.

Of course, Jiang Hao firmly believes that Rose will have more regrets than himself in the future.

Since then, Jiang Hao has never contacted the Bulls again.

A dog licker can't get a house, okay! !

"I must send this video first."

Jiang Hao, who took a red-eye flight back to Miami at night, fumbled with the USB flash drive in his hand and thought so.

People can't be too confident. Jaylen Williams is not lying to me.

It seems that this stage must use this video of beating James as a stepping stone. After all, it's not the offseason. All teams don't have time to watch your training on the spot. Sending a video email to let the team uniform team take a look first is the best way.

As long as they are moved, the next step will be much easier.

And this video not only contains the scene of winning the singles against James, but also the scene of the subsequent conflict video. Therefore, with this video, Jiang Hao doesn't need to go to great lengths to explain the public opinion about himself. The video can explain everything.

"Let's stop pretending. I'll post the video right after I get off the plane. I can only post it to one team!"

Jiang Hao carefully considered who to post the video to on the plane. NBA teams don't like promiscuous players, so he had to think about which team he would be most reliable to post it to.

Could it be that he was really sent to Golden State by James' fans? ?

Assisting elementary school students?

It seems OK? But the Heat has a small forward like the North Carolina Blackhawks, just like the Bulls.

To be determined!

The Thunder that the Heat will meet in the finals this season? ?

It's a good choice, and General Manager Presti is also the best at watching rookies.

It's just that the Thunder don't have enough points. The three youngsters are all big guys who eat the ball, and the front line is even more of a superstar like Durant who is both offensive and defensive. And as long as they fail to win the championship, General Manager Presti will really tear the team apart.

To be determined!

Then the Pacers? ?

The Pacers are also the team that should face the Heat in the playoffs this season, but Bojan and the Pacers are already ambiguous. I recommended Bojan to go, but he also went? It's not good to steal a friend's job, right?

To be determined!

Or should we go with the cool article template Knicks?

The Knicks were the Heat's opponent in the first round of the playoffs this season in their previous life, and after the All-Star Game, Anthony was injured and became a team where everyone was a soldier. They could also join forces with a wave of Lin? But after Anthony returned, he was...

The rotten Nicks of the pig-headed Dolan boss may not be supported by Jiang Hao.

This PASS!

Another powerful Lakers?

Forget it, this year is Kobe's last time to enter the playoffs, and it became a famous iron season. Jiang Hao would occasionally receive the ball outside the Heat's three-point line. He was afraid of catching a cold outside the Lakers' three-point line, and he really didn't pass it when chatting.


Cavaliers? For Cleveland? I'm going to ascend the throne?

Pass! ! !

David Griffin, the puppet general manager of the Cavaliers, was played to death by Rich Paul.

After a lot of thinking, Jiang Hao found that he wanted to go to a team that could beat the Heat this season!

Then such a weak team can only be PASSed, and he has not yet reached the level of being able to lead the team into the playoffs alone to fight against the Big Three.

It's just that teams with good forwards and good records basically don't want him, and they don't have time to watch him train.

Think about it this way, there is only one team left!!!

San Antonio - Spurs!

If he wants to play against the Heat in the playoffs and still have a chance to win, he has to hug his legs!

What if his level is not enough? ? ? Either continue to practice hard for a few more years, or hug his thighs! Jiang Hao said I want it all!!

The Spurs can meet all of Jiang Hao's needs at this stage.

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